"So, would you recommend Might or Thorns for this build?"

I would say, yes. I would recommend Might and thorns for this build. This is my second post ever here (my first was several years ago, before the closing of this site). So, greetings everyone! :)

Im only playing singleplayer heavily twinked (Nobbies library someone?) so money is of no concern to me. So, if you are rich AND you play 1.10, THEN a suggestion would be that you get a Might merc AND you put on him the runeword Bramble (I think its called). Bramble armor gives up to lvl 21 thorns. Combine this with some nice +skill items and the might merc's thorns aura lvl could easily exceed a thorns merc aura (capped at lvl 17 I think it is).

My skelliemancer (with uber items) uses this setup and maybe it should be nerfed a bit? Hell mode 8 pplr games is a stroll in the park. But maybe again, they intented it to be easy with uber items and a good char strategy?

But of course, the game is much funnier now! :)

Of course, I wont stop there. My might merc uses the Doom runeword, which gives lvl 12 Holy Freeze. A question; the runeword Doom gives +2 skills, does this mean that it will be lvl 14 HF?

Of course, I wont stop there either. An Iron Golem made of the runeword Beast gives lvl 9 Fanaticism aura.

Of course, this is a extremely expensive setup. But look at it:
Might aura by merc at skill lvl 29 when maxed (hard to get such a high lvl, though), lvl 12 HF doom, lvl 21 thorns Bramble, lvl 9 fana Iron Golem.
Add in +6 (?) skills and I assure you, the game is easy again. :unsure:

My skelliemancer is, quite brutal indeed.

I have a question; if I hire a Might merc at level 1 (heavily rushed) will he be better than a might merc hired at say, lvl 23? Better stats/higher aura lvls or so?

Shade,Sep 17 2003, 01:22 AM Wrote:...reading monstats.txt from 1.10s results in some weird numbers (like fallen1 has 50hp and 50-90 damage regardless of difficulty). There must be some kind of multiplier, but what is it?
Yes, there is a multiplier indeed, stored in molvl.txt (indexed by monster's level):

MinHP(normal) = monstat.minHP{monster} * monlvl.L-HP[level] / 100
MaxHP(normal) = monstat.maxHP{monster} * monlvl.L-HP[level] / 100

For NM/Hell, use L-HP(N) or L-HP(H) columns correspondently. For Realm non-Ladder games use columns without 'L-' prefix.

brutalizer,Sep 21 2003, 04:37 PM Wrote:I have a question; if I hire a Might merc at level 1 (heavily rushed) will he be better than a might merc hired at say, lvl 23? Better stats/higher aura lvls or so?
No. Only difficulty where you hire matter, not his level.

brutalizer,Sep 21 2003, 11:37 PM Wrote:Bramble armor gives up to lvl 21 thorns. Combine this with some nice +skill items and the might merc's thorns aura lvl could easily exceed a thorns merc aura (capped at lvl 17 I think it is).
IIRC +skills does not affect the auras granted by armors, as it isn't giving you a level 17 aura but the armor emits it.

Same with the Doom; the +2 skills doesn't make it a slvl14 Holy Freeze, it remains at slvl 12.
Quote:Yes, there is a multiplier indeed, stored in molvl.txt (indexed by monster's level):

MinHP(normal) = monstat.minHP{monster} * monlvl.L-HP[level] / 100
MaxHP(normal) = monstat.maxHP{monster} * monlvl.L-HP[level] / 100

For NM/Hell, use L-HP(N) or L-HP(H) columns correspondently. For Realm non-Ladder games use columns without 'L-' prefix.

Are SP games treated as Ladder games? And what about monsters' damage?
Shade,Sep 23 2003, 02:21 AM Wrote:Are SP games treated as Ladder games?
Yes. And TCP/IP as well - everything except Realm non-ladder (which is not available, of course, until 1.10 final released).

Quote:And what about monsters' damage?
The same thing (sorry, don't remeber corresponding column names from the top of my head).

Thank you, Epi. That was helpful - column was called L-DM(H).

On the topic - let us compare effect of Thorns and Might. We are not taking into account physical resist of monster here, since it's presence doesn't change things much - in both cases it applies same way.

One skeleton slvl20 with slvl20 mastery has 124-127 damage and 559 hp. One skeleton slvl25 with slvl25 mastery has 203-205 damage and 755 hp. Slvl 15 Might increases physical damage by 180%. Slvl 15 Thorns returns 810% damage.

According to monstats.txt AND monlvl.txt, next five monsters (their choice was somewhat random) - fallen, scarab, fetish, doom kinght and blood lord (fallen1, scarab1, fetish2, doomknight1, bloodlord1) have
montype HPavg DMGavg Thdmg
fallen1 1644 51 416
scarab1 4425 70 568
fetish2 3737 69 558
doomknight1 7724 102 828
bloodlord1 15449 106 866

where HPavg - average hps of monster, and DMGavg - average damage of monster, Thdmg - damage, returned to monster by Thorns aura.

Under influence of slvl15 Might aura single skeleton does damage
slvl20 with slvl20 Mastery - 351 average
slvl25 with slvl25 Mastery - 571 average.

At first, it seems that Thorns aura is much better in case of 20-th slvls, and equal in case 25-th. And that is true - in case of one skeleton vs. one monster fight. Thorns damage is listed without damage of skeleton itself.
But let me ask - how many times have you seen shuch fight (except Act 1 Normal, of course).
But if two or more skeletons simultaneosily hit one monster, Might is better.

If you are tired of reading all this, I'll say it in two words - Thorns is good, but Might is even better.

Another question is still remains open - I can definitely say, that skeleton mages benefit from Thorns aura (then they are hit, of course). Does Might aura increase damage of skeleton mages?

P.S. Is there a way to make good looking tables on this forum?
Shade,Sep 23 2003, 08:27 PM Wrote:Another question is still remains open - I can definitely say, that skeleton mages benefit from Thorns aura (then they are hit, of course). Does Might aura increase damage of skeleton mages?
Might does not improve skeletal mage damage, but does improve revive damage, assuming the revive uses a physical attack
Snorelax, thanks for the info!!! Come to think of it, it sounds very plausible. Hmmm... :( This changes my merc equipment plans a bit...
Still, this setup makes the game easy! :)


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