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Faction Transfers in the Works... - Printable Version

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Faction Transfers in the Works... - Ziig - 06-30-2009

So, wanna move your toons from Alliance to Horde? Or vice versa? Personally I rolled Horde and have no Alliance toons worth a transfer.

Faction Transfers in the Works... - Frag - 06-30-2009

There goes the neighborhood.


Faction Transfers in the Works... - Mavfin - 06-30-2009

Quote:There goes the neighborhood.


I would love to flip my shaman and my warrior. Then I could tank with you guys and pewpew with my Alliance guild, as a definite change of pace after 4 years.

Faction Transfers in the Works... - Tal - 06-30-2009

Quote:There goes the neighborhood.


Fine I was gonna transfer my Durid over to Terenas but noooo... <.<

Faction Transfers in the Works... - RTM - 06-30-2009

It will be interesting to see how they parallel the races. Obviously if you want a horde paladin or alliance shaman you're restricted to BE/Draenei, but will they let you choose your race otherwise or have set race conversions similar to the Orb of Deception? If you can choose, you could do a double-transfer and change your character's race.

My guess is that the next service they open up after this one will be to let you change your race straight-up. Which is something I would consider taking advantage of.

Faction Transfers in the Works... - shoju - 06-30-2009

Hmmmmm.... I have a 49 alliance warrior that I would love to level, but with no ally friends on Terenas (where I moved him to take advantage of certain AH practices to help me) I have just geared him out and do some pvp from time to time.

This though... This would definitely make me think about making him a hordie and going to town. I wonder what a goat would become? A Moo? an Orc? As long as it isn't an undead, I'm totally cool with that.

Given the chance at a race change, what would you change to RTM?

Faction Transfers in the Works... - Mordekhuul - 06-30-2009

I have to admit - one of the reasons I probably moved away from Mordekhuul over time was just getting sick of looking at his ugly green orcish mug.

Wonder how undeath would suit him? :P

Faction Transfers in the Works... - RTM - 06-30-2009

Quote:Given the chance at a race change, what would you change to RTM?
I don't know.:)Back in TBC I had a few transporter malfunctions and I remember liking the way a female Orc looked in T5ish rogue armor. Their stealth animation looks like they're dropping a deuce though. Troll males have always intrigued me, but there's always some wacky helm that looks ridiculous on them.

This is going to sound INCREDIBLY stupid, but my main beef with undead? Boot models. There are 2 types of models that look good on undead, and neither one is available in current content. Best boots ever: Rapscallion Boots from Shade of Aran. I kept my Edgewalker Longboots far longer than I should have just because I like the way beefy boots look on undead.

The whole thing could be solved with a vanity armor feature. And yes, my wife laughs at me for playing "dress-up".:)

Quote:I have to admit - one of the reasons I probably moved away from Mordekhuul over time was just getting sick of looking at his ugly green orcish mug.

Wonder how undeath would suit him? :P
See this right here, folks? This is what's called "Blasphemy". Orcs are the superior warlock race. (T8 looks wicked on undead)

Faction Transfers in the Works... - shoju - 06-30-2009

Quote:I don't know.:)Back in TBC I had a few transporter malfunctions and I remember liking the way a female Orc looked in T5ish rogue armor. Their stealth animation looks like they're dropping a deuce though. Troll males have always intrigued me, but there's always some wacky helm that looks ridiculous on them.

This is going to sound INCREDIBLY stupid, but my main beef with undead? Boot models. There are 2 types of models that look good on undead, and neither one is available in current content. Best boots ever: Rapscallion Boots from Shade of Aran. I kept my Edgewalker Longboots far longer than I should have just because I like the way beefy boots look on undead.

The whole thing could be solved with a vanity armor feature. And yes, my wife laughs at me for playing "dress-up".:)
See this right here, folks? This is what's called "Blasphemy". Orcs are the superior warlock race. (T8 looks wicked on undead)

one of the biggest reasons I don't play my rogue at all anymore is the way he looks in gear. I was SOOOOO excited when I finally got S2 gear on him (I was a newb who couldn't raid, so I pvp'd) I went to the vendor, and started blowing my honor and Arena points getting as much as I could. I went and got it all enchanted and gemmed, tossed it on, and was like..................................... WTF?!?!? I still look like $h!t! That was really the time that my undead started to fall out of favor with me. There was also the whole... I suck at being a rogue in PVE thing too, but the first straw was definitely the way they look in armor.

I play Dress up too:)I have gone to great lengths to get 8/8 D1 on Sunetra + Quel + ENG shield from MC. I'm going to get a figure print of it.

I've also been known to sport the Twilight Cultist Outfit + Skullflame + Greatsword of Horrd Dreams

I would love a vanity armor feature, or a raid that gave you tokens you could take to different armorers to get armor. I LOVED the look of the ZA plate gear, and would love to run around with lacquered Wooden Plate with skulls all over it all the time.

Faction Transfers in the Works... - Mavfin - 06-30-2009

Quote:I would love a vanity armor feature, or a raid that gave you tokens you could take to different armorers to get armor. I LOVED the look of the ZA plate gear, and would love to run around with lacquered Wooden Plate with skulls all over it all the time.

Sort of related to a 'vanity armor' feature: I would move mountains to get my human warrior a wolf mount! I can see from CoT illusions that humans look great on a wolf.:D

I play dress-up a little but, function > form 90% of the time. Tanks are like that, though.

