Whisky Tango Foxtrot?!
Doc,Mar 8 2006, 11:27 PM Wrote:Oh. And to add more fuel to the fire... Women expect special laws to protect them, but also make sure these laws do not apply to them.

Case in point. Where I live, there are some very strict deadbeat dad laws. If you are a man, and miss some child support payments, they can repo your car, seize your bank accounts, garnish your wage, and arrest you and toss you in jail.

However, these laws apply to men! There are no deadbeat mother laws for the women that lose custody of their kids to their husbands, but then refuse to pay child support, and very little is done to punish the women, because somehow, in spite of being deadbeat mothers, they are somehow made out to be the victim in these cases, and somehow it's never their fault they missed a few payments. The father is just being an "oppressive male" who is continuing to be abusive and controlling even though the relationship is over. There are even support groups for women who have lost custody of their kids and have to pay child support, support groups that fill the woman's head with garbage about why she shouldn't have to pay and why she shouldn't pay. But if men had these same organisations, oh dear God, we would never hear the end of it.

So, to sum it all up... When a woman asks for child support, it is because she is a woman... And she needs the money to take care of her kids. It is expected. It is her right... But a man asks for that same money, and he is being abusive and controlling and intruding on a woman's right to live her own life free of male tyranny.

Now that I think about it, it really is a whale of a double standard. The whole situation needs to be cleaned up.

From the South Carolina Code of Laws Title 20: Domestic Relations

Quote:SECTION 20-7-90. Obligation to support spouse and children.

(A) Any able-bodied person capable of earning a livelihood who shall, without just cause or excuse, abandon or fail to provide reasonable support to his or her spouse or to his or her minor unmarried legitimate or illegitimate child dependent upon him or her shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be imprisoned for a term of not exceeding one year or be fined not less than three hundred dollars nor more than one thousand five hundred dollars, or both, in the discretion of the circuit court. A husband or wife abandoned by his or her spouse is not liable for the support of the abandoning spouse until such spouse offers to return unless the misconduct of the husband or wife justified the abandonment. If a fine be imposed the circuit court may, in its discretion, order that a portion of the fine be paid to a proper and suitable person or agency for the maintenance and support of the defendant's spouse or minor unmarried legitimate or illegitimate child. As used in this section "reasonable support" means an amount of financial assistance which, when combined with the support the member is reasonably capable of providing for himself or herself, will provide a living standard for the member substantially equal to that of the person owing the duty to support. It includes both usual and unusual necessities.

(B) Any person who fails to receive the support required by this section may petition to a circuit court of competent jurisdiction for a rule to show cause why the obligated person should not be required to provide such support and after proper service and hearing the circuit court shall in all appropriate cases order such support to be paid. Any such petition shall specify the amount of support required. Compliance with the circuit court order shall bar prosecution under the provisions of subsection (A) of this section.

On the subject of wage garnishment for child support:


SECTION 20-7-1315. Withholding of income to secure payment of support obligations; definitions; procedures; fines.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Order for support" means any order of a court or an administrative agency of competent jurisdiction which provides for periodic payments of funds for the support of a child or maintenance of a spouse or former spouse and support of a child, whether temporary or final, whether incidental to a proceeding for divorce, separation, separate maintenance, paternity, guardianship, or otherwise and includes any order providing for a modification of support payment of an arrearage or reimbursement of support.

The law is applicable to men and women. The fact may remain that there are more deadbeat dads than moms but they both seem to be equally punishable in the eyes of South Carolina's laws.


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