I feel guilty advertising my mod here

I haven't had too much time with 1.16, since I downloaded it last night and played around for about 4 hours or so. But here's what works for me at least.

- Monster speed. Previously it wasn't uncommon for me to get waypoint \stair trap ambushed (especially in outdoor WPs). I wasn't running around challenging a big mob, but a couple of steps off the WP, an unlucky roll with respawn, add a dying curse, then it became a game of how fast I can reach the Esc key. Right now it's more manageable for Normal age chars and newb players imo.

- Shaman firewall. Some people might like it as a challenge etc, but again at that early level even with ShadowForm and 75% fire resist, it was edging close from challenging to 'this is getting a bit much'. Right now seems more balanced to my nublar self.

Overall seems to be still challenging, but the frustration factor is reduced. Other people's miles will vary. Looking forward to 1.17.

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I feel guilty advertising my mod here - by Hammerskjold - 03-22-2006, 06:56 PM

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