Quote:Iceblink: Ice Blink has a 13-50% Chance to work. Ice Blink works with Ranged Weapons. This is not displayed on the item.
Freeze Time in seconds = (100 + CharacterLevel*2)/25
The minimum Freeze Duration (at Character Level 1) would be 4.08 seconds, and maximum (at level 99) would be 11.92 seconds. Freeze Length is reduced to 1/2 and 1/4 on Nightmare and Hell.

If the AS is correct (why would it be?), this would mean that Iceblink works differently from all the oter items. Is this truly the case?
What are you talking about? Has a chance to wokr??? Isn't it an armor?
The AS is wrong. Iceblink simply has Freezes target +1 and works like any other item with Freezes target +1.
The chance the attribute "Freezes Target" will work is what he is talking about.
Quote: The AS is wrong. Iceblink simply has Freezes target +1 and works like any other item with Freezes target +1.

Thanks. Just as I suspected :(
in english it means, for example you know those pesky devil kin and the like with shamans, they revive when the sham. does a certain guesture, but anyways it freezes the target when hit and when killed it shatters the body, its a quite helpful armor.
"We need some sharp Object. Think, your formor self must have known of something that was sharp!"
"Here, this is sharp!"
"What is that! A butter knife? I will spread my evil and curruption with a Butter knife? What will we do, cover the place with butter so they all die of High Cholesterol?"
"We could try to"
"no you idiot we could NOT try"
Taken from "Hello Cthulhu" Page 12

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