Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks
I've seen a lot of ideas and a lot of "liked the good 'ol days" or "hated the good 'ol days". Pre honor of any kind PvP at least on Terenas was pretty fun. It was the mindless killing that I would also participate in with Lurkers in D2, and just quit when I was done. I do miss that.

Honor brought in constant town raids. TM for a time was impossible to quest out of. This "good 'ol day" I don't miss and I'm glad battle grounds solved it.

DKs do have to be modified. Once you aggro a civ the only way to get rid of it is to run. Running from a level 15 when you were happily fighting 30 level 55s is just dumb.

As for town modivation for raiding the "town capture" is a bad bad bad idea. It should always stay the faction town even if it's been cleared. Maybe your server of choice is balanced but some servers have a 60/40 split or worse making it impossible to take back towns (see TM being unquestable for the duration between the introductin of honor and BGs). A good -realistic- reward for taking a city should be you loot the city! The other side has shops and quest reward items, you should be able to loot these when you sack the town. Make the quest items a 1 time loot so it's not farmed but this would be a great modivation for items that just arent avalible to the opposite faction.

Messages In This Thread
Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks - by Sir_Die_alot - 01-31-2006, 04:05 PM

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