fire warlock
Having hit 60 and played the character in several instances, my final build looks like this. Basically I dropped pyroclasm which freed up two points. 1 of those went into Improved Firebolt. This left me with 11 points for demonology which meant I could get Fel Domination. Some would say its pretty useless without Master Summoner, but I've noticed times where being able to resummon a pet relatively quickly has prevented a wipe. I've also not put any points into improving my voidwalker and instead put them into improving my imp and my healthstones. I've noticed that I basically never use my voidwalker so points there were a waste. I normally run around with my imp out and when I'm not doing that, I have my succubus out to seduce things. The healthstone points are just basically needed to get to the next tier and I figure that since I always give them to the whole party and that they get used a decent amount, that the talent is worthwhile. Not sure its something that will really make a difference, but it doesn't feel like a waste to me.

So yeah, thats the build I'm sticking with. No more respecs for me. : )
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this in the thread yet, but the Improved Firebolt is bugged. The first point works correctly, and increases the imp's DPS to 90ish. The second point, though, only reduces casting time by .1 seconds instead of the listed .5 seconds.
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Zippyy,Dec 2 2005, 10:15 AM Wrote:I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this in the thread yet, but the Improved Firebolt is bugged.  The first point works correctly, and increases the imp's DPS to 90ish

The burst DPS with improved firebolt rank 1, and imp rank 3 talent is 99 dps. All will be reduced once the 1.9 nerf comes in.

Solid build swirly. Much improved than what you had proposed earlier--and the healthstones do make a difference. I do not know if this feature will continue, but players can hold different talent improved versions of healthstones. So, a MT can carry a +20%, a +10% and a regular Healthstone.

Another improved pet route would've been to improve lash of pain and succubus, but that's only if you value her as much as your imp. She is an excellent pet, and I've had those very talents in place before--very very fun.

Don't listen to naysayers about fel domination, it rocks hard even without Master Summoning. Demonology that go far enough down to Master summoning should always get it however.
Drasca,Dec 2 2005, 01:23 PM Wrote:All will be reduced once the 1.9 nerf comes in.

what nerf precious

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