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He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Doc - 02-25-2004

Ripped directly from the local Channel Seven News. Please try to contain laughter. DRINK NOTHING WHILE READING! NOT responsible for monitor or computer damage.

A small gang of boys did what boys do. The boys, ranging in age from 7 to 10, made a tree house, and, in fine tradition, hung a sign from the door saying "No girls allowed."

One little girl took offense at the sign and went home and told her Mommy and Daddy.

Mommy and Daddy sued.

I kid you not.

Gender discrimination, sexual harassment, (Not sure how that applies can just a sign harass) and emotional distress. All of the lawsuits against all of the boy's families total over 8 million dollars. And sadly, it looks as though they have a good chance at winning, as the judge in question is a known Feminazi. Quote the judge "Men, and boys, need to know their place in the world. Discrimination, hatred, and violence against women should not be allowed in enlightened society."

And while I agree, I think they have gone to far. These are children. Children, for some strange unknown reason, behave like children! Go figure!

Do boys that think girls are gross and have cooties really deserve to be punished? Already, several local politicians are shouting about gender sensitivity courses in elementary schools.

The world is going to hell in a hand basket.

I would love to hear a few Lurkers share their opinion.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Kevin - 02-25-2004

I thought that elementary schools banning dodgeball was bad.

I guess this also means that girls can't hang their "No Boys Allowed" signs either.

If this was on private property, I don't quite see how this case has anything to stand on. I am pretty sure that I can discriminate on my own property, and I can say that you can't come into my home for whatever reason I want. I also see no problem with many of the select member clubs for either gender or race, but maybe that is just me. Scholarships discriminate to incredible extents and I don't have a problem with that either, though I would like to see a little better distribution of some of the selective scholarships. I know of some for those of German ancestry only, but I haven't seen any for just Iranian or Brazillian ancestory.

Finally children need more emotional distress. There is value to being hurt and getting over it, emotionally and physically. There is too much hiding and protecting. And there is a lot of hiding and protect that doesn't work because the children then get exposed to it in an uncontrolled or potentially more harmful setting.

While gender equality is an issue and doesn't truly exists, this example is utterly assinine in my opinion.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Sir_Die_alot - 02-25-2004

The judge, for not throwing out the case the instant it came to her, shows she isn't fit for the job. Unfortunately I'm sure she will keep it reguardless.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Occhidiangela - 02-25-2004

Need to be fed into a wood chipper.

What arseholes. Let's see, they can't go and talk to the parents of the boys like intelligent adults? They can't just tell their daughter "don't play with mean people, those boys have shown themselves to be mean."

Those aren't parents, those are card carrying idiots.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - rriggs - 02-25-2004

Does that mean I can sneak into the Girl's Locker Room now? ;-)

Sheesh. I'm so sick of all the political correctness bull#&@$ these days.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Doc - 02-25-2004

South Carolina in plunging down into a hell hole of equal rights for men and women. It seems we took a crash course in just the past few years. Now, the genie is out the bottle, the Damn Yankees and their uppity Northern Ways, and other factors have well have turned this state into a battle ground. I have no doubt what so ever that the girl's family is Damned Yankees.

In other Gender News, SC has it's first ever Co-Ed bathroom at a nightclub. Gender equality at it's finest. Ladies, here is your chance to watch men pee in a urinal, and, men, step right up and learn how women hover and levitate 3 inches over a public toilet.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - AtomicKitKat - 02-25-2004

rriggs,Feb 25 2004, 06:49 PM Wrote:Does that mean I can sneak into the Girl's Locker Room now? ;-)

Sheesh. I'm so sick of all the political correctness bull#&@$ these days.
Yes, I believe so. If the girls inside beat you up, sue the school for sexual discrimination, then have the girls charged with assault and battery.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Sir_Die_alot - 02-25-2004

Quote:Does that mean I can sneak into the Girl's Locker Room now? ;-)
No it doesn't. It means you can walk right in with your head held high. :P

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Cryptic - 02-25-2004


Gender equality = men who are terrified of making a sexually uncomfortable workplace and say nothing offensive, while women use their sexuality to thrive on the job, a la "The Apprentice"

Racial equality = Guilt-ridden Caucasians who feel responsible for their ancestors' behavior, staying out of the library and losing their jobs to less-qualified minorities in the name of Good

I thought this was widely known. If you have any dissenting thoughts, well, suppress them! Otherwise endangered species might get their feelings hurt.


