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WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Guest - 06-11-2005

These are the 4 post D2 games that over the past 2 years have been mentioned consistantly here at the Lurker Lounge.
Now that 2 have them have been out for a while it might be a good time to disccuss what we are playing ,what were looking foward too.

It might be good to address each one seperate if you have thoughts on it.

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Guest - 06-11-2005

WoW - I had a lot of fun with it leveling up, maybe the most fun ever in a game with leveling. And then the fun stopped for me at 60. It wasnt a surprise(Bolty and every beta tester I knew from other games said it would be this way.) What made the game great wasnt the actual leveling it was the huge content and the ability to enjoy it solo and in random groups.

I have since canceled but my subscription hasnt run out. For long term play I actually enjoy other MMORPs more.

GuildWars - I didnt play it as it really didnt appeal to me.

HellGate - This is probably the game I am most looking foward to. I hope the server saves the actual charaters though(I assume it does). I havent seen this mentioned anywhere.

D3 - I think we all assume this is being made because it would be crazy for Vivindi to continue a brand that successful. I hope its good.

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Walkiry - 06-13-2005

WoW - It was choke full of stupid little things that drove me up the wall for three weeks straight, until I decided the fun parts were simply not worth the frustration, freed up 2.5 Gb in my HD, and never looked back.

GuildWars - The initial rush in the game was a lot of fun. It's currently a bit icy because I've got a cut on my free gaming time and other games have occupied the free gaming time I've got (namely Metroid Prime, Zelda: WW and the new issue of City of Heroes).

HellGate - Mildly interesting. I stopped caring about videogame hype machines after Diablo II, so I don't know what its current development is. I may pick it up.

D3 - *Shrug* Nothing to see here so far, so move along :shuriken:

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Mithrandir - 06-13-2005

The thing that worrie me about Hellgate is the complete lack of aiming that they have been touting. No aiming at all just seems ridiculous to me. Even the ultimate cheese that was the pre-1.08 (IIRC) Lance WW Barb required at least a little bit of aiming. It just doesn't sound fun to me to run into a room, click anywhere on the screen, and then repeat. I can do that without even looking at the screen... talk about a brain-cell killer.

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Occhidiangela - 06-13-2005

Ghostiger,Jun 11 2005, 11:59 AM Wrote:These are the 4 post D2 games that over the past 2 years have been mentioned  consistantly here at the Lurker Lounge.
Now that 2 have them have been out for a while it might be a good time to disccuss what we are playing ,what were looking foward too.

It might be good to address each one seperate if you have thoughts on it.

Wow: Fun ran out early, so I simply stopped playing. Almost never on with Lurkers at my level was a huge contributor, I did not care for the solo grind at all, and when the desynch waves hit, I concluded that life was too short to be desynched again. Only reason it is still on the PC is my son likes it.

Guild Wars: on hold. Fun enough, have not played in weeks.

Hell Gate: Shooter. Odds of buying low.

Diablo III: What would be the point of that? The Diablo brain trust left.

Starcraft II: Now that might be worth playing. :D


Edited due to calling Starcraft Star Wars! :blush:

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - TaMeOlta - 06-13-2005

My time is presently chaotically spread across Diablo2 and GuildWars :P

I am a latecomer to GuildWars (Gill Dwarves :P ) so I've mainly been doing a lot of exploring and testing - the Beta weekends unfortunately came during my AirForce weekends - you may see brief appearances of Aporkalips Ab and Karnevil Ab stumbling drunkenly across the continent ....

I haven't dipped my toes into WoW yet , GW is overwhelming enough :lol:

If D3 is ever released , you can bet your toes and fingers I will be playing it ! :D

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Swiss Mercenary - 06-14-2005

WoW - Looked forward to it, prior to the betas. Dissapointed with Blizzard's "Actions" and "Inactions" about the state of the game.

GW - That's what I'm going full steam ahead in.

Hellgate - Not too interested, for whatever reason. May change closer to release.

D3 - Not going to happen. :P

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Assur - 06-14-2005

Occhidiangela,Jun 13 2005, 09:17 PM Wrote:Starcraft II:  Now that might be worth playing.  :D


Edited due to calling Starcraft Star Wars!  :blush:

Starcraft II

Please lord, make it happen in my lifetime.

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - NiteFox - 06-14-2005

I'm losing hope that there will be a StarCraft II, even though it's my most wished for game.

Blizzard's attitude seems to be "Hey, StarCraft was the game that made us household names, so let's waste over a year making a non-canonical StarCraft game for next-gen consoles and continue plumbing Azeroth for all it's worth in the PC market."

