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Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Printable Version

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Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - MongoJerry - 02-07-2006

So, which sci-fi or fantasy character are you? This site has a personality test that matches you with the sci-fi or fantasy character you're most like. It's pretty cool. Or, at least, I think it's cool, because it matched me with Elrond.

[Image: elrond.jpg]

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Rhydderch Hael - 02-07-2006

Took me down for the Potter kid. :unsure:

Wands are for necromancers and pixies! :angry:

*draws sword*

*breaks pencil*


Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Ashock - 02-07-2006

James T. Kirk.

Stupid test. I checked and if I answered the last question differently, I would have been Wesley Crusher. Bleh, stupid test.

Did I mention it was a stupid test? Well, it was.


Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Tal - 02-07-2006

I'm Yoda. :blink:

Or should I say:

Yoda I am. Yes!

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - jahcs - 02-07-2006

These tests always feel a bit too contrived...

Anyway, Live Long and Prosper <_<

[Image: spock.jpg]

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - NiteFox - 02-07-2006

[Image: obiwan.jpg]

... Hey, don't look at me like that. I didn't design this test.

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Bun-Bun - 02-07-2006

Jean-Luc Picard.

I've already got the bald thing going.

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - ShadowHM - 02-07-2006

Bun-Bun,Feb 7 2006, 04: Wrote:Jean-Luc Picard.

I've already got the bald thing going.

Well, I don't, but apparently I want to be Jean-Luc too. :blink:

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - ima_nerd - 02-07-2006

Haha, yes! I loved his character!

Marcus Cole
[Image: marcus.jpg]

I am a Ranger. We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One.

Edit: Forgot to put his name in.

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Occhidiangela - 02-07-2006

MongoJerry,Feb 7 2006, 03:23 PM Wrote:I think it's cool, because it matched me with Elrond.&nbsp;
[Image: elrond.jpg]
Whoa, Mongo, this rogue is in big trouble.
[Image: galadriel.jpg]

I do not look great in long flowing gowns, and I don't want to be married for all of eternity to a male elf. (Celeborn)

I'll opt for being one of my real favorites: Fafhrd, Fitzchivalry or Fiben Bolger, thanks. ;) (hehe, Shadow, that last one was for you. You want that book back?)


Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Ammonium - 02-07-2006

ShadowHM,Feb 7 2006, 04:57 PM Wrote:Well, I don't, but apparently I want to be Jean-Luc too.&nbsp; :blink:

Well both of you stop it. I am the REAL Jean-Luc!!!!!!!!1!11

[Image: picard.jpg]

PS: Seems to me that all of these guys are from Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, or Star Wars and are cheesily stereotyped.

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - [wcip]Angel - 02-08-2006

ohh! Great test, even though I became a woman.
[Image: delenn.jpg]

Devoutly dedicated to helping lead others to glory, you are a strong, supportive, and spiritual caregiver.

Summoned, I take the place that has been prepared for me.


Crappy quote. I prefer this one:

I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light.

edit: Damn I miss Babylon 5... even though the complete DVD series are about 3 feet away from where I'm sitting :P

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Xiuhcoatl - 02-08-2006

These "tests" are just for fun so I carefully manipulated, er, selected the answers and got...

...Emperor Palpatine

A mastermind of maneuvering surrounding forces, you care little for the concerns of those in your way.

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen. ;)

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Assur - 02-08-2006

MongoJerry,Feb 7 2006, 09:23 PM Wrote:So, which sci-fi or fantasy character are you?&nbsp; This site has a personality test that matches you with the sci-fi or fantasy character you're most like.&nbsp; It's pretty cool.&nbsp; Or, at least, I think it's cool, because it matched me with Elrond.&nbsp;


He he. I win.

Agent Smith

With a coolly measured demeanor and adaptive thinking, you enforce your will on others using your multitude of abilities.

Do you hear that, Mister Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Munkay - 02-08-2006

[Image: kirk.jpg]




Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Thecla - 02-08-2006

Ashock,Feb 7 2006, 01:41 PM Wrote:James T. Kirk.
Stupid test. [right][snapback]101463[/snapback][/right]

Actually, that seems entirely appropriate, even if it is a stupid test. But at least I've heard of the magnificent (if somewhat egotistical and self-righteous) Kirk; I, on the other hand, got a bunch of noble Babylon 5 characters whom I've never heard of. Better to be a William Shatner than a nonenitity, I would say. ;)

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - DeeBye - 02-08-2006

I got Watto :angry:

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Doc - 02-08-2006

Ok, I answered every question as honestly as possible. [Image: raistlin.jpg]

Raistlin Majere

An intensely private individual that chooses actions with care, you strive to further your own skills and powers.

This happens because I choose it to happen!

Yes, this pretty much sums me up. While still red robed, my black robes should be arriving in the post any day now.

If I go back and change just one question (I will not say which) and because this question could be answered both ways depending on my mood and just how pragmatic I feel that day... I can be a cold calculating bastard some days. Most days.

[Image: magneto.jpg]


A strong-willed leader who takes no prisoners, you are determined to achieve your goals by any means necessary.

Still unwilling to make sacrifices -- that's what makes you weak.

This should only confirm your belief that I am not a nice person. Haha!

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - whyBish - 02-08-2006

MongoJerry,Feb 8 2006, 10:23 AM Wrote:So, which sci-fi or fantasy character are you?&nbsp; This site has a personality test that matches you with the sci-fi or fantasy character you're most like.&nbsp; It's pretty cool.&nbsp; Or, at least, I think it's cool, because it matched me with Elrond.&nbsp;

[Image: elrond.jpg]
Agent Smith.

Which Sci-Fi Character Are You? - Ashock - 02-08-2006

Thecla,Feb 7 2006, 08:45 PM Wrote:Actually, that seems entirely appropriate, even if it is a stupid test. But at least I've heard of the magnificent (if somewhat egotistical and self-righteous) Kirk; I, on the other hand, got a bunch of noble Babylon 5 characters whom I've never heard of. Better to be a William Shatner than a nonenitity, I would say. ;)

Watch B5 and problem solved! It's actually good :)
