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A sad day for Role Playing - Printable Version

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A sad day for Role Playing - Lissa - 03-04-2008

Gary Gygax has passed

A sad day for Role Playing - Kevin - 03-04-2008

Quote:Gary Gygax has passed

I guess he couldn't live any longer after hearing Brett Favre retired. You know how passionate Cheeseheads are about their Packers.

OK so maybe that was way too soon.

But yeah, without Gygax we probably wouldn't be playing WoW today.

Edit: For those who don't know I grew up in WI, and I did play D&D. As a cheesehead gamer this was a bit of a double whammy for me today.

A sad day for Role Playing - Frag - 03-04-2008

He was a real gentleman with a keen eye, friendly manner and a fuzzy beard that once inspired one young child near me at Gen Con to ask his parents if he was Santa Claus. :)

You will be missed, Gary.

A sad day for Role Playing - Jester - 03-04-2008

Quote:Gary Gygax has passed


The Vice Presidential Action Rangers have lost one of their finest.


A sad day for Role Playing - Taelas - 03-05-2008


A sad day indeed.:(

A sad day for Role Playing - Vandiablo - 03-05-2008

Quote:Gary Gygax has passed

I must go fondle and kiss my pamphlets!

O, Book One! Worn so smooth! Your tables still excite me.
O, Book Two! What a menagerie!
O, Book Three! Oh to have mine own barony!
O, Greyhawk! You made everything more real!
O, Blackmoor! You taught me Orders can be fun!
O, Eldritch Wizardry! Nakedness and manacles, so naughty!
O, YE Gods, Demigods, and Heroes! Still a great read!
O, Swords and Spells! Miniatures, a ping pong table and thou!
O, Chainmail! You spawned the rest! Thank you thank you thank you!

Now I really am sad. Gygax was the common factor to all those books. I guess he really was a big influence on me. Would I have enjoyed Tolkien's stuff as much, if I had not already met dwarves, elves, and orcs while seeking adventure and treasure (and EP's) in a dangerous dungeon??

The Forsaken Inn

A sad day for Role Playing - Taem - 03-05-2008

Wow, I didn't think he would die till around 85 or so. If it wasn't for him, RPG's as we know it would not exist. At least TSR was bought and upgraded by Wizards of the Coast so D&D will live on; did I mention 4th Edition is coming out soon?

A sad day for Role Playing - Ashock - 03-05-2008

Quote:But yeah, without Gygax we probably wouldn't be playing WoW today.

He might have been a great guy, but how is that a bad thing again?

A sad day for Role Playing - Frag - 03-05-2008

As it was brought to me, I bring it to you:

Penny Arcade Tribute

~Frag :unsure:

A sad day for Role Playing - Taelas - 03-05-2008

Order of the Stick tribute.

A sad day for Role Playing - kandrathe - 03-05-2008

Quote:Gary Gygax has passed
I never met Gary, but I was a member of CSA at Coffman Union at the U of M when Dave Arneson would still hang with us. I remember being introduced to Chainmail aka Melee by a friend in 1979. I think I still have my hand stapled paper pamphlet set from that time in box in the basement.

A sad day for Role Playing - Vandiablo - 03-06-2008

Quote:Gary Gygax has passed

Stephen Colbert ended his show tonight by announcing the passing of Gary Gygax, saying "How much will you be missed?", rolling 1d20, and saying "Twenty."

It's nice to have someone in the media who admits to being (or having been) a D&D person without denigrating it. SC jokes about it but he doesn't mind showing that he knows it very well.

A sad day for Role Playing - TaMeOlta - 03-06-2008


A sad day for Role Playing - Zippyy - 03-09-2008

xkcd tribute:
[Image: ultimate_game.png]

A sad day for Role Playing - Urza-DSF - 03-10-2008

I prefer to not think of Mr. Gygax as dead.

He's just fighting evil in another dimension.