i do not play a mage, but from what i hear talking to our mages fr isn't vital for a mage in this fight. 60 should be enough. Take a fire protection potion before the encounter and all should be well. Most of our mages are either arcane power/frost or arcane/iceblock skilled. It seems to be a matter of feeling whether you think you need iceblock or want to go maxdmg.
I suggest to go heavily with +dmg in MC. Stats aren't that great, maybe a little stamina can help but it isn't really neccesary. You can get a lot of items with pure +dmg from the AH and some other dmg gear out of Scholo/Strat/BRS... I think +350dmg isn't that hard to get but it helps a lot.
Whether Crit or +dmg is better, you should do the math. What does an Frostbolt actually do in numbers? 750, 800? 2% crit is less than 2% more dmg if i am right... 2% of 800 are 16dmg... so if your frostbolts do 800 dmg +16 dmg should be better than 2% crit. Crits although do more aggro so i would prefer to minimize crit if you don't do pvp.
Hope, this helps... :rolleyes:
I suggest to go heavily with +dmg in MC. Stats aren't that great, maybe a little stamina can help but it isn't really neccesary. You can get a lot of items with pure +dmg from the AH and some other dmg gear out of Scholo/Strat/BRS... I think +350dmg isn't that hard to get but it helps a lot.
Whether Crit or +dmg is better, you should do the math. What does an Frostbolt actually do in numbers? 750, 800? 2% crit is less than 2% more dmg if i am right... 2% of 800 are 16dmg... so if your frostbolts do 800 dmg +16 dmg should be better than 2% crit. Crits although do more aggro so i would prefer to minimize crit if you don't do pvp.
Hope, this helps... :rolleyes: