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Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Printable Version

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Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Tal - 01-19-2005

Mograine's hammer and Whitemane's Chapeau! Anyone interested in helping me with this goal this evening at 8:30 EST on Stormrage?

So how many people have Chapel of Love running through their heads now? ;)

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Bolty - 01-19-2005

Boltress, Priestess of Elune, reporting for duty, sir!

Also - no opening the secret door for the newbies. Let them find it! :)

-Chapeau Seeker

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Tal - 01-19-2005

Bolty,Jan 19 2005, 10:02 AM Wrote:Also - no opening the secret door for the newbies.  Let them find it!  :)

-Chapeau Seeker

*hangs head in shame* But I never got to open it before....

-Sharanna, Paladin-Initiate of Stormwind.
-Mograine's Might Seeker


Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Roane - 01-19-2005

Drat! I'm doing that little Horde instance tonight just a half hour after your start time. (Ragefire, is it called?) Another night, though, and you know I'm always in.

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Kevin - 01-19-2005

Roane,Jan 19 2005, 10:18 AM Wrote:Drat!  I'm doing that little Horde instance tonight just a half hour after your start time.  (Ragefire, is it called?)  Another night, though, and you know I'm always in.

Make sure you get the Ragefire quest from Thrall himself. A lot of people miss that one. I don't recall the exact name of it either.

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Treesh - 01-19-2005

Gnollguy,Jan 19 2005, 11:04 AM Wrote:Make sure you get the Ragefire quest from Thrall himself.  A lot of people miss that one.  I don't recall the exact name of it either.
Hidden Enemies. I wish our Tauren had known about that one when they first did Ragefire. We figured there was another one in there since we found other named mobs, but since we hadn't played Orc or Troll before that, we just didn't have much contact with Thrall so we missed out.

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - MentatAssassin - 01-19-2005

My warrior should be able to attend. He also needs to retrieve the Mythology of the Titans and kill Houndmaster Loksey, if that could be worked in, to finish off the Scarlet Monastery quests.

Oh, and you'll like the fact that he does not have any interest in either the hammer or chapeau if they drop. ;)

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Tal - 01-19-2005

MentatAssassin,Jan 19 2005, 02:52 PM Wrote:My warrior should be able to attend.  He also needs to retrieve the Mythology of the Titans and kill Houndmaster Loksey, if that could be worked in, to finish off the Scarlet Monastery quests.[right][snapback]65878[/snapback][/right]

Should be no problem. :)

MentatAssassin,Jan 19 2005, 02:52 PM Wrote:Oh, and you'll like the fact that he does not have any interest in either the hammer or chapeau if they drop.  ;)

hehehe. I would have requested a roll on it anyway as it is a nice weapon, even for warriors. :)

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - LochnarITB - 01-19-2005

Tal,Jan 19 2005, 07:55 AM Wrote:Mograine's hammer and Whitemane's Chapeau! Anyone interested in helping me with this goal this evening at 8:30 EST on Stormrage?
I'm sure most folks in guild chat know that Lochnar really, really, really (should I add one more really? nah) wants a chapeau. I would love to go but there are a couple things standing in the way. There was talk about another run on Zul'Farak tonight. I also know that Bolty would consider Lochnar (48) overpowered for SM (even run by an incompetent ;) ) so I would defer to him since he has already booked a reservation. I plan to be on though so, if things change, and there isn't already a full party, give me a yell.

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Sword_of_Doom - 01-19-2005

Lochnar, your "overpowered" Mage is always welcome in my group. :D

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - Artega - 01-20-2005

Every time we've killed Whitemane (which numbers over 50 times, minimum), she's dropped the Flaming Pirate Hat™. Every member of our groups has one, and at one point, we wiped Thelsamar off the map while wearing them. If our various guilds didn't kick so much ass, we'd make a guild of our own called The Flaming Pirates™ and make it a point to always be wearing our hats while razing towns :)

Going to the Cathedral and we're gonna get... - LochnarITB - 01-20-2005

Sword_of_Doom,Jan 19 2005, 05:38 PM Wrote:Lochnar, your "overpowered" Mage is always welcome in my group. :D

I am finding that I have a hard time even going with a pickup group. It is just so enjoyable to play with other Lurkers that I think I am spoiled. I have had a couple times that quick joins for a quest didn't go bad but it is more the exception than the rule. The last one, a couple days ago, was when I was asked to join a pair for capturing centaur ghosts (ghost-o-plasm?). The hunter promptly pulled the whole group with her pet. I pulled one off her and killed it just as the rest finished her off and jumped on me. I got a quick "sorry" from the hunter just before her partner kicked me out of the party. Phht. I went and grabbed my last item and left them to their fun.