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Free Wireless Internet - Printable Version

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Free Wireless Internet - Zarathustra - 10-24-2004

If Newsom actually follows through with this, good things are bound to follow.


Free Wireless Internet - Occhidiangela - 10-24-2004

Zarathustra,Oct 23 2004, 10:48 PM Wrote:If Newsom actually follows through with this, good things are bound to follow.


Hmm, interesting investment in the public infrastructure. Wonder how the taxpayers feel. I'd say this is a bold stroke that hopefully pays off. Would hate to see yet another GIIP turn into a MOBIIP (Mayors Office Bad Idea In Progress . . .)

Will ask my bro how it plays on the Berkely side, where he lives . . .


Free Wireless Internet - DeeBye - 10-24-2004

Quote:He said the city had already made free WiFi service available at Union Square

Is this part of the article true? If so, how good is this free WiFi service?

Free Wireless Internet - Mephista - 10-28-2004

Ooh, squee! I hope that comes around here soon.

I like how in large apartment buildings there is something like that, as many people have wireless routers and intentionally leave them open for others to use. I do it, and some of my neighbors do it. I usually see about 10 different wireless networks with my laptop in my living room. Signal strength on most of them is very weak, but still... share the internetty joy! =)