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New Bill Roper Interview - Printable Version

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New Bill Roper Interview - Bolty - 07-06-2007

Gamasutra has an interview up with Bill Roper of Flagship Studios. He discusses why they left Blizzard, and what's up with Hellgate: London and Mythos.

Quote:Our original intention back in 2003 was not to leave Blizzard. We wanted some level of participation and direct communication with Vivendi’s home office in order to offer our insight, knowledge and desires as to their plans at the time in terms of a possible sale or IPO of the games unit. The level of uncertainty back then made it extremely difficult to plan for our futures, as well as the futures of our team members.

And with no long-term compensation or employment contracts in place, we wanted to be able to interact directly with the people making the key decisions that could drastically affect our lives and workplace. In the end, Vivendi chose not to make that opportunity available and accepted our resignations over the matter.

This matches some of the rumors I'd heard. Anyway, see the full interview here.


New Bill Roper Interview - Thecla - 07-06-2007

Quote:Gamasutra has an interview up with Bill Roper of Flagship Studios. He discusses why they left Blizzard, and what's up with Hellgate: London and Mythos.
This matches some of the rumors I'd heard. Anyway, see the full interview here.

Just as a side note, the Mythos beta is due to begin very soon:

though no indications yet about a possible release date.

Hellgate:London is currently in a closed friends and family alpha test. For those of us with absolutely nothing better to do, you can look at the alpha-login page here:

There was already some sort of Korean public beta HG:L event in a big stadium, but no word yet about when the US beta will begin. The game was supposed to be released this summer (generously defined as before the end of September), but it's looking more and more like it will be pushed back a month or two from that.

New Bill Roper Interview - Merlinios - 07-08-2007

Quote:Just as a side note, the Mythos beta is due to begin very soon:

It's actually up, though they haven't made any big announcement. Said they want to keep the population relatively low over the weekend. But Lurkers don't count towards the quota, right?:)


New Bill Roper Interview - Taem - 07-10-2007

Quote:Just as a side note, the Mythos beta is due to begin very soon:

though no indications yet about a possible release date.

Hellgate:London is currently in a closed friends and family alpha test. For those of us with absolutely nothing better to do, you can look at the alpha-login page here:

There was already some sort of Korean public beta HG:L event in a big stadium, but no word yet about when the US beta will begin. The game was supposed to be released this summer (generously defined as before the end of September), but it's looking more and more like it will be pushed back a month or two from that.

Seriously - no I mean zomg!!111!! - I cannot wait for Hellgate London! It combines my three favorite aspects in video games: random terrain generation, roleplaying (at least with the items similar to Diablo's, IMO), and first-person shooting. OMG.... <drool> <giddy-laughter> <hysteria> </drool>

New Bill Roper Interview - Baajikiil - 07-10-2007

Quote:It's actually up, though they haven't made any big announcement. Said they want to keep the population relatively low over the weekend. But Lurkers don't count towards the quota, right?:)


Thanks for the tip, I've been playing it for a few nights now after reading that, and it's begining to look pretty good. Tons of balancing left still though...

New Bill Roper Interview - [wcip]Angel - 07-11-2007

According to Gamespot's E3 coverage, there will be more info on Hellgate London this Friday.

Age of Conan, Hellgate: London, and Civilization Revolution!

New Bill Roper Interview - [wcip]Angel - 07-15-2007

Video interview with Flagship guy and director of Hellgate London:

It's the Gamespot E3 State Show.

I'm officially floored! You need to see this!

New Bill Roper Interview - Ashock - 08-04-2007

Mythos looks like a nice little game. I've played it on and off for a week or so and if Hellgate is it's big brother then it should be real good since even this little free game is not shabby at all.