I feel guilty advertising my mod here
First of all, I have to say again good job on what is obviously a labour of love. There's some things in your work that is of such quality, it makes me wish I can send you back in time to work with bliz when they were originally making D2 and LoD.

>Much harder than classic LoD, but in a more 'fair' way, through tricky AI instead of one-hit kills.

It's definitely much harder comparatively, I'd say you definitely succeded if you wanted to get away from the usual LoD way of AoE slaughterfests. It's more reminiscent of D1 in the way you don't want to wake up too many monsters at one time.

I do however, slightly disagree on the lack of one hit kills. It might just be a case of semantics, but getting swarmed because of a case of bad luck in monster death respawning, produces the same result for me. Now I'm not complaining too much, since in D1 there are similar cases where getting stunlocked pretty much left you dead.

I've browsed a bit of the Median forum, and I did read the thread about the possibility of 'cuddly' alternate version to ease some new players in etc. Personally I think I still might try some more with my level 13 Amazon who seems to be getting a lot of bad luck to make it to Dark Wood passage, on Players-1 Normal even.

To be clear I definitely don't want my chars to suddenly pwnz0rr all of Normal with barely a mouse click or two, but I hope reaching the tree of Inifus won't be my crowning achievement before I decide it's simply too frustrating for my taste. Because again, there's some really great things in this mod of yours that makes LoD fresh and fun.

In any case, thanks for the mod.

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I feel guilty advertising my mod here - by Hammerskjold - 03-17-2006, 08:21 AM

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