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Should Have Had Hungry Man? - Printable Version

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Should Have Had Hungry Man? - Obi2Kenobi - 01-12-2004

Note: Some of the pictures featured in this article are graphic in nature. They may, and probably will, cause bloating, vomiting, indigestion and/or nasea. Viewer discretion is advised. :o

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - WarLocke - 01-12-2004

Yeah, X-E is great. Matt's drama stories starring Skeletor never fail to crack me up. Oh, and the one with Kang and the lego superheroes was just awesome. B)

That Hungry Man article is pretty gross, too. :(

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - Guest - 01-12-2004

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - moget? - 01-12-2004


'Nuff said.

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - DeeBye - 01-12-2004

Am I the only one here who wants to try one? Because now I'm really hungry.

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - Nystul - 01-12-2004

I've tried it probably 5 or 10 times, and I haven't keeled over yet. The sausage is rather disgusting but the rest tastes about like you would expect it to. The pancakes could really use some butter/syrup/etc, and the eggs could use some salt ;)

I think this link was previously posted here months ago. Good conversation starter.

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - Guest - 01-12-2004

The pics don't look disgusting in any way, normal food can look much worse with a little effort (that camera setting called 'macro').

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - WarLocke - 01-12-2004

Krang Goes Babysitting!

Quite possibly the funniest "article" I've ever read on X-Entertainment.

"He got out of line." :blink: :D :lol:

It should be noted that the above link contains some crude language (not a huge amount, but still).

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - DeeBye - 01-12-2004

WarLocke,Jan 12 2004, 12:38 AM Wrote:Krang Goes Babysitting!
I wish to procure for myself each and every one of these toys.

[Image: toys.jpg]

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - Nastie_Bowie - 01-12-2004

If you can't hear your arteries clogging as you eat, it probably doesn't taste very good.

Bran muffin ... yiick!

NB :rolleyes:

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - Sir_Die_alot - 01-13-2004

Quote:I wish to procure for myself each and every one of these toys.

I had just about every ninja turtle back in the day. Krang was the most boring, especially after I lost his little suit with legs. :lol:

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - Rhydderch Hael - 01-14-2004

Steve, don't eat it!

Should Have Had Hungry Man? - WarLocke - 01-14-2004

Quote:Steve, don't eat it!

Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick. :(

Sadly enough, I've actually eaten that 'Potted Meat Food Product' (same brand too, if memory serves). Everything he says about it is true - it is indeed an oddly granular yet smooth paste, and it is vaguely spicy (as well as having an odour that would offend a baboon). It doesn't taste very good, either. :blink: