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Fanatic life - Minionman - 05-05-2004

The title basically says it, I was wondering about how much life is good with zeal/fanaticism paladins at different levels, say 30, 60, 90. At 30 I'd be at arreat plateau/frigid highlands in normal, 60 probably act 4 nightmare, 90 somewhere in hell, if it gets that far. Low end/ high end life would be useful, I can figure out the vitality and items.

Fanatic life - Fragbait - 05-05-2004

Hi Minionman,

I've got a lvl 89 pala with fana/zeal and holy shield.
He has about 1050 life. This might sound a bit low, and he has only 14% dam reduction.
Thing is, with 17k+ defense, he doesn't get hit much, about 10~20% or so, depending on foes. And with holy shield and HoZ he blocks at 75%.
This is maybe not optimal, but is sufficiant for 'players 3' all over act 5 hell, and in gloam/blood lord free areas, even more.
You probably want some more, though.
Hope this helps.

Greetings, Fragbait

Fanatic life - Obi2Kenobi - 05-05-2004

It depends on whether or not you are in HC. In 1.09, it used to be 10 times your level for HC as the generally accepted amount. Now, I'd say 15-20 times in HC. In SC, no idea. Much lower, though. :P