02-03-2006, 11:05 PM
nobbie,Feb 3 2006, 04:59 PM Wrote:Yet Druids will NEVER become obsolete because healers are ALWAYS rare for raids ;)Rarer for 5 mans than for raids with our alliance on Stormrage. Druids have a better chance at being asked to heal on the smaller runs than on much of the 40 man raids. We've got tons of priests, druids and pallies. The druids don't get a chance to do more than a HoT here and there, except for in Ony when they can time their heals just right to have them land before the other healers can heal the main tank. ;) Hell, even some of the priests (and not just the shadow specced one) we bring along don't get much chance to heal in MC, except for some of the boss fights. We let our shadow priest stay in shadow form and just count him as one of the DPS casters, unless things go really wrong. Number of healers is definitely not one of the issues on most raid nights for us.
However, I still agree that druids will never become obsolete because there are still smaller raids/5 mans out there where druids will need to be able to heal too. There is still more to this game than just at level 60. :P
Intolerant monkey.