Another Guild Wars Beta Event
Drasca,Jan 11 2005, 07:49 PM Wrote:Its possible it was a short bow, or the like.

Different bow types have different ranges and marksmanship requirements. That part is for certain. Attack speed differences... not sure.

The bows actually do have varying attack speeds. I kept using the Short Bow 'cause I'm an old Speedazon addict :D .

The Basiners have a good thread about bows in general:

Quote:Triggerhappy, what was your guild wars name? I used Mentat Drasca, Mesmer/Warrior for most of last weekend.

I had two characters. One for PvP (Created at lvl20) and one for PvE (created at level 1 and played through to 14).

The PvP Character was Merc Spheroid. The PvE Character was Lurker Ward.

I didn't see any other lurkers around, but did see some Basiners just before they went off to a mission. Mostly I played with my own gaming group, Hansen's Roughriders [HRR].
Wyrm,Jan 11 2005, 07:58 PM Wrote:PPS, was anyone else around for the dev team finale at the end of the event?
Do you mean this at 12am PST? The hippie party by the fire pit? The devs were able to make everyone, jump, cheer, and dance in unison. Pretty funny.

[Image: gw008.jpg]
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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