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eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - Printable Version +- The Lurker Lounge Forums (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums) +-- Forum: Lurker Games (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-6.html) +--- Forum: World of Warcraft (https://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/forum-16.html) +--- Thread: eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions (/thread-2079.html) |
eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - Mordekhuul - 04-08-2008 Here are two questions I posed in a UI help thread on EJ, with no real luck so far. Perhaps someone here either a) has experience with eePanels, orB)has a slick answer to my hotkey/bars question: <span style="color:Green">eePanels2 I've been trying to mimic the PitBull frames of Caith's UI, but I encounter errors trying to unzip the files he posted links to in his thread, here. Missing that, I have been trying to mimic them sans files, and as a first time eePanels2 user, am having some issues there that the wowace thread and the wowace wiki on it aren't helping me with. First, if I simply create a new panel, add a LUA script to color the border according to the Player's class (my class), the border simply never changes colors from white, even if I reload my UI, exit the game and relog, etc. Code: function eePanels2:PlayerFrameVisibility(self, event, ...) Second, most of the time if I create a new panel, and add a script to color the border by my target's class, it also does not work, although mysteriously it DID work for one time that I tried it. Note that I am reloading UI often, and definitely after removing any panels or scripts. Code: function eePanel1:TargetFrameVisibility(self, event, ...) Note that I am doing the obvious thing, and changing where it says eePanel1 or eePanels2 to be the name of the panel listed at the top of the script I have added, so I'm not making that basic mistake. I am testing these panels without even binding them to a Pitbull frame by changing their parent or anything, just watching the default sized panel in the middle of my screen. <span style="color:green">Bongos3 As a prot paladin and someone that uses my mouse for movement and hotkeys for spells/abilities/macros exclusively, I have a LOT of hotkeys (50+, all hitable with my left hand in normal typing position and my right hand on my mouse). I had an idea to take advantage of Bongos3's new Action Set capability. I set up a bar that was 6 columns x 3 rows. I gave it three action sets, and configured it so that shift- brought up action set 2 and alt- brought up action set 3. I generally have around 18 hotkeys that do not involve shift- or alt-, then shift- versions of those, then alt- versions, so my idea was that the shift- hotkeys would be on action set 2, alt- on action set 3, saving screen space, and allowing my buttons to be larger so the cooldowncount was more visible on the primary ones, etc (lot of advantages with my UI, lets say). However, it looks like each button on that bar shares hotkeys with the other 2 action sets. Fine....so, for example, on one button I bound the following hotkeys: 5, shift-f, alt-5 and put a different skill on each action set. Things seemed to work fine. I hit 5, it casts max rank Consecration. I hit shift-f, it casts Seal of Wisdom. I hit alt-5, it casts rank 1 Consecration. BUT, what I noticed is that if I hit shift-f fast enough, it would take effect before bongos3 had a chance to switch the bar to action set 2, and shift-f would cast max rank consecration. It wasn't just mis-hitting shift-f either, because even if I accidentally hit f without shift being down yet, it would not have cast consecration (it would have triggered my /assist macro). Anyone set up action sets to work like this effectively? If it isn't possible to get around the problem, is there an alternative way to have a bunch of hotkeys bound to skills/spells that don't have to take up space on my screen? eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - Mordekhuul - 04-08-2008 Looks like kgPanel is a successor to eePanels2, and the author is super-active in the wowace forum thread helping folks convert their eePanels scripts, etc. I'll give kgPanel a shot later and try to bypass the whole eePanels2 mess. However, my question on action bars still stands =) eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - Taelas - 04-08-2008 Not sure I understand the Bongos question correctly. You've set it up so you have 18 buttons with 3 pages? So normal bar is Code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 and when you hold down shift, that changes to Code: 19 20 21 22 23 24 and when