Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks
Artega,Jan 29 2006, 10:46 PM Wrote:Fourth, there's no real incentive, beyond the fun to be had.  While I wish it were as simple as doing it for sheer fun, it would be hard to get enough people to really go at it over a town without some kind of incentive, be it loot, Honor, or something in between...

Next, something needs to be done about the guards.  Currently, they're little more than a breakwater and an annoyance; they're a complete nonthreat to anyone geared even in UBRS blues, and only serve to make several AE-capable casters necessary for extended town raids.  Our solution is fairly simple: replace the zergspawn guards that come about from killing the initial roaming guards with stronger, Elite guards that are far fewer in number.

It's interesting that you use the term "world PvP" with town raids interchangeably. For me, world PvP was very little about town raids, and in fact I campaigned heavily for a guard system, especially in the goblin towns, so that those towns would become the sanctuaries that they're supposed to be. Having potential customers battling each other in town is bad for goblin business, after all. In that sense, I like a lot of the additions they've made to make goblins more powerful like adding nets and range attacks and then making the guards in Cenarian Hold elite and powerful. In fact, I wish they'd close some of the loopholes in the goblin towns to make it even harder to fight inside the towns.

Towns ought to be neutral ground that's closely regulated and guarded by the occupants. World PvP, on the other hand, happens out in the world. The best world PvP I experienced was in 5-man groups roaming the Kargath-Searing Gorge-Blackrock Mountain-Burning Steppes corridor. *That* was a lot of fun, and I do miss that.

Quote:Next, we still need incentive for these town raids.  In capital cities, we have racial leaders: why not have Commanders for the larger towns (such as Southshore, Tarren Mill, Stonard, Theramore Isle, and so forth)?  While allowing basic and the new Elite guards to give CP would lead to CP farming in towns (which would just be a resurfacing of the initial release of the Honor System, before Warsong Gulch came about), why not have a Commander and some special guards spawn in response to a major assault on the town?

You're right that there needs to be an incentive, but CP isn't the way to go. What needs to be added is capturable towns and graveyards. That is, there should be towns whose entire existance is to be constant battlegrounds going back and forth between the factions. When your side captures the town, you get quests, special vendors, etc. If your side doesn't own the town, you need to organize a group to recapture it if you want to do those particular quests and use those vendors. It's possible that like the mines in Alterac Valley that the town reverts to a neutral state after a time if one side or the other doesn't keep a vigil at the town. The idea of this is to give a real tangible reward for doing PvP. And, unlike CP farming where you're really competing against your own side rather than your supposed enemy, this would be something that lets you fight for something for your side and against the enemy faction -- as it should be.

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Guards, Civilians, and Why Outdoor PvP Sucks - by MongoJerry - 01-30-2006, 08:05 PM

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