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Cellphone Users Take Note - Doc - 04-29-2005


Finally, a step in the right direction. Oh man does this make me feel better. When the revolution happens rude cellphone users will be the first up against the wall! Mwahahahahahah! Ahem.

Really, all gloating aside, this is a big deal. For me. And all the others like me. Finally, the quiet demands of reason are being met, somewhere. I hope it takes hold in other places, creating "dead zones" where cell phones are not welcome and will not work.

Meanwhile, till it spreads to the US of A, I will continue using my jammer in the battle for peace and quiet.

Cellphone Users Take Note - Rinnhart - 05-02-2005

Quote: People talking on their phones in theaters often get extremely upset if asked to turn them off or leave, he said.

WTF? Honestly, throw their asses out.


Cellphone Users Take Note - Walkiry - 05-02-2005


Yes, of course, it's all about the rude people. Those text messages are very disruptive. There can be no other reason.

I'm glad you're enjoying it, Doc ^_^

Cellphone Users Take Note - whyBish - 05-02-2005

Walkiry,May 2 2005, 09:44 PM Wrote:*Snicker*

Yes, of course, it's all about the rude people. Those text messages are very disruptive. There can be no other reason.

I'm glad you're enjoying it, Doc ^_^

Lol. The same nonsense that game developers use. Get people to buy before they find out how bad it is. Thank goodness I've learnt to buy games once they are at least 6mo old :P

As to throwing out cellphone users, most of the cinema staff over here are students (16-23y.o.). Confronting a 40 y.o. person would be very intimidating... (Not saying they shouldn't throw people out, just saying that it would be hard to enforce...)

Cellphone Users Take Note - Doc - 05-02-2005

Texting is just as bad as conversation.

For one, bright blue or purple or whatever light. It's like a Jedi light sabre battle in there with all these flashing lights.

Two. Some folk have their phones set to make some annoying ring tone every time they get a text message. It sounds like a damn AOL instant messenger chat. "BLEEP BLOOP RING BWOOP!" Over the course of a movie just drives me into cell-rage.

Three. STUPID PEOPLE ON CELL PHONES! Asking their buddy next to them in the theatre "Hey dude... How do you spell 'girl' again?"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGH somebody get some chlorine into the gene pool. We need lifeguards here shouting "HEY YOU! Get out of the pool!"

Cellphone Users Take Note - [wcip]Angel - 05-02-2005

Hahahahaha!! I intend to quote you on that last one, Doc :) Thanks for the laugh :lol:

As for people talking during the movies (either on a cell phone or to each other), I always send a politely phrased e-mail to the cinema when I come home, and in a few weeks time I get a couple of free tickets. :)
Thank God for customer service. The customers (who talk) might not care, but at least someone does!

Cellphone Users Take Note - Occhidiangela - 05-02-2005

Walkiry,May 2 2005, 02:44 AM Wrote:*Snicker*

Yes, of course, it's all about the rude people. Those text messages are very disruptive. There can be no other reason.

I'm glad you're enjoying it, Doc ^_^

From the link: "Those days are over. Today, there is no fooling the public."

I must disagree. People went to see Finding Nemo, didn't they?


Cellphone Users Take Note - Walkiry - 05-02-2005

Occhidiangela,May 2 2005, 03:49 PM Wrote:From the link:  "Those days are over. Today, there is no fooling the public."

I must disagree.  People went to see Finding Nemo, didn't they? 


I'd say that they're spot on, if you read a bit between lines. It doesn't mean that the days of cashing out in the opening weekend with any crap film are over, it means that you have to feed the public the appropiate kind of crap; the kind the Great Unwashed like. Sitcoms are still popular these days, after all ^_^

But it's still an extra step Hollywood won't like. They just want to feed the Gerbil and keep the wheel spinning!

Cellphone Users Take Note - Occhidiangela - 05-02-2005

Walkiry,May 2 2005, 09:31 AM Wrote:But it's still an extra step Hollywood won't like. They just want to feed the Gerbil and keep the wheel spinning!

Aye. The article did comment on Hollywood being held more accountable for putting out junk. Of course, I used the Nemo example considering "what is good" and "what is profitable" as being two different issues.


Cellphone Users Take Note - Doc - 05-02-2005

Occhidiangela,May 2 2005, 11:03 AM Wrote:Aye.  The article did comment on Hollywood being held more accountable for putting out junk.  Of course, I used the Nemo example considering "what is good" and "what is profitable" as being two different issues.


My wife loves "Finding Nemo."

It makes her cry, with out fail.

