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Frenzy And WhirlWind - TaiDaishar - 04-10-2003

I was wondering if the added speed from Frenzy applies also when you WW (i.e hitting more monsters).

Anyone know if it does/doesn't?

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Elric of Grans - 04-10-2003

Hail TaiDaishar,

IIRC, it's bugged: the Barbarian is visably faster, but does not hit more - I heard it hits less, but it is not supposed to interact in any way. Someone else shall need to confirm that detail.

Frenzy And WhirlWind - TaiDaishar - 04-10-2003

Can someone confirm it please...?

Frenzy And WhirlWind - the Langolier - 04-10-2003

I am sure it doesn't. I take it you are asking because you are contemplating a build that connects with frenzy then Whirlwinds through everything and repeats. Whirlwind already hits enough, even if frenzy does affect it, it is not significant. Frenzy is mainly for double swing/normal attack. Once you hit with frenzy once, you don't need to use it again until it wears off (the "swooshing" animation around your character will go away). Using double swing under its effect is just as quick.

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Nicodemus Phaulkon - 04-10-2003

Quote:Once you hit with frenzy once, you don't need to use it again until it wears off (the "swooshing" animation around your character will go away). Using double swing under its effect is just as quick.

One would have to wonder, with a six-second duration, why you'd bother moving away from Frenzy at all after spending several swings charging it up? Certainly you retain the ias and run/walk increase (for that whoppin' six seconds), but you lose your AR and damage percentages... things that neither Double Swing nor Normal attack can replace.

Berserking, I can see a benefit.

*tips helm*

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Saga_Keeper - 04-10-2003

If you use frenzy and get a max charge and somewhere over about 100% foot speed the first ww you throw can be chaotic, miss a bunch of monsters and moves about 5 times faster across the ground, after that they seem to be normal for the duration of frenzy.
However, I'd say the first ww only goes nuts about 1 in 6 or so tries, so after that the foot speed can be nice if you're not doing the dance of death, or if monsters are spread out.

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Saga_Keeper - 04-10-2003

Oh, also inclined to agree, frenzy caps at about 5 frames per attack (sorta like ww iirc) and goin to 4 frames per attack and losing the % extra damage from the skill is generally not worth it except when you're first developing the skill.

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Occhidiangela - 04-10-2003

WW is basically an AoE attack, since you can click once, given a long weapon and good target geometry, and do damage to lots of monsters at once. Frenzy does more, due to its damage bonus, to one or two targets at once.

As I see it, the only place one might want to try Frenzy WW would be with a very slow long weapon that does massive damage, now that WW is tied to weapon speed, against a boss monster.

However, WW does plenty of damage already. When carefully applied with a 'length 5' weapon, you are darned near invulnerable while executing your whirl. Almost a Free Lunch.

What more do you want? :)

Frenzy And WhirlWind - TaiDaishar - 04-10-2003

Occhidiangela,Apr 10 2003, 09:11 PM Wrote:However, WW does plenty of damage already.  When carefully applied with a 'length 5' weapon, you are darned near invulnerable while executing your whirl.  Almost a Free Lunch.

What more do you want? :)
What about Dinner as well...? I'm starved :)

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Ice - 04-10-2003

Quote:One would have to wonder, with a six-second duration, why you'd bother moving away from Frenzy at all after spending several swings charging it up? Certainly you retain the ias and run/walk increase (for that whoppin' six seconds), but you lose your AR and damage percentages... things that neither Double Swing nor Normal attack can replace.

Oh, also inclined to agree, frenzy caps at about 5 frames per attack (sorta like ww iirc) and goin to 4 frames per attack and losing the % extra damage from the skill is generally not worth it except when you're first developing the skill.

I think that depends a lot on the build itself. No every single frenzy build out there is focused on physical damage... for something like an elemental frenzy barb setup, most of the sockets and gear could well be focused on adding more elemental damage, leaving no room for IAS. So while frenzy is stuck at 5.5-6.5 fpa, double swing could still be swinging at a good 5 fpa. Definitely worthwhile IMO in that case.

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Brista - 04-10-2003

You certainly can make the two work together, although I agree the benefit is marginal

I believe that WW is dependent entirely on WIAS (weapon ias) and Range. So the increased SIAS from Frenzy should not affect it. I may be mistaken

With my own one I stopped using Whirlwind and went straight Frenzy

I find that the Frenzy only expires about two or three times in Halls runs (which take me 17 mins). As long as you keep busy it doesn't expire

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Saga_Keeper - 04-11-2003

I wouldn't mind if frenzy had a longer timer like some under appriciated druid chargeups (well bears dont' under appriciate maul, but wolves sure do under appriciate their uber chargeup), or well maybe just 10 seconds, nothign like running and running and losing frenzy just as you start to swing!

Frenzy And WhirlWind - Brista - 04-11-2003

I think the secret is to keep the right click lock

With Frenzy on the right button you right click the map and hold it down. You move. Don't let go. When you reach monsters you can move the right mouse past them. Try to avoid hovering over monsters except to glance at boss mods. The attack auto-targets. Don't let go. You kill them and move off. (Sometimes you miss one or two). You find some more monsters and kill them

Looking at boss mods can be done without Frenzy lapsing if you are quick. I usually let go for a very quick mouse over a boss pack to spot the boss and check the mods

The only reason for Frenzy to fade is if you have to backtrack or let go of your click-lock.

You can keep the ALT key down while you do this but try not to hover over items with the mouse pointer

It is reasonably safe. I took a hardcore barb up to Hell Act 5 with negative cold and poison resists and moderate fire and lightning. You sure can run away fast if you have to ;)