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Question about my Guide - Printable Version +- The Lurker Lounge Forums (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums) +-- Forum: Lurker Games (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-6.html) +--- Forum: Diablo (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-15.html) +--- Thread: Question about my Guide (/thread-3837.html) Pages:
Question about my Guide - Jarulf - 09-27-2006 If I were to make an update to the Guide, would it matter if there is a detailed list of what I have changed/updated/added? Typically, for minor updates I have so far listed complete differences, while for major updates mostly big changes (or it would have been far to much). Now, I have a whole bunch of minor stuff that I have either found myself or have people report to me but in part, one thing that have hold me back have been the problem of documenting each change. In part, the situation is as follow. I have an "work in progress" update that I have not touched for a long time, it has various changes in it but none documented, thus I it would take a long time finding it out again or redo. One additional problem is also that I no longer have the old version of MS Word that I have previously used for the Guide, so I am not sure how easy it is to simply compare documents for example and how a conversion would work out (I don't like some of the new formating changes in recent versions but I guess I have to live with it). One of the concerns would be for the online versio of the Guide, it would certainly help to have a list of things to change as oposed to redo it all, however, I can only for new changes after the ones mentioned above set the "record changes in document" for a version to send to whoever manages it to see in the document what has changed. So the questions is, would those few who still care be upset if there is just a new version with "lots of small fixes, corrections and additions in many places"? Of ocurse, there might not be anyone left that really cares so I can probably just go ahead and do whatever, but still...:) Question about my Guide - Zyr - 09-27-2006 "Lots of small fixes, corrections and additions in many places" would please me very much!:) And I do care; though I'm too addicted to D2LoD right now, there will come a time when I've scratched most of my itches in that game. When that happens, I have a LOT of unfinished business in Diablo, and I cannot imagine even attempting to play Diablo without your guide. Thanks!:) Question about my Guide - Griselda - 09-27-2006 Jarulf, While I am somebody who is interested in reading about the changes (I have a printed version of 1.31 and only look for a newer version if I'm looking into something specific), it sounds like the real option here is whether the changes would end up being made or not. I'd prefer to have a more up-to-date guide with less documentation than a less up-to-date guide with more documentation, and it sounds like that's what you're asking. I think that your guide is still one of the most frequently downloaded files on the Lounge, so there are definitely still people out there who care! :wub: Question about my Guide - lorance - 09-27-2006 Quote:If I were to make an update to the Guide, would it matter if there is a detailed list of what I have changed/updated/added?I personally would love to have an update, even if the the only note is "There are updates". Your guide is a great resource. There are ways to find the changes if that is a real concern for people. It would not be hard, just time consuming. Question about my Guide - Alamara - 09-28-2006 While many interested in simply the lore of the guide might care about changes being documented, the actual use of the guide is much more dependant upon its content. I thus agree that you not feel the need to document minor or even major revisions, and instead focus on making the guide as accurate as possible in all areas. Question about my Guide - Thecla - 09-28-2006 I think I'm making this unanimous, but please put out the new guide without a deatiled list of changes. Just make sure you have a new version number, and we will figure out the changes from the earlier versions.;) Question about my Guide - Kay - 09-28-2006 I do play Diablo, and I would be very grateful if you made a new version of the Guide. Personally, I don't need a list of fixed bugs:) Question about my Guide - Jarulf - 09-28-2006 Seems like I get the message:) Do note however, there is nothing major to change or fix, it is mostly bunch of small things. I have a whole bunch of mails and posts by people to go through and also my own notes on stuff. Thanks for the input. Now I just need to find the time and also take the trouble to "upgrade" the document to a new version of Word. Question about my Guide - --Pete - 09-28-2006 Hi, Quote:If I were to make an update to the Guide, would it matter if there is a detailed list of what I have changed/updated/added?Not to me, since I'd just use the latest version and not really compare it to previous versions. Quote:Of ocurse, there might not be anyone left that really cares so I can probably just go ahead and do whatever, but still...:)I still pull up D1 and play around with it occasionally. And I still consult your guide. So I guess that makes me one who still cares (and appreciates the work you have done). That you are still willing to work on your guide after all this time is a boon to what is left of the community. By all means, just make the changes. Anyone really interested (and that has Word) can find what they are pretty easily. However, if you want to include a change list but don't want to take the effort, I'd be willing to generate one for you using the Word compare document function and a little visual inspection. Just let me know, either by PM or in a reply here. --Pete Question about my Guide - Bolty - 09-28-2006 Quote:I think that your guide is still one of the most frequently downloaded files on the Lounge, so there are definitely still people out there who care! :wub:Jarulf's Guide remains the single largest bandwidth "page" on the site. I'm very thankful for that, because it <strike>generates a lot of ad revenue</strike> exposes new Diablo 1 players to the quality strategy writeups we provide. :) -Bolty Question about my Guide - Luna - 09-29-2006 i just picked up d1 again, so tyty!:D Question about my Guide - Selby - 09-30-2006 Quote:I'd prefer to have a more up-to-date guide with less documentation than a less up-to-date guide with more documentation, and it sounds like that's what you're asking.More detailed guide, less documentation! ;-) I still use it whenever I play. I think the latest version I keep around is 1.62 or something like that. No idea what has come since then as it has all I have