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Deebye's Tank Mage Guide - Printable Version

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Deebye's Tank Mage Guide - Jim NM - 12-23-2009

I have been looking for a surviving copy of Deebye's guide to the Tank Mage. It used to live here, but that link is now dead. Does anyone have a saved copy? Deebye?

Thanks for the help.


Deebye's Tank Mage Guide - FireIceTalon - 12-27-2009

I dont have a copy, but this here is almost as good:)

alot of the gear in the inventory is PvP based but the ones equipped is pretty much the dream set-up for playing such a mage in PvM. A tank mage is just about the closest thing to a legit god mode that can exist, hardly needs a guide really if you ask me lol.

Deebye's Tank Mage Guide - Ell_man - 12-31-2009


Did the guide have anything after the equipment section? Sometimes the internet archive is incomplete. Then again, who needs with strategy with a tank mage? Kaboom!

Deebye's Tank Mage Guide - Jim NM - 12-31-2009


Did the guide have anything after the equipment section? Sometimes the internet archive is incomplete.

Thanks, Ell_man. I am not sure if there was more, but the equipment is what I was interested in. Perhaps the part where he explains how to stay alive as a tank mage has been lost.:)

Quote:Then again, who needs with strategy with a tank mage? Kaboom!

I was ready for that one! I was just interested in having someone else's take on good equipment choices for a tank.

Thanks again. I didn't think to look on
