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Ganking hunters (needs testing) - Printable Version

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Ganking hunters (needs testing) - kandrathe - 03-04-2005

A couple days ago I was on my way through Ashenvale to acquire a new pet for my Night Elf, so I had temporarily tamed a giant spider who while happy was still at level 1 in the loyalty area. He was set in the default defensive mode. A group of 6 horde ran up from the Barrens and was systematically taking out the Sentinals in the area, as I watched not feeling like I could take on the 6 myself. One of the Orc warriors let off Thunder Clap and my pet was within the AOE and became enraged and attacked. I was now flagged, and summarily executed.

Anyway, I now run with my pets in Passive mode and stay well clear of Horde raiding parties.

I'm willing to build a temporary Tauren Warrior (who have inately have war stomp) on StormRage to test this in the Barrens with any hunters pets which should be able to replicate the effect.

Ganking hunters (needs testing) - MongoJerry - 03-05-2005

In defensive mode, the pet will attack anything that strikes you or the pet. However, I don't think that this is what happened. In fact, I think what happened here is that your spider was still only at loyalty level 1. I ran into a situation just like this in the beta where my pet (bear) at loyalty level 1 was still considered by the NPC's in ashenvale as an enemy and it was the NPC's who attacked the pet first and not my pet. Of course, my pet retaliated and I got summarily crushed by the night elf guards. I think you have to let your pet's loyalty rise a bit before you can take it into town.

Ganking hunters (needs testing) - kandrathe - 03-07-2005

kandrathe,Mar 4 2005, 02:16 PM Wrote:A couple days ago I was on my way through Ashenvale to acquire a new pet for my Night Elf, so I had temporarily tamed a giant spider who while happy was still at level 1 in the loyalty area.  He was set in the default defensive mode.  A group of 6 horde ran up from the Barrens and was systematically taking out the Sentinals in the area, as I watched not feeling like I could take on the 6 myself.  One of the Orc warriors let off Thunder Clap and my pet was within the AOE and became enraged and attacked.  I was now flagged, and summarily executed. 

Anyway, I now run with my pets in Passive mode and stay well clear of Horde raiding parties.

I'm willing to build a temporary Tauren Warrior (who have inately have war stomp) on StormRage to test this in the Barrens with any hunters pets which should be able to replicate the effect.

From the Patch Notes - 3/07/05 ;
Quote:Pets in defensive mode that respond to attacks will no longer flag their masters for PvP. If the master issues an explicit attack command, the master will be flagged.

See. I wasn't insane. :D

Ganking hunters (needs testing) - Mirajj - 03-20-2005

My cat got me into some trouble like this, too. I was in Stonetalon Peak, and I see an Ogre hunter sitting there, with a raptor as his pet. He uses Hunter's Mark on me. I return the favor, but have no intention of fighting him, as I figure he's got a stealthed high level buddy.

I head off, and pass by him, and his pet. The next thing I know, one of the pets attacks the other, and I'm flagged for PvP...and of course, out of stealth comes the lvl 54 Rogue. Yeah...I didn't last very long...

Ganking hunters (needs testing) - kandrathe - 03-22-2005

Mirajj,Mar 19 2005, 11:20 PM Wrote:My cat got me into some trouble like this, too. I was in Stonetalon Peak, and I see an Ogre hunter sitting there, with a raptor as his pet. He uses Hunter's Mark on me. I return the favor, but have no intention of fighting him, as I figure he's got a stealthed high level buddy.

I head off, and pass by him, and his pet. The next thing I know, one of the pets attacks the other, and I'm flagged for PvP...and of course, out of stealth comes the lvl 54 Rogue. Yeah...I didn't last very long...

Heh. I also died (quickly) once in Booty Bay due to my pet (in defensive mode) attacking the opposing factions griffons/bats. Curiousity killed the hunter, in this case.