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List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Jim - 02-03-2006


I surfed into this Russian forum while reading about Bin Laden @ :P

In Bin Laden's mind, and in the minds of likeminded fundamentalist jihadists, all the preconditions have been met for directly attacking the United States

Why you should read a Russian view of us..."Keep your Friends Close...Your Enemies Closer" :wub:

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look around you

KGB ran secret laboratories to study extraterrestrial civilizations.

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Ashock - 02-03-2006

King Jim,Feb 3 2006, 02:17 PM Wrote:Why you should read a Russian view of us..."Keep your Friends Close...Your Enemies Closer"  :wub:

The russians have hated the US ever since the Commie revolution. This is basically programmed into them at birth, much like Muslims will always hate the Jews, although not as viciously (russian hate towards americans is not as intense, just to clarify). The only exception to that came during WW2 when for several years they were told by the government to stop hating.

I remember reading some russian forums (in russian) during the last Olympics at the time of some sort of sporting incident (maybe it was figure skating, maybe hockey, forgot already) and the hate spewing out those mouths (well, fingers) was pretty amusing.

Russians are possibly the most jingoistic people on this planet. Everyone is to an extent, but the russians are worse then the french, and that's saying something.

Don't be surprised by *anything* you read that is written by them.


List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - jahcs - 02-03-2006

And Pete's hypothesis about the collective intelligence presented by the users of the internet is reinforced yet again.

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - TriggerHappy - 02-04-2006

Ashock,Feb 3 2006, 05:36 PM Wrote:The russians have hated the US ever since the Commie revolution. This is basically programmed into them at birth, much like Muslims will always hate the Jews, although not as viciously (russian hate towards americans is not as intense, just to clarify). The only exception to that came during WW2 when for several years they were told by the government to stop hating.[right][snapback]101020[/snapback][/right]

Speaking as a Russian born in the U.S.S.R, and with alot of family stil in Russia, what you wrote above is nothing but a whole lot of bull#$%&. Somebody must've forgotten to inform you that the Russia and it's people today is not the Russia of twenty years ago. Already by the late 80s few people really believed in any of the government propoganda towards the U.S. and the west, much less today.

And by the way, today's "Pravda" is equivalent to tabloids. Do you judge all of western culture by the tabloids?

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - gekko - 02-04-2006

Ashock,Feb 3 2006, 04:36 PM Wrote:The russians have hated the US ever since the Commie revolution. This is basically programmed into them at birth, much like Muslims will always hate the Jews, although not as viciously (russian hate towards americans is not as intense, just to clarify). The only exception to that came during WW2 when for several years they were told by the government to stop hating.

I remember reading some russian forums (in russian) during the last Olympics at the time of some sort of sporting incident (maybe it was figure skating, maybe hockey, forgot already) and the hate spewing out those mouths (well, fingers) was pretty amusing.

Russians are possibly the most jingoistic people on this planet. Everyone is to an extent, but the russians are worse then the french, and that's saying something.

Don't be surprised by *anything* you read that is written by them.

Could you maybe put a little more generalizations into your posts in the future? I mean, if you're going to make broad sweeping statements insulting every citizen in three countries around three continents, really what's the point stopping there?


List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - SwissMercenary - 02-04-2006

Ashock at last revealed the truth about me, and I suppose that this is as good a time as any to come out of the closet. It's true. All the negativity I direct at various US policies I disagree with... Is actually the product of commie indoctorination. Never mind a few inconvenient facts about me that don't fit the bill.

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Assur - 02-04-2006

[quote=SwissMercenary,Feb 4 2006, 03:55 AM]
Ashock at last revealed the truth about me, and I suppose that this is as good a time as any to come out of the closet. It's true. All the negativity I direct at various US policies I disagree with... Is actually the product of commie indoctorination.

We already knew

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - SwissMercenary - 02-04-2006

Assur,Feb 4 2006, 04:17 AM Wrote:We already knew

You mean my highly-subtle subliminal messages intended to convert the lot of you into godless drones, in service to the Great Leader were... Not overly subtle?

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Assur - 02-04-2006

SwissMercenary,Feb 4 2006, 04:40 AM Wrote:You mean my highly-subtle subliminal messages intended to convert the lot of you into godless drones, in service to the Great Leader were... Not overly subtle?

