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BC Druid Talents - nobbie - 09-18-2006


Flight Form
Requires Level 68

"Transforms the Druid into Flight Form. While in this form you are able to fly in Outland.

The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects."
Unbelievable, but true?

According to that info, the Druid would be the only class that is able to travel the Outlands by "airplane".

But why am I complaining - I have two, a Taureen and a Night Elf;)

BC Druid Talents - Monkey - 09-18-2006

Unbelievable, but true?

According to that info, the Druid would be the only class that is able to travel the Outlands by "airplane".

But why am I complaining - I have two, a Taureen and a Night Elf;)

That makes sense, given that druids have travel form in Azeroth. However, if your druid dies by falling in Outland, be prepared for ridicule. Further proof that these must be true--balance druids get pets just like every other* class!:
Quote:Tier 8 - Force of Nature - Summons 3 treants to attack the enemy target for 15s.

*For values of 'every other' which do not include warriors, rogues, or paladins.

BC Druid Talents - Lissa - 09-18-2006

Those look like the fake druid talents that have been going around.

Take a look at the comment on mangle. Everything I've always seen about weapons used by druids in bear or cat for was the equip effect will benefit the druid, but at no time does weapon damage or procs work. So this looks fishy to me.

BC Druid Talents - Zarathustra - 09-18-2006

I'd call that false until we have some proof.

Unfortunately, after seeing the shades they gave priests, that Treant spell might not be unheard of.


BC Druid Talents - oldmandennis - 09-18-2006

Fake or not, I think they look pretty good.

The resto talent ties in nicely with stacking hots. Trents, cyclone, and flying form complete the spells from WC3, which seems to be somewhat of a priority.

I don't understand what part of "Mangle" has anything to do with weapons. It looks like a talent to syergize with rogues and warriors, which is also a theme.

BC Druid Talents - Lissa - 09-18-2006

Quote:Fake or not, I think they look pretty good.

The resto talent ties in nicely with stacking hots. Trents, cyclone, and flying form complete the spells from WC3, which seems to be somewhat of a priority.

I don't understand what part of "Mangle" has anything to do with weapons. It looks like a talent to syergize with rogues and warriors, which is also a theme.

cursed forum post Wrote:Mangle Bear = Mangle the target for 130% weapon damage plus 176 and causes the target to take 25% additional damage from bleed effects for 10s.
Mangle Cat = Mangle the target for 245 additional damage and causes the target to take 25% additional damage from bleed effects for 10s. Awards 1 combo point.

Note the bolded part. This is why I call into question the veracity of these talents.

Likewise, if they were real, wouldn't Blizzard have put up the talent preview already?

BC Druid Talents - oldmandennis - 09-18-2006

I'm not taking a position on true or not. But, for the sake of discussion...

Weapon Damage +Value: 101 The current description of maul.

Cats and bears have internal weapons. Either that or they might have weapon damage effect cats and bears. That would suck for the people who got the end of dreams though.

BC Druid Talents - Lissa - 09-18-2006

Quote:I'm not taking a position on true or not. But, for the sake of discussion...

Weapon Damage +Value: 101 The current description of maul.

Cats and bears have internal weapons. Either that or they might have weapon damage effect cats and bears. That would suck for the people who got the end of dreams though.

My understanding is that Feral damage is based on the Feral skill (Character Level * 5) and then improved by +MAP (through item bonuses that are on equip, buffs, and enchants).

Likewise, the other flag is the fact that they show all these things that go along with what Blizzard has recently stated. We've already seen one fake Druid talent listing, it wouldn't surprise me if again these are fake based on someone's hopes using what Blizzard has said already concerning the way things are being done (like stacked HoTs, Spells and Talents from other classes, and the like).

BC Druid Talents - oldmandennis - 09-18-2006

Quote:My understanding is that Feral damage is based on the Feral skill (Character Level * 5) and then improved by +MAP (through item bonuses that are on equip, buffs, and enchants).

I can't seem to find where it is, but I know it is there.

Cats and bears have an innate "weapon". Check out patch 1.7 where it says "Cat Form - The base weapon damage of the form has been increased."

I believe cat form is 40 dps 1.0 spd and bear is 40 dps 3.0 spd. Those numbers are probably for level 60, if I didn't get it wrong. That is why "chance on hit" weapons don't work - you are using your "claws" and not the weapon on your paper doll. Your skill with that weapon is always capped at clvl*5 - that just means you don't have to train it, it doesn't relate to the actual damage you do (unless you are trying to gnaw a boss to death, then you cry at itemization). If the feral skill was related to the damage done, a kitty would get 350 white DPS - I assure you that is not the case.

If those are the real talents then that description of Mangle will probably be changed, or that description is the internal (datamined) description - which you can see currently refers to a bear's weapon.

BC Druid Talents - Trien - 09-19-2006

Quote:I can't seem to find where it is, but I know it is there.

Cats and bears have an innate "weapon". Check out patch 1.7 where it says "Cat Form - The base weapon damage of the form has been increased."

I believe cat form is 40 dps 1.0 spd and bear is 40 dps 3.0 spd. Those numbers are probably for level 60, if I didn't get it wrong. That is why "chance on hit" weapons don't work - you are using your "claws" and not the weapon on your paper doll. Your skill with that weapon is always capped at clvl*5 - that just means you don't have to train it, it doesn't relate to the actual damage you do (unless you are trying to gnaw a boss to death, then you cry at itemization). If the feral skill was related to the damage done, a kitty would get 350 white DPS - I assure you that is not the case.

