Well well well. Many of you are pirates now.
Doc,Feb 16 2006, 08:32 AM Wrote:Ripping your own CDs to your iPod is now against the law.

So all those people that condemn piracy, and all those people that took pot shots at me for my stance on piracy, be good little drones and go erase your mp3s. Clear your iPods and your music player. And your computer hard drive of all your precious music files.

And for everybody that supports a little piracy here and there, keep on rockin in the free world.

Apparently, we no longer own something we paid for. We just paid out all that money to borrow it for a while. Or something. But clearly it is not ours to do as we please with.

That is a filing, not a ruling. I agree the legal battle to record music for personal use needs to be re engaged, just as the tape from an album needed to be fought, and the VHS battle. Remember those guys who represented BNETD? Send them donations, so they can take the battle to the courts.

Thanks for your "sky is falling" approach. To respond in kind, with hyperbole, I will suggest you go steal some more music somewhere, load all your guns, stock up on canned food and bottled water, barricade your doors, and wait for the Feds to come and get you. The ATF -- Audio Task Force -- will doubtless be pounding down your door, and will turn your house into the South Carolina version of Koresh martyrdom. By the way, you better turn off your computer, they are watching you!!!!

The Branch Doctorian Compound will become part of Whacko lore, to go along with WACO lore.


Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

Messages In This Thread
Well well well. Many of you are pirates now. - by Occhidiangela - 02-16-2006, 03:07 PM
Well well well. Many of you are pirates now. - by Guest - 02-16-2006, 04:09 PM

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