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Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Bob the Beholder - 04-08-2006

Kingsblood sells for about 5g per stack on my server, and is probably a pretty good price on most other servers, too. It's used to gain reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood in end game, so 60s with more money than you tend to want a few hundred of them. This is only if you want to pick up Herbalism, of course.

I think you can get Vibrant Plumes off of Harpies in the Thousand Needles that sell fairly well. They're used to get Darkoom Faire tickets, which are also in pretty good demand for 60s.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - MongoJerry - 04-08-2006

GenericKen,Apr 7 2006, 11:13 PM Wrote:So, what're the best places to farm for gold? Specifically, for AU bait?

I knew that linen and other cloths sell well, as well as most all gathering profession stuff. I knew that hunters paid a gold for stacks of boar meat. I did NOT know that stacks of fire elemental escences sold for 15 gold on the AU.

So is there anything else I should know?

Elemental Fires are used to make Greater Fire Protection potions, which guilds used while learning bosses in MC and BWL. At least on Tich, their price has lowered somewhat as more guilds have learned to kill bosses without the crutch of potions, but they still sell well. The new hot low level commodity is Elemental Earth which is used in Greater Nature Protection potions, which are used by raiding guilds running AQ40. There aren't as many nature resistance intensive fights as there were fire intensive fights in MC and BWL, but they definitely help.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - oldmandennis - 04-08-2006

MongoJerry,Apr 7 2006, 11:48 PM Wrote:The new hot low level commodity is Elemental Earth which is used in Greater Nature Protection potions, which are used by raiding guilds running AQ40. 

Also used for elemental sharpening stones... which will probably be popular what ever instance you are in. Currently I am slowly leveling my level 41 lock by bouncing beween the earth and fire circles in Arathi.

Incidentally, nature is a lot different then fire in as much as the regular protection pots are almost as good as the greater ones, and are a lot cheaper.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - GenericKen - 04-10-2006

1) How high can you get enchanting using just the disenchant skill? (presumably on high level items)

2) If vendor trash only sells for 1.5 gold at 60, where is all the money flowing into the economy from? Are high levels selling their greens to vendors?

3) Can you override old armor kits with new ones like overriding enchants?

4) Why does everybody seem to want to buy mageweave (spamming in the trade channel) and not runecloth?

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - MongoJerry - 04-10-2006

GenericKen,Apr 10 2006, 12:39 PM Wrote:1) How high can you get enchanting using just the disenchant skill? (presumably on high level items)

Not very high. I don't know the exact number, but it's less than 60 and maybe as low as 30.

Quote:2) If vendor trash only sells for 1.5 gold at 60, where is all the money flowing into the economy from? Are high levels selling their greens to vendors?

Yeah, they sell greens and often a lot of blues if they can't disenchant their own items themselves. Plus, the money from selling all those grey and white items adds up.

Quote:3) Can you override old armor kits with new ones like overriding enchants?


Quote:4) Why does everybody seem to want to buy mageweave (spamming in the trade channel) and not runecloth?

It's supply and demand. In this case, heavy supply, since there are vast portions of the player population playing at level capped instances where they get tons of runecloth that they don't know what to do with (except maybe to build up one's faction to be able to ride another race's mount -- joy). On the other hand, there are comparatively few players playing in the level ranges where mageweave drops, and yet it still has some uses in some recipes and quests. It's easier for a level 60 with lots of cash to just buy the mageweave than to run down and kill lower level mobs to get it.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Tuftears - 04-10-2006

You can get (dis)enchanting to 60.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Xanthix - 04-11-2006

GenericKen,Apr 8 2006, 01:13 AM Wrote:So, what're the best places to farm for gold? Specifically, for AU bait?

Some people like to farm leather for cash - it goes for low prices but sells consistently. Anyone know good spots to farm light leather?

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - MongoJerry - 04-11-2006

Xanthix,Apr 11 2006, 08:58 AM Wrote:Some people like to farm leather for cash - it goes for low prices but sells consistently. Anyone know good spots to farm light leather?

The Barrens. There are animals everywhere. Alliance side, I would guess Loch Modan or Darkshore.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - GenericKen - 04-12-2006

Quote:1) I'm lvl 43 (soon 44) and my mining has fallen way behind (like 115). I'm having trouble finding tin to lvl the skill. At first I didn't mind, but passing through Uldaman and all that goodness broke my heart.

Should I backfill my mining now or later when I get my lvl 60 mount?

Yes, backfill. Tin is the toughest part to get through, so yeah, go back and hit the tin areas and finally get to the point where you can mine iron, which is more abundant.

Quote:2) Are there any particularly fun places in the game I should make sure not to miss as I lvl?