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Occhidiangela - 06-14-2005

NiteFox,Jun 14 2005, 04:36 AM Wrote:I'm losing hope that there will be a StarCraft II, even though it's my most wished for game.

Blizzard's attitude seems to be "Hey, StarCraft was the game that made us household names, so let's waste over a year making a non-canonical StarCraft game for next-gen consoles and continue plumbing Azeroth for all it's worth in the PC market."

Working so far, right?

When is Ghost scheduled for release, I wonder. This is Buzzard, after all. :D


WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - NiteFox - 06-14-2005

Occhidiangela,Jun 14 2005, 01:26 PM Wrote:Working so far, right?

When is Ghost scheduled for release, I wonder.  This is Buzzard, after all.  :D

Actually, the last solid release date I saw was March 2004.

And every single bit of paraphanelia I've read on the subject doesn't give a release date, and only mentions that the game will be released on "next-gen consoles".

So... We could be looking at when Revolution, 360, et al are all established. Could be a loooong wait.

I can't say I've actually looked forward to SC:G though, I couldn't care less if it goes the way of WarCraft Adventures.

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - pakman - 06-14-2005

I've been sinking my teeth into some older games recently. I pulled out Baldur's Gate the other night and started playing that again. I also reinstalled Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines to play since I never really finished it.

I plan to get GW when I return to school in August so I can play with my friends, but other than that, not much is happening on the game releases at the moment. Advent Rising is out for the Xbox, but I haven't heard any reviews on it, partly because I haven't looked. And the game I'm really waiting for comes out in September, F.E.A.R.

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Jeunemaitre - 06-14-2005

Ghostiger,Jun 11 2005, 12:59 PM Wrote:Now that 2 have them have been out for a while it might be a good time to disccuss what we are playing ,what were looking foward too.

It might be good to address each one seperate if you have thoughts on it.

I'm not really into any of the upcoming/available PC titles at the moment. Rather I'm enjoying my new PS2:
Last Finished: Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (only interesting for folks who've followed the whole series. By itself the story is kind of "so what?")
Currently playing: GT3: A-spec
Looking forward to: drop in price/appearance of used GT4 (Thats Gran Tourismo 4 not GTA for 1337 folks) and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (November 05). Also considering God of War (same schedule as GT4). Also debating about MGS:II and MGS:III, but we'll see. Not sure I'm into the whole "hunt for food" thing in III.

I might get interested in D3, but it will take a real advancement in story. I'd much rather plan an adventure/action game with a solid story than one without. Although there is something to be said for just plugging in to tear things apart for a little stress relief.

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Jim - 06-14-2005


Dungeon Seige 2, I will buy this RPG on day 1, I enjoyed DS 1 more than Guild Wars & WoW put together :P

Asheron's Call 1, Call Throne of Destiny [7/18/05], I played AC1 for 5 years it is still the best MMORPG in play today, even though Researching a Spell was replaced with Spell scrolls you can buy at your Local NPC dealer :lol:

Quote:Asheron's Call Throne of Destiny News: [ToD will increase the level cap from 126 to 275]

Dereth is an ever-changing world, and there are many places where you can get the latest news. The Front Page will always have the most recent news. You can also check our Monthly Event pages to see what we've added in our legendary monthly updates. You can take a look at past articles, or swing by the official forums. There are also many Asheron's Call community websites with their own news such as columns, contests and walkthroughs!

Throne of Destiny is the third installment in the original 3D massively multiplayer online role playing game series Asheron's Call, first launched to critical acclaim in November 1999. In the new expansion pack, players will enjoy a graphics upgrade, a new playable race, the Viamontians, and a challenge to experienced gamers with a new high-level play system that rewards players with skill credits.

* New playable heritage group The Viamontians

* Throne of Destiny will increase the level cap from 126 to 275

* New items like Augmentation Gems

* New rare weapons

* New creatures like The Ruschk and Viamontian Knight

Asheron's Call Throne of Destiny

WoW, GuildWars and HellGate(and D3?) - Aello - 06-16-2005

Mithrandir,Jun 13 2005, 08:41 PM Wrote:The thing that worrie me about Hellgate is the complete lack of aiming that they have been touting.

it's not like that at all. the amount of aiming that's required depends on the weapon. the way aiming works is pretty much like any FPS, except many of the weapons have aspects which make accurate aim less important (for example, there are some guided weapons, some have lock on, some spray out lots of bolts in random patterns, etc.)