I feel guilty advertising my mod here

>Remember, the players want trivial. If they can't plough through Normal with ease, they quit.

Probably, though no one can expect players who are new to the mod to instantly know and do what the vets know and do. It would be like throwing someone new to D2 straight into Baal and expecting them to know what to do right off the bat. It's not a case of watering down your work or talking down to players, but there's gotta be some starting area that newbies can learn on. And so far I think you're on the right track.

> Too many players did let the shaman stack 6 of them, then threw a fit and stomped off.

I did remember my rogue merc got roasted quite a bit, and at that level the price for resurrection wasn't trivial. So to me it wasn't just a problem for the player characters. (Although I only got killed directly twice due to firewall, in a stair ambush where there wasn't much room to manouvre. But I chalked that one up to mostly bad luck.)

The new runewords looks pretty interesting. The change to Stormtouch is a good one I think.

Messages In This Thread
I feel guilty advertising my mod here - by Hammerskjold - 03-23-2006, 05:49 PM

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