Faction Transfers in the Works... - --Pete - 06-30-2009


Quote:And yes, my wife laughs at me for playing "dress-up".:)
Wow (not WoW)! Dress up? What do you think you're playing, some kind of RPG? Hah! It's all about the stats, not the bling. :w00t:

Actually, I'd love to see some of these suggestions implemented. You get the basic item for its looks. Then you add enchants, etc., to get the function. Maybe some of the add-ins are from rare scroll drops, or the result of beating an instance. Lots of potential, and it would keep all 999th level moose carpenters from looking the same. And to add to the fun, the perfect item might be something crafted by a couple of different professions, and imbued with add-is, some of which come only from raids, some from arenas, and some from solo quests. To get the best, you have to play all aspects, and play them well. But . . .


Faction Transfers in the Works... - Kevin - 06-30-2009

Wow (not WoW)! Dress up? What do you think you're playing, some kind of RPG? Hah! It's all about the stats, not the bling. :w00t:

Actually, I'd love to see some of these suggestions implemented. You get the basic item for its looks. Then you add enchants, etc., to get the function. Maybe some of the add-ins are from rare scroll drops, or the result of beating an instance. Lots of potential, and it would keep all 999th level moose carpenters from looking the same. And to add to the fun, the perfect item might be something crafted by a couple of different professions, and imbued with add-is, some of which come only from raids, some from arenas, and some from solo quests. To get the best, you have to play all aspects, and play them well. But . . .


Not gonna happen though. Blizzard has stated on a few occasions that they do in fact want all L999 Flying Pig Farms to look the same because it's a trophy. They want you to be recognized visually as having completed this that or the other thing.

I'd love more customization but it's just not in the works.

Faction Transfers in the Works... - shoju - 06-30-2009

Quote:Not gonna happen though. Blizzard has stated on a few occasions that they do in fact want all L999 Flying Pig Farms to look the same because it's a trophy. They want you to be recognized visually as having completed this that or the other thing.

I'd love more customization but it's just not in the works.

And that makes me a sad sad gamer. I have always wanted to be able to cruise around looking very menacing. A Blood Elf in Troll plate. It would be awesome (at least to me)

Faction Transfers in the Works... - swirly - 06-30-2009

Quote:They want you to be recognized visually as having completed this that or the other thing.
Couldn't they do that with what Pete posted?

Quote:You get the basic item for its looks.
You could have basic item drops in the raid content that give items with unique looks. So people who complete that content can still have that unique "I beat it!" look. Yet if for some reason they hate the look they would have the option to use a different basic item for a different look while not losing effectiveness.

I'm with you in that I don't think Blizzard will do it. I do think they want them all to look alike so it is very recognizable. I'm just saying that I think the core reason for it can still be achieved with what Pete said.

Faction Transfers in the Works... - Kevin - 06-30-2009

Quote:Couldn't they do that with what Pete posted?
You could have basic item drops in the raid content that give items with unique looks. So people who complete that content can still have that unique "I beat it!" look. Yet if for some reason they hate the look they would have the option to use a different basic item for a different look while not losing effectiveness.

I'm with you in that I don't think Blizzard will do it. I do think they want them all to look alike so it is very recognizable. I'm just saying that I think the core reason for it can still be achieved with what Pete said.

To some extent, but I was taking Pete's idea to be that that form drop was pretty much readily available but the form drop was hard.

If you keep the form drops limited to X content, then what Pete does is simply open up being able to keep an old form with new function.

You kinda can but I don't see a ton of value.

Faction Transfers in the Works... - NuurAbSaal - 07-01-2009

I'm all for giving people more flexibility with gear looks. The "show-off" or "e-peen" effect can be achieved with titles, to some extent ("of the Nightfall" beats out "Jenkins", I guess:)) or some other stuff in that direction, like banners you can have flying over your head, Yoshimitsu Style™! Done to some extent with the Argent Tournament stuff.

The fact that everybody looks the same is a small but annoying detractor from the fun of WoW for me (though I am on a break again atm). And SOME option to get all kinds of mounts for your char would be sweet indeed. I wonder how the faction change thing is going to handle this.

take care

Faction Transfers in the Works... - Taelas - 07-02-2009

They've posted a small Q&A regarding the faction change service, and they're saying you'll only be able to switch back to your original race if you try to switch twice.

Q. Will we be able to switch between the races on our own faction?
A.. No. Players will only be able to switch to a race of the opposite faction.

Q. Will I be able to choose the race on the opposite faction that I want to change to?
A.. Yes, but you will only be able to switch to a race that has your class type available to it. So if you play a human paladin, you’d only be able to change to a blood elf paladin.

Q.How much will it cost?
A.. We do not have further information on this at this point in time.

Q.Will I be able to switch back to my original faction but a different race?
A.. No. You will only be able to switch back to your originally chosen race.

Q.. How will the switch between reputation, gear, mounts, etc be handled?
A.. We’ll have more details for you at a later point in time, though we plan to keep these as close to a reflection of the other faction as much as possible.

Q.How often can you change your faction?
A..We do not have any information to share on this at this point in time, however we will have restrictions on the frequency by which players can change their faction.

Q. How will this affect the balance of Horde and Alliance on the realms?
A.. We are taking great care in how we implement this new service in order to maintain balance between the factions on the realms but do not have any further details to share.