you hold down alt, it changes to Code: 37 38 39 40 41 42 Have I understood it correctly? eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - Mordekhuul - 04-08-2008 That is correct. Under bongos these are "Action Sets", as opposed to "Pages", with perhaps the only difference being how Bongos handles them. I am not at home to try, but I wonder if I can bind my shift- and alt- keys to the individual buttons on the shift- or alt- pages in the Key Bindings interface menu instead of using Bongos' key binding mode to do it, and therefore more directly map shift- and alt- hotkeys to (and only to) the buttons on the 2nd and 3rd action sets....your picture, which illustrated it better than my words, got me thinking even. eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - Pantalaimon - 04-08-2008 Quote:...I wonder if I can bind my shift- and alt- keys to the individual buttons on the shift- or alt- pages in the Key Bindings interface menu instead of using Bongos' key binding mode to do it, and therefore more directly map shift- and alt- hotkeys to (and only to) the buttons on the 2nd and 3rd action sets....your picture, which illustrated it better than my words, got me thinking even. I know you can definitely do this in bartender3, but have not tried bongos in a long while so don't know if that still holds true. It's a lot of work to set up originally, but works fine for me and you can hide the bar after (which it sounds like you'd like to do). If you'd rather have a bar on the screen that changes pages when you press shift (I'm thinking like how the bar changes when you go into stealth, for example), then I guess that solution wouldn't work, but I don't think that's what you're after. Good luck with the eepanels question! That's way beyond me, I just use it to make things look pretty , nothing useful... :whistling: eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - Taelas - 04-08-2008 Quote:That is correct. Under bongos these are "Action Sets", as opposed to "Pages", with perhaps the only difference being how Bongos handles them.Unfortunately I haven't worked with Bongos, and at a glance, it looks too different from DAB or Bartender3 for me to comment on too much -- but I imagine that Bongos overrides the normal keybindings. eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - PapaSmurf - 04-09-2008 Morde, This is exactly how my bongos3 setup is done. However, instead of creating a 5x4 bar I've created 4 5v1 bars stacked on eachother that map to the left side of my keyboard. I use both shift and alt to change the set and haven't noticed any issue with it. I'll try re-creating your issue, but you might want to try breaking your single bar into multiple. D Edit: try as I might, I can't re-create the issue you describe with my multiple bars. eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - Mordekhuul - 04-09-2008 Quote:Morde, Hmm. So, say, for the bottom 5x1 bar, say the keys are numbered as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 Are you using Action Sets set to 3 with shift and alt as the two modifiers, or are you truly paging where once you change pages it sticks until you change again? If you are using Action Sets, how did you bind a key to the regular, shift-, and alt- versions of, say, button 4? Did you simply enter key binding mode in Bongos3, hover your mouse over button 4, then hit (if the hotkeys are 5, shift-f, alt-5) f, shift-f, alt-f? For me, having done it that way, if I hit shift-f really fast, it will sometimes cast the spell I have on the unmodified bar of button 4 (the one I'm supposed to only cast if I hit 5). If not, how did you bind the keys? Maybe I'm doing something wrong. eePanels2 & Bongos3 Questions - PapaSmurf - 04-09-2008 Quote:Hmm. So, say, for the bottom 5x1 bar, say the keys are numbered as follows: Well I created 4 5x1 action bars. Each bar I set to 3 action sets and set shift to use action set 2 and alt to use action set 3. The keybindings were mapped as follows Bar 1 = 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Bar 2 = q - w - e - r - t Bar 3 = a - s - d - f - g Bar 4 = z - x - c - v - b So I put bongos into keybinding mode and mapped all keys 1-b, then I held shift and did the same thing 1-b, finally I held alt and pushed 1-b as I moved the mouse from one button to the next. That is the procedure I used to setup the bars and the bindings. Sounds like the same procedure you used to setup your bindings. I'm not sure why you are getting the mis cast. I've never seen it happen to me, and when I try to "make" it happen I can't get it to work. D P.S. the only different I can tell is that you use 5, shift-f, and alt-5 on the same button where I always use the same key 5, shift-5, alt-5 |