Can't use some hotkeys to drink potions
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but while I'm holding down the SHIFT key (in order to stay still), I can't drink the potions from slots 2 & 8.
I can still drink them by using the mouse or releasing SHIFT, but that just ain't practical. :(
This happens to me in both Diablo, Hellfire and all their mods, but not in D2.
It happens on all language settings!

I use a standard 101-key PC PS/2 keyboard (BTC;Model: 5121 CR/SL), Croatian keyboard layout.

I know you people aren't tech support, but has anyone else encountered this problem/bug(?) and knows how to solve it?

P.S. When I press "6" while holding SHIFT I drink the potion from slot 7. :blink:
It is a myth that the hair and nails grow after death! The skin shrinks, giving the illusion of their growth.

When J.F.K. was assassinated in 1963, it was not a federal felony to kill a U.S. President.

The leading cause of death to military personnel in peace time is drunk driving.

It would take more than 2.5 minutes to fall from the top of Mt. Everest.

0xDECAFBAD is a hex oddity, a coincidence of hexadecimal digits which just happens to hold some incidental semantic content to weird humans.
My guess is it's because you're running an unusual keyboard layout. The Diablo code implements drinking with shift in a slightly weird way: keyboard aliases. Specifically, ! drinks potion 1, @ drinks potion 2, # drinks potion 3, etc. If you've somehow remapped ^ (shift-6) to some other key, then potion 6 won't be picked. If you can, try switching to an en-US, en-GB, or similar mapping and see if the problem persists. Also verify that we have the same keyboard symbols: 12345678 = !@#$%^&* -- and in that order.

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