The End Is Near
Clicky -->

A question remains due to the unlucky time/date of the post: Is the ladder reset today (Thursday) or Friday?
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Diablo II General Discussion | The End is near… | 7/8/2004 3:21:01 AM WEDT

A warning to all Diablo Ladder players - that Diablo II Season 1 Ladder will be reset tomorrow.

Downtime for will begin around 11:30 (UTC) time.
The official Coundown ;)

Clicky! -->

By the way, the UTC time zone offset for GERMANY (Berlin) is 2 hours because of the summer time!
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
I just skimmed through that thread, and now my brain hurts!

I may well miss the first day or so. Wondering whether it includes a 1.11 patch, though.

-- CH

Thanks for the news.

I will miss it too. For me it looks quite strange that a "sufficient notice" as stated by the same blizz employee in a previous post is 1 single day

Anyway, have a good reset,

It seems the reset will be at 11:30 _PM_ GMT/UTC today (23:30). So, the reset should take place at about 1:30 AM tonight (Berlin time (Germany)) :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Last official word (Ladder reset will be TODAY) ;)


Gateway: WoW

3. Re: NEW LADDER START | 7/8/2004 3:00:58 GMDT

The ladders will be reset on July 8, 2004. The servers will be going down around 4:30 PM PDT.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Hmm, first it's one time then another...sounds very definite :lol:
"MHein" of Blizzard just posted the official reset time. It's at 4:30 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time) or 11:30 PM GMT/UTC:


PST = GMT/UTC minus 8 hours; "MHein" meant PDT though, which is just GMT/UTC minus 7 hours
Berlin (Germany) time = GMT/UTC plus 2 hours (due to the summer time)

So, the ladder reset on Europe/Germany takes place at about 1:30 h in the morning :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
US West has been reset already. No patch 1.11, though ....
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
For record keepers, I got booted off at 4:40 PM on US West
Interesting, ladder reset like 6 hours ago, and there are already lvl 95 characters in both soft and hardcore. /me smells a cheat :P (this is not really statistically possible as it'd take more than 6 hours of hell baal runs to get from level 90 to 95. :P)

edit: Euro
What ever could you mean? :P

USEast has a level 96 already. And I swear it must be legit. ;)

Since I don't know where else to post this, and seeing that it'd be an utter waste to start a new topic on this:

After an official 20-30 seconds of playing 1.10 Season 2 Ladder, I quit. I've gotten so used to single player in the last few months, plus the idea of starting fresh after sitting high atop my mound of items collected over 3 years of play, that I just don't see a point. Plus watching my necromancer and his poor little skeleton desynch two times in blood moor killed my motivation.

Like most lurkers I'm always up for a good game on bnet, but without a friend around to play with my multiplayer days of D2 are definately passed.

As much as I'm sickened by the experience, oddly enough I don't hold it against blizzard. It's just a natural evolution of a game within the world we live in today.

Anyone else already disenfranchised? ;)

Yup and for the same reasons.

I'd like to stick around to look at the new runewords (23 -5 already revealed), but the only way to know them is for Blizz to spill the beans....and that will probably take tooooo long. I mean you know that a release is coming, you know that there are changes, yet preparing a webpage ahead of time......

The only reason I started up again is to try out Wine Diablo and those tests are pretty much done anyway....
I've already made that decision to quit Diablo 2. The only thing remains is the desire to somehow archive my characters. After all, I did put a lot of effort into creating them, so I would like keep them... Logging in every three months is a real pain.
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
After a hiatus from diablo 2 I noticed a good amount of friends who have decided to take up the game. Some of them have gone far- some are very close to the top of the ladder.

Unfourtunately all of them are simply obsessed with finding the character with the fastest killing power. There's nothing wrong with that until you realize some of them don't even play the game- they use bots and apparently when they do play use every cheat that I would imagine of... There's no space for me there- I don't play with cheaters. But I guess some people will do whatever it takes. Unforunately, I am just convinced that a great deal of the ladder climbers aren't legit at all... as those people that I know have devoted nearly all of their waking hours to the game. Since they are on the top of the ladder, I simply cannot fathom how any team (yes, it must be a team) can be near the ladder and play legitly. :(

From what I hear, there seem to be only four classes in the game- Sorc, Necro, Paladin, and maybe Assasins. Apparently, nobody will even bother trading for something like a Windforce...

I know that people will only stick with the "best" classes. "Best" as in what the populace thinks is, of course. I know there will be cheaters. It has always been like that.