Sure, a bunch of places. The first one that popped into my head is probably too low of a level for you now. It's the small cove off the coast of Arathi where some Booty Bay pirates have been stranded. There are a few quests there and the end of a chain ends up having you defend the boat from a naga attack. You help by manning the cannon on the ship and blasting the naga to bits as they come. It's quite fun.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - GenericKen - 04-19-2006

Alright, some more technichal questions:

1) Does jumping while running slow you down (mounted and unmounted)? I'm amazed at how hard it is to tell; I used to think it was, but I think the camera may be playing tricks with me.

2) Has anyone clocked how fast griffons/wyverns go relative to walk speed?

3) Is it just me, or were the Barrens lush and grassy last time I flew through them? Do certain zones have seasons along with day/night?

4) Does the onixia death-buff proc anywhere other than stormwind (I haven't seen it in IF, though I would presume it does)? Does whatever death-buff in Booty Bay proc anywhere else? Are there any other death-buff that in the game?

5) What are some good places for cliff diving?

6) I feel like an idiot for asking, but what's the special character code for "target" when macroing something? How about abilities?

7) What's the most effective way to tell a group that you're polymorphing a target in combat?

8) I know damage from DoTs breaks poly, gouge, sap, and bandaging. Does it break anything else (channeling)?

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Quark - 04-19-2006

Quote:1) Does jumping while running slow you down (mounted and unmounted)? I'm amazed at how hard it is to tell; I used to think it was, but I think the camera may be playing tricks with me.
Movement speed isn't affected by jumping. A tiny way to increase your speed, then, is to jump into water instead of just running into it. Before you land, you'll be moving at normal/mounted speed instead of swimming speed.

Quote:4) Does the onixia death-buff proc anywhere other than stormwind (I haven't seen it in IF, though I would presume it does)? Does whatever death-buff in Booty Bay proc anywhere else? Are there any other death-buff that in the game?
Rallying Call of the Dragonslayer (Onyxia and Nefarian buff) is Stormwind or Orgrimmar specific. There's a horde-specific one that I don't really remember, also.

Quote:5) What are some good places for cliff diving?
Loch Modan's dam.

Quote:6) I feel like an idiot for asking, but what's the special character code for "target" when macroing something? How about abilities?
/target mobname
/script CastSpellByName('Ability(Rank x)')
Works among other methods. If (Rank x) is omitted, the highest rank you have is used.

Quote:8) I know damage from DoTs breaks poly, gouge, sap, and bandaging. Does it break anything else (channeling)?
Any damage breaks these. DoTs are specifically mentioned because you can't take back a DoT.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Xanthix - 04-19-2006

GenericKen,Apr 19 2006, 12:33 PM Wrote:2) Has anyone clocked how fast griffons/wyverns go relative to walk speed?

It is quite fast and furthermore is affected by things like Mithril Spurs on your boots. I don't know if anyone has measured the speed precisely because they do not really fly in a straight line for testing.

GenericKen,Apr 19 2006, 12:33 PM Wrote:3) Is it just me, or were the Barrens lush and grassy last time I flew through them? Do certain zones have seasons along with day/night?

Zones do not have seasons, and AFAIK the Barrens have always been barren. The closest thing to seasons is that when fishing, in some places you will get Winter Squid for 6 months out of the year and Raw Summer Bass the other six months.

GenericKen,Apr 19 2006, 12:33 PM Wrote:4) Does the onixia death-buff proc anywhere other than stormwind (I haven't seen it in IF, though I would presume it does)?

Actually I suspect it is a ranged AOE buff, not zone-specific. I have missed the buff when I am on the far side of Stormwind and I think I have seen people get the buff when slightly outside of SW's main gate.

GenericKen,Apr 19 2006, 12:33 PM Wrote:5) What are some good places for cliff diving?

Other good spots are the Un'goro Crater wall and two large mounds in northern Feralas.

GenericKen,Apr 19 2006, 12:33 PM Wrote:6) I feel like an idiot for asking, but what's the special character code for "target" when macroing something? How about abilities?

You can also use a script command to target groupmates:
/script TargetUnit("player");

You can replace 'player' with pet, party1 - party4, raid1 - raid40, party1target, party1pet, etc

GenericKen,Apr 19 2006, 12:33 PM Wrote:7) What's the most effective way to tell a group that you're polymorphing a target in combat?

Most people have a macro like this:

/cast Polymorph
/party I am polymorphing the unit %t!! Please don't attack it!!

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - KiloVictor - 04-19-2006

Xanthix,Apr 19 2006, 12:29 PM Wrote:It is quite fast and furthermore is affected by things like Mithril Spurs on your boots. I don't know if anyone has measured the speed precisely because they do not really fly in a straight line for testing.

I was told that the multiplier was 400% while riding the taxi service. I have no way of knowing if that's right or wrong, but it seems about right.


Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - MongoJerry - 04-19-2006

GenericKen,Apr 19 2006, 10:33 AM Wrote:Alright, some more technichal questions:

1) Does jumping while running slow you down (mounted and unmounted)? I'm amazed at how hard it is to tell; I used to think it was, but I think the camera may be playing tricks with me.

It actually slows you down by a tiny amount. It's difficult to tell, but if you set up a race with one person jumping and the other not, you'll see that the person who doesn't jump goes a bit faster.

Quote:2) Has anyone clocked how fast griffons/wyverns go relative to walk speed?

I'm not sure the exact speed, but it is fast -- even when the griffons or wyverns decide to take the long way around.

Quote:3) Is it just me, or were the Barrens lush and grassy last time I flew through them? Do certain zones have seasons along with day/night?

The parts of the Barrens around the Oases are lush and grassy, so you might have just remembered those parts. No, there aren't seasons. If you want to see a fun day/night difference, head to the village in Silverpine Forest where the villagers are human by day and worgen (werewolves) by night.

Quote:4) Does the onixia death-buff proc anywhere other than stormwind (I haven't seen it in IF, though I would presume it does)? Does whatever death-buff in Booty Bay proc anywhere else? Are there any other death-buff that in the game?

Horde players get a death buff when someone turns in the head of Rend, "the false warchief" from UBRS. You also get some nice long buffs if you complete the DM North tribute run without killing the various minibosses along the way.

Quote:5) What are some good places for cliff diving?

As mentioned before, Ferales has the twin colossuses that are probably higher than anything in the game. Jumping into Un'Goro crater is also good. Other spots include jumping off the cliff on the border of the Barrens and Thousand Needles and the cliff from Felwood into Darkshore.

Quote:7) What's the most effective way to tell a group that you're polymorphing a target in combat?

Make a macro that says:

/p Sheeping %t. Do not hit!
/cast Polymorph (Rank (whatever))

Quote:8) I know damage from DoTs breaks poly, gouge, sap, and bandaging. Does it break anything else (channeling)?

Dot's won't break or interrupt channeling or stutter spell casting. They also don't stop someone from tapping a flag in a battleground.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - GenericKen - 04-20-2006

Some questions on procing:

1) I know thrash blade can proc off its own proc-ed extra strikes. I'm also pretty sure it procs off of special ability-strikes. What I'm not sure of is how it procs off of special ability strikes that hit multiple opponents. Say I'm running blade fury: do the extra attacks hit both mobs? if I proc on the off-mob, does the extra attack hit the off mob, the on mob, or both mobs?

2) Is there no way to tell what % something will proc other than testing?

3) RNG: I've noticed that I get two or three criticals in a row roughly 15-30% as often as I get single criticals. Same goes for misses, dodges, and parries, so I'm thinking that the RNG does not refresh between pulses of attacks that come very near each other. I wonder if the same principle applies to procing, and whether we see double-proccing a lot more often than we should (not that I'm complaining :)).

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Ruvanal - 04-20-2006

GenericKen,Apr 19 2006, 01:33 PM Wrote:5) What are some good places for cliff diving?

Well technically it is not a cliff, but you can do some base jumping off of Teldrassil. If I remember correctly it took me 7 or 8 feather falls to finally hit the water and die from the fatigue meter (aimed toward Darkshore). If you aim differently there are many branchs that you could try to hop between on your way down from the top.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Watto44 - 04-20-2006

GenericKen,Apr 20 2006, 04:33 AM Wrote:5) What are some good places for cliff diving?
Get yourself some noggenfogger elixer (from a quest in Tanaris) and head to Winterspring. You can jump from Winterspring (there's a little tower down near frostwhisper gorge) into Azshara. (Make sure you mount up before you jump, otherwise you'll probably just plop into the ocean.)

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Monkey - 04-20-2006

It's a short cliff, but off the road running north from booty bay, you might notice a torch-lit path that runs up a hill; it leads to an overlook above the lagoon between the pirates and the naga. It's a nice jump and easy to repeat fast.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - GenericKen - 04-21-2006

1) As alliance, is it faster to fly between the two ports in kalimdor or to take a ship to eastern cont and back to kalimdor?

2) Are there any quest items in particular I should hang onto after quest chains? Most of them seem pretty disposable.

Noobish Questions (updated frequently) - Skandranon - 04-22-2006

GenericKen,Apr 21 2006, 04:29 PM Wrote:1) As alliance, is it faster to fly between the two ports in kalimdor or to take a ship to eastern cont and back to kalimdor?

Take the boat twice. The flight is ten or more minutes long, and only the worst boat luck will approach that.

Quote:2) Are there any quest items in particular I should hang onto after quest chains? Most of them seem pretty disposable.

Most of them are. Off the top of my head, only the Chained Essence of Eranikus (which keeps pointing you to a further step anyway) and the Black Dragonflight Molt (which Kalaran specifically tells you to keep) are important.