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Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - Printable Version

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Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - nobbie - 11-09-2004

The "Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH" movie trailer is now online and available for download:

More info can be found at and .

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - FoxBat - 11-09-2004

This is a first for me and Star Wars. Even the trailer is boring. -_-

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - pakman - 11-09-2004

So who am I supposed to be rooting for? The whiny punk turned Dark, or Emperor Palpatine kicking butt with a saber, or Windu who I have the feeling is probably going to die at Vader's hands. Once again I will be waiting for this one to come out on DVD before I see it.

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - jahcs - 11-09-2004

To remain true to the overall storyline of the saga I don't think there's much room for a happy ending here. I'll leave it up to George Lucas and see if he gives us so much eye candy we don't pay attention to the story.
Based on the condition of things at the start of Episode IV people might come out of it as sombre as if they just saw a Ridley Scott film.

All I know is that as a die-hard Star Wars fan I will be seeing it within a day of it's release. I usually manage to make the special midnight showings. The best way to see Lucasfilm effects is on the big screen. :)

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - [wcip]Angel - 11-09-2004

Hear hear. The films themselves are indeed mediocre at best (I just recently saw the first trilogy on DVD), but the special effects are astounding, which are best appreciated on the a large screen with plenty of bells and whistles in the sound system. Unless you have a $100.000 home entertainment center, I'd recommend seeing this film in a cinema, if only to be able to tell people that you think the movie's crap even though you did watch it as it was intended.

I've tried downloading the trailer from several locations, and every file I get doesn't play audio. I'm using VLC instead of Quicktime.

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - nobbie - 11-09-2004

You know, even though the first three "Star Wars" films (Episode IV-VI) have by now received "legendary" status due to their innovative concepts during the time of their release, all six films have always been "popcorn movies" for me. The first three films had more charme, a better plot and better actors (Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing) and the last three films, though weaker in this repect, are milestones in visual effects technology. I personally enjoyed both flavors, and "Revenge Of The Sith" - I'm sure - will set another milestone in effects technology. So, I'm going to see it in the cinema (for the better audio-visual experience) and also buy the "Special Edition" DVD to finally complete my "Star Wars" DVD sets :)

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - Zarathustra - 11-09-2004

My big hope for Episode III is that it will once again feel like a Star Wars movie. Episode I definitely didn't have the same flavor as IV-VI, and II was at least starting to lean that way.

I'm going to be praying Jar-Jar gets taken out with a lightsabre at one point.

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - Occhidiangela - 11-09-2004

Zarathustra,Nov 9 2004, 02:59 PM Wrote:I'm going to be praying Jar-Jar gets taken out with a lightsabre at one point.

You and me both, brother Z, you and me both. And hopefully, it will be Obiwan who does the deed!


Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - LochnarITB - 11-09-2004

OMG! Did Orange County Chopper open a shop on Tantoine? So cliché - good guy goes bad so he gets a chopper - this one just happens to not have wheels. :blink:

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - jahcs - 11-10-2004

LochnarITB,Nov 9 2004, 01:23 PM Wrote:OMG!  Did Orange County Chopper open a shop on Tantoine?  So cliché - good guy goes bad so he gets a chopper - this one just happens to not have wheels.  :blink:

Swoops (those chopper-like hover cycles) have been around in the books for quite a long time.

And I hope JarJar's ignoble death scene takes place very early in the film - like before the opening credits.

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - whyBish - 11-11-2004

Occhidiangela,Nov 10 2004, 10:16 AM Wrote:You and me both, brother Z, you and me both.  And hopefully, it will be Obiwan who does the deed! 

Jarjar to Annikin: "Itsa wasa no virgin birtho. Annie, meesa yousa fatha."

It would explain the descent into the darkside, and get rid of Jarjar in one fell swoop :P

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - jahcs - 11-11-2004

whyBish,Nov 10 2004, 08:37 PM Wrote:Jarjar to Annikin: "Itsa wasa no virgin birtho.  Annie, meesa yousa fatha."

It would explain the descent into the darkside, and get rid of Jarjar in one fell swoop  :P

And unfortunately it is too close to George's plot style, so that nightmare of a story development could actually come to pass. :blink: :o :huh: :angry:

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - Pop Squid - 11-12-2004

Lightsaber? Sheeeeeit... Jar-Jar shoulda been sucked through a swoop engine tongue-first early in Episode 1. At this point, two movies later & still breathing, it's gotta be the Sarlacc for that clown. Or worse. Creative proposals & petitions welcomed.

Star Wars - Episode 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH Trailer - Rinnhart - 11-12-2004

Not even trying at this point.