He Man Woman Haters Take Note - ShadowHM - 02-25-2004

Such as being required to pay all the legal fees of the person you dragged through the mud? Maybe penalty fees to boot?

Even if this one is won at the first level, it strikes me as the kind that gets quickly overturned at the next level(s).

Arrant nonsense to send it get to the courts in the first place and incredible lack of parenting skills to boot !

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Doc - 02-25-2004

The South Carolina Court System has to be one of the most entertaining in the entire country, perhaps the whole world. Stupidity runs rampant, and the gene pool is shallow. Pardon the expression, but most of them are trailer trash that think the world owes them something. There is actually a weekly news paper that does nothing but report the tales of the weird, strange, but true stories coming out of the SC court system. It's the only state I know of where a horse had his own lawyer. It's the only state I know of to prosecute an alien for property damage, and the little grey guy keeps failing to show up in court. Somebody landed a flying saucer in a field and scorched it, and by golly, somebody has to pay.

It's the only state I know that allows dead folk to be prosecuted for crimes they did in life, dug up, and buried again, this time, face down in shame. But we have not done that for a long long while. At least the 1980s.

And people wonder why I don't just move away... What would entertain me?

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - WarLocke - 02-25-2004

I give up. IWho wants to join me in writing a petition to have Dubya hit the Big Red Button, so we can wipe this abortion of a race off the slate and start over.

There's no way the cockroaches can do worse than this. :angry:

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Sir_Die_alot - 02-26-2004

Good idea but flawed. The people we are trying to get rid of would cheat and dig themselves underground. <_<

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Bone - 02-26-2004

Is there a cite for this so I can find out more details? As it stands, it's a little vague.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Count Duckula - 02-26-2004

Doc,Feb 25 2004, 07:06 PM Wrote:In other Gender News, SC has it's first ever Co-Ed bathroom at a nightclub. Gender equality at it's finest. Ladies, here is your chance to watch men pee in a urinal, and, men, step right up and learn how women hover and levitate 3 inches over a public toilet.
Interesting fact: women CAN use a urinal. It's all about muscle control. (And no, I haven't done it. :ph34r:)

I'm all for co-ed bathrooms. Then again, I have little body fear or shame. Why should privacy be an issue with one of these things everyone does? I'm all for co-ed locker rooms too. But that comes from high school theater days where one went through complete costume changes in >5 minutes. You learned to get over your insecurities.

As for the case, throw it out. The girl should learn how to get even--gather her female friends and hold a no-boys-allowed clubhouse meeting.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Artega - 02-26-2004

It seems those snowballs get a better chance of surviving Hell every passing week.

I wonder how long it will take people to realize that equality will NEVER happen? Or if it ever DOES happen, it will certainly not be happening anytime in their lifetime.

Like they say, you can't please them all; and if you DO try to please them all, you'll end up pleasing no one.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Assur - 02-26-2004


Just curious, are judges elected in that state or are they nominated by the gouvernor?

good hunting

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - DeeBye - 02-26-2004

Count Duckula,Feb 25 2004, 08:27 PM Wrote:Interesting fact: women CAN use a urinal. It's all about muscle control. (And no, I haven't done it. :ph34r:)


edit: My original smiley was wrong. Really wrong.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - Archon_Wing - 02-26-2004

Nuff said.

He Man Woman Haters Take Note - AtomicKitKat - 02-26-2004

Count Duckula,Feb 26 2004, 01:27 AM Wrote:Interesting fact: women CAN use a urinal. It's all about muscle control. (And no, I haven't done it. :ph34r:)

Look for the interview with Eliza Dushku. She mentioned doing it standing up alongside her brothers when she was younger. It's not impossible. It's partly about aiming and partly how much effort you want to put into contracting your bladder(the more force you put on it, the straighter the stream).