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Response to Chespiece's Pally post - Printable Version

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Response to Chespiece's Pally post - Tris - 08-23-2005

Paladins do offer things to raids ... a lot more than I had initially thought they would.

While salvation is nice, it isn't 100% necessary.

However, Chess forgets the other abilities... BoW, BoK, and various resistance auras that a pally can put up. BoK can add significantly to health for warrior types and mana for casters. Then there's BoL which I'm still trying to figure out, but which looks helpful if having to heal as a pally.

We also have an anti-wipe in the form of Divine intervention.

So really, we have more to offer a raid than your post indicates, and more than what I had initially htought myself when playing the class.

Now, if we could just do something about those seemingly rediculous looking shoulders we get to wear:P

Response to Chespiece's Pally post - Walkiry - 08-23-2005

Quote:Response to Chespiece's Pally post

Given that said post is in its own thread (and not an "offtopic" post in a different discussion), it's in the front page just a few lines under this post, and it's not locked, why did you feel the need to create a new thread?