Cellphone Users Take Note - pakman - 05-02-2005

They should put them in all classrooms and lecture halls around the country first. I hate it when some asshat gets a call IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EXAM. I can always guarantee about 10 phones will go off during an exam and at least 3-7 will go off in a class depending on the number of people taking the course.

Cellphone Users Take Note - Xanthix - 05-02-2005

pakman,May 2 2005, 10:19 AM Wrote:I can always uarantee about 10 phones will go off during an exam and at least 3-7 will go off in a class depending on the number of people taking the course.

I had a professor who took 20% off your exam grade for each time your cellphone rang. He then attached a cover sheet to the exams which said this three times in large bold font. Seemed to work.

Of course, this was for a graduate class. For undergrads you may need to be less subtle.

Cellphone Users Take Note - Count Duckula - 05-02-2005

Xanthix,May 2 2005, 05:20 PM Wrote:I had a professor who took 20% off your exam grade for each time your cellphone rang. He then attached a cover sheet to the exams which said this three times in large bold font. Seemed to work.

Of course, this was for a graduate class. For undergrads you may need to be less subtle.

I SO WANT THAT PROFESSOR. I have a weekly 3-hour seminar and without fail somebody's cell phone goes off during the lecture. It's usually the same blonde chick who lets it go for a minute or two, realizes it's hers, and turns it off. Sometimes she even goes out of the room to answer the call! Do people realize how disruptive this is?!

Now I can understand if a student lets the professor know before class that he/she is expecting a VERY important phone call and sets the phone to vibrate, and if that call is recieved he/she exits the room without much disturbance.

The class has threatened to break her phone The professor has threatened to break her fingers.

Cellphone Users Take Note - [wcip]Angel - 05-02-2005

Only thing worse than a student's cell phone going off, is when the the teacher's cell phone starts to ring: and he answers! This has happened to me twice, and I was as awestruck and astounded the second time as I was the first.

"No, I can't talk right now. I'm having a lecture. Yeah, that's right, I want the low-fat cheese. And pick me up some chicken! Gotta go, the students are looking at me. Love ya, honey. Bye!"

Ok, parts of that dialogue was severely made up, but a teacher of mine actually carried a conversation for about 20 seconds before hanging up once. And he was sort of smiling smug to the class while talking, as in "hey, look what I can do without impunity." :blink:

You think students' cell phones are annoying? Fuhgettaboutit!

Cellphone Users Take Note - Archon_Wing - 05-03-2005

I suppose it's not really their fault, but I get disturbed sometimes by people with cellphones, especialy if they use earpieces that make it hard for me to realize they're using a phone. Either I think they're talking to me or I think they're crazy and talking to themselves which really doesn't help me relax.

Cellphone Users Take Note - Occhidiangela - 05-03-2005

Archon_Wing,May 2 2005, 11:17 PM Wrote:I suppose it's not really their fault, but I get disturbed sometimes by people with cellphones, especialy if they use earpieces that make it hard for me to realize they're using a phone. Either I think they're talking to me or I think they're crazy and talking to themselves which really doesn't help me relax.

First time I saw the "hanging down from the ear on a wire" phone/mic jack, I thought the guy coming at me in the airport was a loony. He was walking along, having a conversation with someone invisible. He was looking straight ahead, but I saw no one that he could have been talking too. It took a bit of observation to note his wire and little mic. Then it made sense, and I was able to exit the "freaked out since there is a loony running amok in the airport" status. :wacko:


Cellphone Users Take Note - pakman - 05-03-2005

I saw a guy walking along in downtown Chicago talking to himself once, he turned out to be a loony. Then I drove to the next stoplight and the guy in the car next to me was talking to himself, at first I thought he too was nuts, but then he turned help up his phone and dialed a number. Those earpieces are crafty things.

Cellphone Users Take Note - pazuzu - 05-06-2005

linked article Wrote:If jammers were introduced, people on call for emergencies could leave their mobile phones or pagers at the reception desk, he said.
Uhm, if it's reasonable to expect that you'll get an emergency call, you don't go to the movies. Period.

I'm with Doc on this one, rude people with cellphones are annoying as hell.
In the theatre I usually grab the nearest object and aim for the head.

Cellphone Users Take Note - Doc - 05-06-2005

pazuzu,May 6 2005, 10:56 AM Wrote:
linked article Wrote:If jammers were introduced, people on call for emergencies could leave their mobile phones or pagers at the reception desk, he said.
Uhm, if it's reasonable to expect that you'll get an emergency call, you don't go to the movies. Period.

I'm with Doc on this one, rude people with cellphones are annoying as hell.
In the theatre I usually grab the nearest object and aim for the head.


Cellphone Users Take Note - Swiss Mercenary - 05-06-2005

Loonies? What? You mean I shouldn't be talking to myself in public?