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Kali II - Printable Version

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Kali II - the Langolier - 03-07-2003

I was wondering if anyone would like to get a game going over kali II. I still don't really know how to use it, and I mainly want to see if I can get it working. All I see in the game lobby is (0) all the way down.

I'll be able to try to connect anytime this weekend, and as late as need be friday night. I am sitting in pacific time over here in the Western USA.

I miss playing with other people. Heck, I even miss the pubbies... at least they speak back, even if it is a message in leet speak about how they are going to do various things to my computer (my favorite is "i can hack ur internet!!!!!!1") and make it so my monitor explodes.

Kali II - Zenda - 03-07-2003

Hello Langolier,

If Kali shows you no games in the Lobby list, there must be a problem. Don't you get the error "can't find tracker" after a minute or so? Perhaps you should check the IP addresses and ports for Game Master and Tracker in the Configuration, on the Kali site.

Kali II - Cytrex - 03-09-2003

IIRC DeeBye had the same problem with Kali. I think the problem was that something like "show only passworded games" and/or possibly was ticked. To check that just do a mouse right click in the lobbies window and see if there are any unnecessary ticks in the list.