New Alliance Race Speculation thickens!
Artega,Apr 19 2006, 01:52 PM Wrote:Ogres are found almost everywhere, in nearly every zone in the game.  They appear in Feralas (Gordunni) and Tanaris (Dunemaul) on Kalimdor, and probably other areas that I'm not remembering.

They would never ally themselves with the Alliance, regardless of hatred for the races of the Horde - they split from the Horde due to the Orcs' slowly regaining sanity.  The Ogres thrive on battle and bloodlust, and since the Alliance was never anything like that to begin with (and - quite frankly - are pansies compared to the Horde races, regardless of personal preference), they'd probably kill them and eat them before even bothering to say something besides a monosyllabic war cry to them.

Draenei are still - by far - looking to be the most likely race for Alliance, though they'll definitely need a facelift (Orcs and Tauren aren't pretty, but they're not nearly as ugly as the existing Draenei NPCs and mobs) if that's going to happen.  A starting zone between Redridge and Swamp of Sorrows sounds ideal, placing them near the other Alliance capitals, allowing them to branch out to Redridge and Swamp of Sorrows fairly early (perhaps make their starting zone 1-20 instead of 1-10), and giving them close proximity to the Dark Portal located in Blasted Lands.  It makes perfect sense, though I think Blizzard will be mangling their plot by making it happen.

Yeah, I forgot about the ogres in Tanaris and Feralas, goes to show how long it's been since I've been in that area... :P

Anyway, I disagree on the Ogres for one simple reason, in WC2:BtDP, there is a tribe of Ogres that help the Alliance fight the Horde. Some of that tribe may have escaped into Azeroth before Draenor was ripped asunder by the various portals that were opened.

So, there is potential for there to be Ogres that are friendly towards the Alliance.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

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Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.

Messages In This Thread
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by lfd - 04-18-2006, 11:59 PM
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by Lissa - 04-19-2006, 10:24 PM

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