Respec for my priest.
Xanthix,Mar 11 2005, 02:12 PM Wrote:I can comment a little.

Thanks for the feedback. You make some very good points. I like flash heals most of the time, and now that I've played my priest at least a few hours I've noticed that soloing I shield for heals also.

I will consider other options for those 7 points.

As far as Holy Spec, with my significant investment in shadow, will I be doing a lot of holy damage still while soloing? In the group I will not be focusing on damage. I had assumed once I get mind flay/mind blast I'd be using them more for damage while soloing. Mana efficiency looks similar, and mind flay has that lovely slow effect, not to mention the possibility of blackout triggering.
vor_lord,Mar 11 2005, 04:06 PM Wrote:As far as Holy Spec, with my significant investment in shadow, will I be doing a lot of holy damage still while soloing?  In the group I will not be focusing on damage.  I had assumed once I get mind flay/mind blast I'd be using them more for damage while soloing.  Mana efficiency looks similar, and mind flay has that lovely slow effect, not to mention the possibility of blackout triggering.

I think Xanthix was suggesting holy spec, because it improves the chance of getting critical heals. Basically, it's a way to give +5% chance to crit on all those flash heals you've been casting.
MongoJerry,Mar 11 2005, 06:38 PM Wrote:I think Xanthix was suggesting holy spec, because it improves the chance of getting critical heals.  Basically, it's a way to give +5% chance to crit on all those flash heals you've been casting.

Aha! I've seen this question asked elsewhere but not answered (that holy spec increases heal crit chance). So that definitely seems worth it, better than improved renew, especially for a flash healer (crit on a greater heal seems like a waste).

Thank you both for your advice.

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