If those are the real talents then that description of Mangle will probably be changed, or that description is the internal (datamined) description - which you can see currently refers to a bear's weapon.

I went and calculated this on my 60 druid once for cat (and for some reason neglected to do the same for bear), namely because all I can ever do to increase my damage is up my AP, while I'm stuck with the same weapon which can't be upgraded (until 60+ levels come along). Even though a cat druid can hit the higest AP of any class in the game... we're stuck with that same weapon.

The number I came up with (post-1.7) was 43 - 66 (54dps). Which is roughly equivalent to single-wielding a MC-class dagger (Corehound 51dps, Perditions 58dps). How well you fare in damage output otherwise depends on the rest of your stats... hence why the current crop of druids' complaints are that while pre-raid gear druid damage is okay, once you start hitting MC/BWL other classes far outstrip the druid. My druid hit 60 a long long time ago so I can't speak on this at all, being used to having low DPS which has seen noted improvement only with 1.7/1.8 and the newer AQ40 gear (and Naxx stuff which I have yet to acquire...).

Now that makes me wonder... given a rogue/warrior duel-wielding two weapons (x DPS + y DPS), what single-wield DPS would that equate to?

BC Druid Talents - Zarathustra - 09-19-2006

I was thinking about the possibility of Treants (and the corresponding shades for priests) and... I actually like them upon review.

I think it just takes another way of looking at the spell. I don't see it as a summon as much as another offensive spell. The 15 seconds of activity on these could be considered another DoT while they're hammering away at the target. The virtue to that is the aggro they generate won't belong to the caster. It's really an interesting way to add damage to the class without inflating their threat generation.

BC Druid Talents - Warlock - 09-19-2006

I tracked the Druid inherent weapon DPS for a while once (unfortunately this was several patches ago and I've lost my notes). They matched the DPS of "equippable at character level" two handers very closely - I belive Bear starts with a white 2H weapon that turns green at level 40 and Cat starts with a green 2H that turns blue at level 40.

Whether accurate or not and complete or not there are some nice skill and talent ideas in that link. A buff to Moonkin, several scaling talents for balance including a very nice whole-raid DPS buff, an interrupt finisher for Cat, Bears get a decaf Mortal Strike (!) and 5% anti-crit (!!!), restoration an interesting new form with it's own significant buff.

BC Druid Talents - Yurup - 09-19-2006

I just flew in from... and boy are my arms tired...

BC Druid Talents - Quark - 09-19-2006

Quote:Note the bolded part. This is why I call into question the veracity of these talents.

Bad logic. Datamined, Backstab shows as two damage effects: Normalized Weapon Damage+ and Weapon % Damage. If you took it straight off name, you'd never think AP affects Backstab. But it does. "Weapon Damage" is just the terminology for base damage range.

BC Druid Talents - ZugzwangZeitgeist - 09-19-2006

Quote:Unbelievable, but true?

According to that info, the Druid would be the only class that is able to travel the Outlands by "airplane".

But why am I complaining - I have two, a Taureen and a Night Elf;)

I'm surprised so many people are surprised at flying travel form. That's pretty much par for the course with the class, and I believe in Alpha or thereabouts, druids actually had Crow form anyway before they decided they couldn't support even low flyers.

I think they're real - they're balanced, compelling, and in keeping with previous druid spells. They were found by data-mining the last patch, and several people have confirmed that these talents are in the patch. They could still just be preliminary stuff that will change through alpha and beta, but I'm sure these will form a pretty accurate sketch of what's to come.

I think it's interesting both Balance and Restoration have their own forms - you'll soon be able to tell at a glance what the spec of a druid is. I hope Tree of Life is based on the Night Elf ancient models, because those are genuinely cool looking, and they'd look awesome in the ranks of a raid, with all the healers rallying around the tree which is spitting out loads of high-powered HoT's. Here's hoping Moonkin Form is less of a gimmick with the new talents.

BC Druid Talents - Zarathustra - 09-19-2006

Quote:Here's hoping Moonkin Form is less of a gimmick with the new talents.

They're basically giving it a permanent Seal of Wisdom, and encouraging leather use rather than cloth in order to have the armor to take a hit in melee.

My only concern at this point is whether the itemization will make melee mana regen feasible.

BC Druid Talents - Tuftears - 09-19-2006

Feralheart and Genesis could become very worthwhile moonkin gear. Autoattack to get mana back and actually do some damage.

BC Druid Talents - oldmandennis - 09-25-2006

Told you they were reasonable

Looks like fun, although oomkin still look like the weakest for raiding. With mangle and maim, bears should be able to solidly hold aggro when pressed into duty as tanks (much more fun then swaping extra warriors in, IMO). Playing a tree could be fun too, as you would have to start moving much more quickly then everybody else for encounters that require movement.

WTB hunter talents, PST

BC Druid Talents - nobbie - 09-25-2006

Image: Druid Flight Form

[Image: flightform.jpg]

BC Druid Talents - Zarathustra - 09-25-2006

Improved Leader of the Pack is phenomenal for a rogue group. It's a feral Vampiric Embrace, almost.

My one gripe with Balance is that Moonfury probably does not scale with gear. That's rough.