Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks
MongoJerry,Jan 30 2006, 04:05 PM Wrote:What needs to be added is capturable towns and graveyards.  That is, there should be towns whose entire existance is to be constant battlegrounds going back and forth between the factions.  When your side captures the town, you get quests, special vendors, etc.  If your side doesn't own the town, you need to organize a group to recapture it if you want to do those particular quests and use those vendors.  It's possible that like the mines in Alterac Valley that the town reverts to a neutral state after a time if one side or the other doesn't keep a vigil at the town.  The idea of this is to give a real tangible reward for doing PvP.  And, unlike CP farming where you're really competing against your own side rather than your supposed enemy, this would be something that lets you fight for something for your side and against the enemy faction -- as it should be.

This idea right here, is what I thought PvP should be. I'd PvP if this was the case.

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Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks - by Pesmerga - 01-30-2006, 08:10 PM

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