Assassin Confusion
Since I never play Assassin, I know very very little about them.
I didn't play the assassin for philosophical reasons, I play a thief in the D&D world but I tended to be a "honest crook" (yes, oxymoron here). I will steal from you, back stab you, lie to you, cheat you and kill you if needed but to assassinate someone. NO WAY! I have standards of self-respect to live up to.

Anyways, enough of the gibberish. Onto my question confusion.

Tiger Strike [slvl 1]: 3 Charges
Charge 1: 100% ED
Charge 2: 200% ED
Charge 3: 300% ED

Kick (ie. Dragon Talon [slvl 1]): 5% ED
Does this mean that?

Assume Charge 1 is used.
Assume Greaves for boots (damage 10-20).
Assume 1 Blade Talons with Shield (damage 10-14)
Assume 100 Str and 100 Dex (for easy math).

Is there any interaction between Tiger Strike and Kick?
If so, how does it work?

From Arreat Summit
Quote:Kick Damage
MinDamage=(str+dex-20)/4)*(100+skill_bonus)/100 + BootMinDam*(100+str*StrBonus/100+skill_bonus)/100

MaxDamage=(str+dex-20)/3)*(100+skill_bonus)/100 + BootMaxDam*(100+str*StrBonus/100+skill_bonus)/100

Step 1:
MinDamage=((100+100-20)/4)*(100+5)/100 + 10*(100+100*StrBonus/100+5)/100
MaxDamage=((100+100-20)/3)*(100+5)/100 + 20*(100+100*StrBonus/100+5)/100

What is the StrBonus?

Step 2:
MinDamage=45*(1.05) + 10*(1.05 + StrBonus/100)
MaxDamage=60*(1.05) + 20*(1.05 + StrBonus/100)

Step 3:
MinDamage=47.25 + 10.5 + StrBonus/10
MinDamage=63 + 21 + 2*StrBonus/10

I hope I did the math correctly, it is very late at night and I am in unfamilar territory here.

Edit: spelling
[Image: ThiefLogo.jpg]

"What cannot kill you, isn't worth fighting." - Anon.
Chameleon, The Lost Thief *Fades away into the darkness*
Well, since you're using claws, would you replace the strength bonus with strength and dexterity bonus (.75% per point). Basically, what I am trying to say is: does the kick actually use 1% per point in strength, or is it based off of the weapon you use?

What I do know, however, is that Tiger Strike does apply, but only for the first kick.

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