But I am just simply disappointed. The game balance seems to be worse than before. I don't know a single person in real life who plays the game currently and doesn't cheat. Hell, I don't even know if anyone on my friend's list doesn't cheat.

I click on the Join Game screen. I see no quests at all. It was never that bad. If I made an "Act 1 gogog" game someone would eventualy join. Or maybe after a few retries. No luck here. 20 minutes later I'm still alone with the exception of someone that joined and left. There are NO such games. I don't ever recall it being this bad before. Never. There are all games that feature runs. Sure, the runs are in more varied locations, but it's a bit hard to runs when you don't have anyone to fight with you through the actual game.

I was quite impressed at the beginning of season one. There was actualy cooperative play on a large scale. I knew it could not last, as what I saw now I predicted long ago, as a natural evolution of the d2 community. Maybe it really isn't that bad, but I'm just no longer tolerant of it. (Come on, I found more cooperative play in 1.09 then now) I guess I've learned too much about the bad side of, since it emcompasses 99% of it.

I do not blame Blizzard. They might have been able to do more, but there's nothing one can do about the nature of the beast that is the online d2 community.

Diablo 2 is uninstalled from my system. I do not think I will ever play this game again. There have been many nice memories of this game, but there's no way I can go back to them. I feel it wasn't a waste of time to play D2. When I stopped playing in Feburary, I felt that there is nothing more to accomplish in the game. I've never had the uber items, nor top ladder posistion ranking except for a brief moment of glory on the hc ladder when ladder first started. I've never taken a character past level 90 nor have created every possible variant. However, I have created a number of characters of diffrent classes and skills and have felt mostly satisified with what I have done with them. I had seen their skills developed and decked out in halfway decent gear. Surely, I had never come close of becoming godly or achieving perfection, but I just felt I don't care. My characters have all expired, and that might be a good thing- let others take up the fight against Diablo's minions.

It's possible that I just realized that there's nothing more that I want to do in this game. Like some say, everything that has a beginning must have an end. This experience might have just showed me the end for me is here. No hard feelings, :)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Hi Archon_Wing,

While I agree with you in general, you said one thing that puzzled me:

Quote:From what I hear, there seem to be only four classes in the game- Sorc, Necro, Paladin, and maybe Assasins.
I know that people will only stick with the "best" classes. "Best" as in what the populace thinks is, of course.

To me it seems that in the old ladder at least, various classes were quite successful.

US-EAST Expansion Overall

1 GlacierPhoenix sor 99
2 RaX-MChammer pal 99
3 Kane_Hodder bar 99
4 BlondFmaBottle ama 99
5 Warriv-Jr dru 99
6 HaoYunQi ass 99
7 humjomi sor 99
9 HassH pal 99
10 MarioBros dru 99

(from the Arreat Summit, the old ladder standings)

Also, deleting/uninstalling DII from my hard drive is something I'm not going to do in the near future. I've had three games continuously installed on my systems for the last 4 years now, and those have been Diablo (Hellfire), Quake III Arena and DiabloII (LoD). They are just the best in multiplayer when school friends meet again to play a little over LAN, and it seems as if they won't age. Then again, I've not seen the need to buy a new game since I've had them...

Greetings, Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
Ah, that comment was based on hearsay from what I took from the ladder runners I was talking with. I generally do not follow the opinions of the community, although I found it disheartenting that nobody would want a Windforce (!) (or any bow for that matter) In my viewing of the public games my friends played, there seemed to be a severe lack of certain classes (Maybe they intended it that way)

Speaking of bows, the last time I played, they absolutely ruined the Goldstrike Arch by having a stupid timer everytime Fist of the heavens is cast. <_<

A news item on suggests that the many cheaters use certain classes due to the unfair advantage these cheats give them. (Thus, that would help explain why certain classes are more popular) In that case, just ignore everything I said on the matter. Perhaps others can deliver further insight into the matter.

And certainly, many people around here and I know better that more classes are viable then the "Pwnzor FO sorc" These would be the cases in which I would love to be proven wrong.

I could always reinstall Diablo 2 if something along the line of a Great Awakening happens. :P
As for other games I can play with my friends, I'll always have Starcraft and hopefully soon, Warcraft 3.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
You want to talk cheating? <-- link to forum.

In the thread, someone is trying to sell their hard-earned Annilus charm, and is being laughed at and ridiculed for offering just one when there are hundreds of other players offering 10-20 annilus-charms. Apparently, this is not the works of dupers, but people who have found a way to locate DiabloClone-games.

What do people need so many Annilus-charms for anyway? Do people really have that many characters? It's like stocking up on SOJs. Utterly pointless!
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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