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Holidays - Assur - 12-23-2005


To all Lurkers, and the rest of the world, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

See you in 2006

Holidays - DeeBye - 12-23-2005

My family will be spending Christmas together for the first time in about 12 years. It'll be my mom, dad, brother, and my little flock. It should be great. My son will be the only child there, so he should be getting good and spoiled. I bought my brother an Atari Flashback 2.

My dad says he has a bottle of Glenmorangie stashed away for us men to partake in after the womenfolk go to bed.


Holidays - Ashock - 12-23-2005

Let's not forget the historically important and ancient holiday of Qwanza.


Holidays - Wyrm - 12-23-2005

Ashock,Dec 23 2005, 01:46 AM Wrote:Let's not forget the historically important and ancient holiday of Qwanza.
So says the person who spelled "Kwanzaa" wrong.

Happy Holidays, whichever you celebrate.

Holidays - [wcip]Angel - 12-23-2005

Happy, happy X-mas everyone! :)

I thought I'd share a brilliant Christmas animation. It's really well done. :)

Holidays - Ashock - 12-23-2005

Wyrm,Dec 23 2005, 12:50 AM Wrote:So says the person who spelled "Kwanzaa" wrong.

Happy Holidays, whichever you celebrate.

It's ok. It's a made-up holiday, so I made up my own spelling.


Holidays - Tal - 12-23-2005

Assur,Dec 22 2005, 11:11 PM Wrote:Hi

To all Lurkers, and the rest of the world, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

See you in 2006

Right backatcha. :D

Holidays - Occhidiangela - 12-23-2005

Assur,Dec 22 2005, 10:11 PM Wrote:Hi

To all Lurkers, and the rest of the world, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

See you in 2006

And lo, the lurkers who watched their screens by night were surprised by a loud clash of music and the noise of a great multitude. They looked to see what was disturbing their latest instance raid and noticed the Arch Angel Tyrael, surrounded by a host of gnomes bathed in a surreal lemon lime green light.

"Phear naught" spake Tyrael "for I bring you tidings of great joy."

The Lurkers perked up their pointy Night elf ears, their fuzzy Tauren ears, their other various and sundry autic appendages, and gaped open mouthed at the messenger from the creator (of Diablo).

"What news, oh most brilliant and ethereal messenger from on High?"

Tyrael blew a blast from his heavenly Tuba of Wall Shattering and spake the tidings of great joy:

"Diablo III is in development, and will be released in 2007. No, 2008. Well, the public beta will be in late 2008 and the realms will stabalize in 2009 . . ."

The lurkers shrugged their shoulders and went back to tending their instanced flocks of dragons. One gnomish magician was heard to mutter

"OK, I wanted snow for Christmas, not a Blizzard."

Merry Christmas, to one an all.


Holidays - ima_nerd - 12-23-2005

Very nice Occhi, very nice.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah (which happen to coincide :blink:), Happy/Merry Cwaanza etcetera etcetera