Linux and Diablo
I recently changed over from Windows to Linux (Red Hat 8) . I can get the game to run, but no video. I get the initial blizzard/Blizzard North vidoes, but once the game starts I get a black screen. I can hear the sound effects of menu options changing. Any help would be appreciated. You can email me at Thanks.
Well, it "sorta" works. Normal Wine, afaik, is not yet able to play Diablo (as of build 20030813). WineX, on the other hand runs it..."sorta".

First of all, any version less than 3, forget about it. I've never gotten the game to come up with anything but 3, and 3.1 made some big improvements.

That said, you'll probably get a menu like this:

(if any of the images fail to load, just do the "copy the link into the browser" trick...was just the closest webspace I had)

You'll have to feel your way around the menus, unfortunately :-/ Also, if you choose (patch outside of the game!), you'll have to manually select your Gateway by editting a registry file. Fortunately, it isn't too complicated. Just head to your .winex directory (in your home dir), and edit userdef.reg (almost positive that's the name. Just look for the .reg file with "uswest, useast, etc" in the text ;) ) Remove any references to the Gateways you don't want (leaving just one), and you're set.

Just to prove it works :)

Just a note, is FAR from stable.

Good luck ;)

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