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Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Printable Version

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Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - TPJ - 07-15-2008

It's been 9 years, Lurkers!

Congratulations to Bolty and the rest of the crew here on providing a great place to call home. Bravo!

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Pantalaimon - 07-15-2008

Quote:It's been 9 years, Lurkers!

Congratulations to Bolty and the rest of the crew here on providing a great place to call home. Bravo!

Huzzah! Congratulations, Bolty! Mandatory link to what the Lounge used to look like? :wub:

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Bolty - 07-15-2008

9 Years is cool. I've been thinking lately of what we could do next year for a 10-year anniversary bash.

Quick ninja edit: has some looks back at old Lounge setups, but it doesn't have them all. The farthest it goes back is here (no images though). You can enjoy other setups like this one and this one with some images, though!

Quick ninja edit #2: did you know the old forum is still around?


Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Mirajj - 07-15-2008

Wow, has it really been 9 years? Gonna have to plan for next year...;)

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - NuurAbSaal - 07-15-2008

Quote:It's been 9 years, Lurkers!

Congratulations to Bolty and the rest of the crew here on providing a great place to call home. Bravo!

While by no means one of the old-timers or even regular posters, I actually think of the Lounge as my online home. Which is, if you think about it, a rather nice compliment:).

Congo Rats to Bolty and a big THANK YOU to him and all the other people that keep this place up and running and better than anything else I have yet encountered on the intarweb (plix don't take offense Basiners, I just stumbled into the Lounge first and kind of got stuck here).

For a look at how Diablo "discussion" can also look, check out the D3 General Forum. I won't provide a link though. It's a vile place.

take care

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - --Pete - 07-15-2008


Quote:It's been 9 years, Lurkers!

Congratulations to Bolty and the rest of the crew here on providing a great place to call home. Bravo!
And it just keeps getting better :wub:

Thank you, Bolty, for having a great idea and for executing it with style.

And thank you to all the assistants, mods, members, and posters who've made this the best place on the web. May it last another 90, and may we all be here to see it. :D


Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - [wcip]Angel - 07-15-2008

... and one of the few message boards that have been studied academically by one of its patrons:P

Take a bow, LL!:)

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - ShadowHM - 07-15-2008

It is a bit of a surprise to mark 9 years.

Thank You, Bolty. Nine years ago I was just beginning to realize that it was, indeed, possible to meet 'real people' online. You provided a place to keep in touch with them and to discuss all kinds of topics with them. I still know that I can pull up a lounger from the corner anytime and settle in for a visit. :wub:

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - eppie - 07-15-2008

That is great 1999....not many people were using internet at that time.

For me it is the only stable factor in life the last 5 years:)......well almost.

Great job Bolty, and of course all the members that keep visiting this place.

Greetings from Sweden.


Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - LochnarITB - 07-15-2008

Wow, congratulations everyone. You all make a home of the residence Bolty provides.

Wow, part 2. This means that Freshman Diablo has been around for over 10 years, and it still gets a few hits.:lol:

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Phyloxerra - 07-15-2008

Congrats Bolty (and crew) and thank you for providing me with a great place to educate myself not only about games but about life as well.

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Jester - 07-15-2008

It's been a long time, hasn't it? And I'm not even close to the longest member here.

Congrats, Bolty. Thanks for making this place a comfy spot, it's been great, and still will be.


Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Occhidiangela - 07-16-2008

Three times three, something mystical and magical will happen this year. For the tenth anniversary, I think a shindig ought to take place.

But in New Jersey?

There has to be a better place.


(Not to worry, my mother is from New Jersey, so she of course got as far from New Jersey as practical. )

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Taem - 07-16-2008

Quote:It's been 9 years, Lurkers!

Congratulations to Bolty and the rest of the crew here on providing a great place to call home. Bravo!

Good call!

Thanks Bolty for creating and hosting such a great site. The interent, and especially Diablo, would not be the same without the Lurker Lounge.

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - --Pete - 07-16-2008


Quote:There has to be a better place.

Might be too soon to plan it (and I've got a bit more healing to do) but I suspect Magi and I will be restarting the Vegas get togethers by then if not before. What better reason to get wild and crazy than the LL's big one oh?


Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Griselda - 07-16-2008

I'm more surprised that N54 is still around than the LL, but congrats, Bolty! Who would have thought that a handy place to put helpful links and avoid trolling could have turned into this? :P

Oh, and Vegas was fun last time. I'm in for whatever location, I think.

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - DeeBye - 07-16-2008

Merry birthday everyone!

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - the Langolier - 07-16-2008

From the top news item of the archived page:

Quote: While we understand that Diablo II is a very different type of game from Starcraft, the core need to ensure that the game is balanced as originally intended, remains. A look at the ladders will show that the vast majority of high-level characters are Barbarians and Necromancers. This is a direct result of the fact that they both had a skill that was, quite simply, broken.

Finally, it is not our intention to constantly make changes to the skills in Diablo II. We do not foresee having to make further changes to the skills, but we will always consider addressing those that are drastically unbalanced.

I quite literally LOL'd at that.

Anyways, happy birthday.

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Occhidiangela - 07-16-2008


Might be too soon to plan it (and I've got a bit more healing to do) but I suspect Magi and I will be restarting the Vegas get togethers by then if not before. What better reason to get wild and crazy than the LL's big one oh?

You'd not have to twist my arm much at all to do that again.:) The Missus is not a gambler, but she'd probably want to take in a show if it was a team event for us. If not, I'd be on the craps tables again, trying to catch lightning, and a long run, in a bottle.

Happy Anniversary Lurker Lounge - Trevan - 07-18-2008

Wow, i'm surprised. I thought the lounge was much older! Random anecdote: I found the LL because I kept seeing threads on complaining that the LL was too elitist.

Btw: I give two internet points if anyone can find me Jonathan_Spectre's article about his CB Sorc and playing with his lovely bnet friend "Use Orb".