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Old Friends, New Faces - Printable Version

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Old Friends, New Faces - Dynatos - 03-05-2007

Hey folks,

I figured I'd poke my head in here and say "Hi!".

I was a Lurker many years ago while I played D2 (on the old boards, probably - my username didn't exist, and I know I'd made a few posts). Lurker Lounge actually pointed me towards The Amazon Basin.

To the New Faces:

I started playing Guild Wars with The Basin a couple years ago, and after getting sick of that I began playing World of Warcraft with them. I have been playing WoW for just over a year and am now playing under the tag <Emeritus> on Stormrage. I've healed Tal alongside Bolty quite a few times over the last several months.

To the Old Faces:

You may remember me as Riselar pre-expansion. My main is now Nynaeve, a 70 Draenei holy Priest.


Old Friends, New Faces - Bolty - 03-05-2007

Hey there, Nyane...Nyena...Nanyae...Riselar!


Old Friends, New Faces - Tal - 03-05-2007

Quote:I've healed Tal alongside Bolty quite a few times over the last several months.

Lies. I don't believe in taking damage. I have achieved a Beast level of zen and am impervious.

*Shalandrax has died*

Hello and welcome!

Old Friends, New Faces - Frag - 03-05-2007

Heya there, bub!

Every now & then I feel like playing GvG, but it's a momentary weakness and it's gone. :blush:

Hope to cya around, swing by Terenas if you ever want a Horde taste of things.
~Frag B)

Old Friends, New Faces - Tuftears - 03-05-2007

Tal Wrote:*Shalandrax has died*

I keep telling you, you're not supposed to tank Hogger, he's meant to be kited by a frost mage!
