What's the most painless way to get to Westfall?
Since this is your alt, a little bit of silver probably doesn't matter, I guess?

Then, look up in Darnassus for Mages (/who Darnassus mage), and give those higher than level 40 a (very) polite whisper.

Standard line goes like this:
"Hi! Sorry to disturb you, but I was hoping if you could do me a little favor and port me to Stormwind. Of course, I'll pay for the cost of rune."

Amazing number of mages (including my own) are known to answer "aye".

PS. My first character couldn't afford the rune (poor ol' chap!) so he made a naked suicide run all the way. :w00t:
Waltzing through the darkside ... of the lighter side of life.

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What's the most painless way to get to Westfall? - by LikeIke - 03-12-2006, 05:53 PM

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