Neither subtle, nor successful, sorry. :)

BTW Didn't the Dear Leader succeed the Great Leader?

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - SwissMercenary - 02-04-2006

Assur,Feb 4 2006, 06:12 PM Wrote:Neither subtle, nor successful, sorry. :)

BTW Didn't the Dear Leader succeed the Great Leader?

I can't recall, I failed Semantics 101. Besides, it's the thought that counts, right?

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Ashock - 02-04-2006

TriggerHappy,Feb 3 2006, 08:03 PM Wrote:Speaking as a Russian born in the U.S.S.R, and with alot of family stil in Russia, what you wrote above is nothing but a whole lot of bull#$%&.  Somebody must've forgotten to inform you that the Russia and it's people today is not the Russia of twenty years ago.  Already by the late 80s few people really believed in any of the government propoganda towards the U.S. and the west, much less today.

And by the way, today's "Pravda" is equivalent to tabloids.  Do you judge all of western culture by the tabloids?

Where do you think I was born, Ivan? The difference between you and I is simple. I do not only base my conclusions on my past memories. I actually read current events..... from the original sources. Maybe you missed the part of my post that was talking about what I read 4 years ago?

Idi spat', malchik.


List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Ashock - 02-04-2006

gekko,Feb 3 2006, 08:10 PM Wrote:Could you maybe put a little more generalizations into your posts in the future?  I mean, if you're going to make broad sweeping statements insulting every citizen in three countries around three continents, really what's the point stopping there?


How shall I put this.....

Ummmm.... get lost.


List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Assur - 02-04-2006

SwissMercenary,Feb 4 2006, 10:30 PM Wrote:I can't recall, I failed Semantics 101. Besides, it's the thought that counts, right?

You'll certainly get an A for effort. I foresee great things for you.

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - TriggerHappy - 02-04-2006

Ashock,Feb 4 2006, 06:38 PM Wrote:Where do you think I was born, Ivan? The difference between you and I is simple. I do not only base my conclusions on my past memories. I actually read current events..... from the original sources. Maybe you missed the part of my post that was talking about what I read 4 years ago?
Idi spat', malchik.

It's Arkady, not Ivan :rolleyes: .

Oh you read current events do you? I talk to people who live the "current events". I actually visit the country and see with my own eyes. I don't base my perception of a culture based on the spewing of a ridiculously small number of forum posters. Or god forbid from reading "Pravda".

And Russians are no more jingoistic than Americans or British. Certainly not today.

Idi nahui, "malchik".

List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Zippyy - 02-06-2006

I have concluded that Russians only hate each other.


List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Ashock - 02-06-2006

TriggerHappy,Feb 4 2006, 04:10 PM Wrote:Idi nahui, "malchik".

Oh, c'mon now. Did I hit a sore spot? That's too bad. I so wanted to be friends.....


List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - gekko - 02-06-2006

Ashock,Feb 6 2006, 09:30 AM Wrote:Oh, c'mon now. Did I hit a sore spot? That's too bad. I so wanted to be friends.....

Just not with any other russians. You'd better be careful of christians, too - I hear they kidnap babies and eat them. And don't even let me get started on those wicked people who play videogames.


List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Ashock - 02-06-2006

gekko,Feb 6 2006, 07:37 AM Wrote:Just not with any other russians.&nbsp; You'd better be careful of christians, too - I hear they kidnap babies and eat them.&nbsp; And don't even let me get started on those wicked people who play videogames.


Let me clarify a bit. I am not in the habit of having long conversations with idiots.



List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - gekko - 02-06-2006

Ashock,Feb 6 2006, 04:15 PM Wrote:Let me clarify a bit. I am not in the habit of having long conversations with idiots.

Neither am I, but I must admit I do enjoy watching them make fools of themselves.


List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - Occhidiangela - 02-06-2006

gekko,Feb 6 2006, 08:37 AM Wrote:You'd better be careful of christians, too - I hear they kidnap babies and eat them.&nbsp; And don't even let me get started on those wicked people who play videogames.

Aha! Jack Thompson, I suspected that you lurked here, but now we have finally caught you! Unmasked at last, and by thine own petard hoisted.

Hie thee hence, thou foulest of malodorous ambulance chasers!