ever needed. Selby Question about my Guide - Jarulf - 10-01-2006 Quote:More detailed guide, less documentation! ;-) I still use it whenever I play. I think the latest version I keep around is 1.62 or something like that. No idea what has come since then as it has all I have ever needed. That is the latest version of the Guide. Question about my Guide - Fragbait - 10-26-2006 Hail Jarulf, now I don't wanna be the only nay-sayer here, but I'm torn if I'd like a new version of your guide. Let me explain before I get flamed by all of you DI lovers...:ph34r: I consider DI still the greatest game I've ever played, and your resource is quite frankly the most comprehensive manual to a game to date. Therefore it is most appreciated, if not loved. But... A long time ago I undertook the attempt to translate version 1.62 into German (you may still have my mails/pms). While I did get to page 50 or so (I would have to check to know for sure), it all came to a halt when I encountered some stress in Real Life quite a while ago. Since then, I haven't found the motivation to get back to my translation and finish it, partly due to having started DII again :blush:and due to occasionally feeling the need to hone my Q3A skills :whistling:. In addition, real life hasn't returned to the relaxed state that it was in before... What I'm trying to say is: If I were to continue my translation after you released an update, I'd have to do everything over again! Unless, of course, you (or Pete) included a list of changes made, and there really were no undocumented changes, so that I wouldn't have to alter much. So I'm actually all for it if such a change log is included. If not, I think I will never finish my translation (and I do plan to return to the table sometime. No, really!) ... I suspect that there are no major changes, though? Some smaller errors I'm indeed aware of, I think. Also please disregard my small objection if the changes only apply to pages >= 50. :) Finally, I know that it is great that you still have some time and love for this project, but this is a democracy, no? So this is my humble point of view. Greetings, Fragbait Question about my Guide - Alamara - 10-26-2006 Quote:Hail Jarulf, I understand this point that you make, but certainly you would agree that it would be better to have a newer English version and an older German version than two old versions. From the sounds of things, most of the changes are far from significant, so I doubt it would matter if the latter half of your translation was of a newer version of the guide, whereas the first half is a bit outdated. I've never encountered any serious problems with the version created online, which hasn't been updated in a long time, so I don't see how this could be enough of an issue to force a changelog. (http://members.core.com/~dfrease/JGFrame.html) Question about my Guide - Merlinios - 10-27-2006 Just curious, but why the sudden...re-interest? Not that it's a dead game or anything, but I thought you'd long since dropped at least the manual-making side of things. By all means, if you've got the drive, make updates. They will obviously be used by others (and likely by myself as well, depending on how noticeable the changes are). You also seem to have resurfaced somewhat in the Lounge, coming out of your corner for more than the occasional copyright law discussion. New lease on life? New computer generating new interests? Wimmins ignoring you again so you can come back and join nerdkind on the internet? Whatever the reason, welcome back. The guide will be much appreciated. And Bolty, I believe a large part of the guide's precedence (aside from its holiness, of course) is that there is a direct chain of links from the Battle.net homepage to the guide, but to no other portion of the site. I think it's on their downloads page, or their fansite page (which makes no other mention of The Lurker Lounge). I was looking for a patch the other day and killing time while it downloaded on my folks' dial-up while I was home for the weekend and stumbled across that. --me Question about my Guide - [vL]Kp - 10-28-2006 Quote:What I'm trying to say is: If I were to continue my translation after you released an update, I'd have to do everything over again! There's (probably) no need to do that. Even if Jarulf does not have a changelog, it's not too hard to generate a list of differences between two versions. This would have the added consequence of catching all changes (e.g. typographic fixes) which might not otherwise be documented due to being too insignificant. Once such a list was generated (consult your local Unix guru if need be), you could refer to the list to find the places you would need to retranslate. Something along the lines of: Save v1.62 as HTML. Save v1.63 as HTML. diff -bu jarulf162.html jarulf163.html > changes.diff There may be some spurious changes from HTML reformatting, but it should not be too bad. Once the diff list is generated, convert the line numbers in the HTML to page references and you are ready to go. Question about my Guide - Alamara - 10-29-2006 Here's the link to JG from Blizzard: http://www.blizzard.com/support/?id=adb0506p Question about my Guide - Jarulf - 10-29-2006 Quote:You also seem to have resurfaced somewhat in the Lounge, coming out of your corner for more than the occasional copyright law discussion. New lease on life? New computer generating new interests? Wimmins ignoring you again so you can come back and join nerdkind on the internet? ??? I have never resurfaced anywere since I have never dissapeared. I am present here just as much now as in the last few years, perhaps less now than, say, half a year ago. Mostly playing World of Warcraft the last two years although I just recently stoped. Nothing really happend at all with life and if anything, it is to the "worse" as far as computer gaming and visiting this site (or any other site). Question about my Guide - Merlinios - 10-30-2006 Quote:??? I have never resurfaced anywere since I have never dissapeared. I am present here just as much now as in the last few years, perhaps less now than, say, half a year ago. Mostly playing World of Warcraft the last two years although I just recently stoped. Nothing really happend at all with life and if anything, it is to the "worse" as far as computer gaming and visiting this site (or any other site). I was actually referring to "The Lounge" forum as opposed to the entire site. I realized scant minutes after leaving this terminal that I had overlooked the fact that you play (and apparently regularly post) in the WoW fora here (and potentially elsewhere as well). Being the lazy bum that I am, I didn't want to walk back down here in the freezing air conditioning from my apartment and rectify my error. I blame the usual lack of sleep. --me |