Ive got a mono-tree sorc with Max Fbolt/Fball/Meteor/FM and its used exclusively for meph runs. Aslong as you have a decent FHR and FCR you should be able to tele around like a maniac till you find lvl3. Then if you do the river trick on old Meph and meteor the hell outta him.

Been doing piles of meph runs and only die on occasion if i land in the middle of a bunch of Ogre type things and I get majorly stunned.

I'm pondering the blizzard thing, but i guess it makes no difference as on a meph run I kill nothing but meph :)
a55of rot13

539 tbh

Don't think cos i understand... i care
Don't think cos we're talkin... we're friends

*shavenlunatic - Europe
er...1 question.. why would any1 waste 40 skill points on Fbolt and fball? unless theres a new patch and i missed out on it again...
Gnem Eehc is actually Gnem Eehc.
Patch 1.10 has been out for quite a while now. Every point in fire bolt and fire ball will give you +5% meteor damage synergy.
plus the synergy returns itself back to fireball, about 8,000 damage per fireball once im skilled up.. and firing a few of those a second isnt too shabby :)
a55of rot13

539 tbh

Don't think cos i understand... i care
Don't think cos we're talkin... we're friends

*shavenlunatic - Europe

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