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The Game Bandwagon - MonTy - 05-08-2003

Hail all,

What seems to be an endless amount of recent games that are decent, I haven’t been able to find a game I could sit on and enjoy thoroughly. I’ve played too many SP games; getting quite lonely. Though I have also played a ton of online games can’t seem to find any decent groups to party with. The games I have tried recently are:

Asheron’s Call 2, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies Beta, Unreal 2, Vietcong, and endless amounts of other semi-recent games (NWN, JK2:JO,Morrowind).

Asheron’s Call 2 is very polished, very accessible, and very fun. You gain more experience points doing quests and dungeons than grinding away the same monsters over and over. Which to me is good; quests can certainly drive you more then fighting the same enemy over and over. The only problem with this game is the skill system (balance) and not being in a fun group.

Shadowbane. To me this game was absolutely horrid. It is mostly a game for people who like to kill and steal off each other. No looting barriers, no PVP control, and when someone PKs you; you drop most of your items. Thieves seem to basically rule this game. Becoming invisible then backstabbing you, only way to detect them from what I saw was to become a ranger. In general, most of the players are VERY rude and only want to kill and steal. Yuck, what a bad experience.

I can’t say much about the SWG Beta. But it is beta, and MMORPGs are not so fun with tons of bugs/crashes and imbalances.

Unreal 2’s game play is nothing new. The game seems pretty polished, and is fun to pick up and play a level once in awhile; but nothing mind-blowing. The graphics are extremely beautiful, and the only reason I picked this up was to test my system. Fortunately I can put every single setting up on highest detail and still play the game with no major slow downs. If you have a high end system, I recommend trying the demo out.

Vietcong is a real time war game, and I definitely recommend trying out the demo.

I’m also wondering if anyone is planning to play a few upcoming games. A few are: Star Trek: Elite Force II (Definitely worth DLing the demo), Planetside (MMOFPS), Star Wars Galaxies, NWN Expansion, Knights of the Old Republic, 2nd Morrowind Expansion, and a few more.

Also if anyone is willing to game up together on a game, I would certainly want to do that.

The Game Bandwagon - Feryar - 05-08-2003

If you enjoy FPS games, I can recommend Unreal Tournament 2003.
The singleplayer part is boring, with the very predictable AI of the
bots you play against, but the multiplayer part is quite interresting.

There's a pretty steep learning curve though, and since the game has
been (more or less) out since late August last year there are some very
good players around. The kind of people you can play against for 15
minutes and not getting in a single kill :)

Most of the community is nice, although there are (as always) idiots
around. I don't think I've met any cheaters yet. If I have they
have managed to hide it from me.

Joining a clan adds a lot to the replay value. Most clans around use
voicecom programs (like TeamSpeak or Roger Wilco), and that is always
a blast when playing 5on5 matches against other clans.
There are several organized leagues, ladders and cups online.

edit: the usual

The Game Bandwagon - MonTy - 05-08-2003

Hail Feryar,

Yea, I'm semi-known in 1v1 Q3 OSP. I haven't competed in LANs or anything; but I'm in a clan that has people who have won 10k+ in cash from big LAN tournaments. I simply havn't got into UT2K3 because I got so deep into Q3. It wasn't fun playing the relatively same four maps for years.

Quake 3 was more of an addiction then a game to me. I was hoping to go to some Lan tournaments and attempt to win some cash. Unfortunately college and a full time job cut out that dream. My parents despise games as it is. I don't think they will buy "Dad do you mind me not going to college and work to try to become a pro gamer?". Not going to happen. It was fun beating some people who do make a living playing quake though.

If you know fatal1ty from UT2K3, I've played him a dozen times in random Q3 games (don't know him personally). Never won, but I wasn't so far off . He's known for making a living off gaming (Q3/UT2K3) and appearing on MTV. Amazing how much money he made playing games (sponsorships too).

The Game Bandwagon - Mithrandir - 05-09-2003

Quote:Shadowbane. To me this game was absolutely horrid. It is mostly a game for people who like to kill and steal off each other. No looting barriers, no PVP control, and when someone PKs you; you drop most of your items. Thieves seem to basically rule this game. Becoming invisible then backstabbing you, only way to detect them from what I saw was to become a ranger. In general, most of the players are VERY rude and only want to kill and steal. Yuck, what a bad experience.

I know a couple people in Ebonlore (the "biggest, baddest" guild in SB at the moment) who are having an absolute blast with SB. I suppose having a killer guild would certainly help with the enjoyment of the game since people are less likely to just steamroll gank you (on the rare occasions you are out alone or in a small group) since they would, at least a little bit, fear reprisal.

Personally, I played in the SB beta for a bit (towards the end) and just a little over a day of the horrid graphics, click-to-move gameplay, and lack of any real PvE content drove me insane.

I recently got back into DAoC though and have been having a very, very good time with it (my crappy comp nonwithstanding :) ).

Quote:I’m also wondering if anyone is planning to play a few upcoming games. A few are: Star Trek: Elite Force II (Definitely worth DLing the demo), Planetside (MMOFPS), Star Wars Galaxies, NWN Expansion, Knights of the Old Republic, 2nd Morrowind Expansion, and a few more.

Everyone I've talked to in the Planetside beta (actually, I believe I read somewhere that they are officially excepting anyone now) absolutely raves about it. It certainly sounds like an incredible game and I'm sure to at least pick it up and try it for a month when it comes out.

Unfortunately, the current forecast on it is that it will last 4-5 months max as an interest: there just aren't any real goals to the PvP and there isn't anything to really do once you hit BR 20... especially since you can change your specs almost at-will. Sounds like a blast though.

As to SWG, the more I read about the latest decisions by the developers, the more this game turns me off.

Morrowind, on the other hand, is really, really beginning to interest me and their latest expansion looks like it could be a real winner.

The Game Bandwagon - Jonathon Spectre - 05-09-2003

I too have recently gotten back into DAoC, sheerly because I must have a morg in my life. I've discovered two things about it:

1.It's not as boring as I remember.
2.If you stay far, far away from sites like the Camelot Vault that are totally 100% full of whining, bitching people complaining about how awful their class/Mythic/etc. is, it makes the game much better.

I'm quite guilty of ripping Camelot for its failings, but I think that's because the damned game is so close to greatness.

What server do you play on, Mith? Tristan/Midgard and Guinevere/Hibernia here. Albion? Ummm... well, I'm not a fan.


The Game Bandwagon - WarLocke - 05-09-2003

I can agree with that. Freelancer and Morrowind aren't coming off my drive for a long while.

The throw in other titles I'm still playing (Might & Magic VI, Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries) and the absolute treasure trove of abandonware games (System Shock II, Incubation), and it's mind-boggling.

Quote:Asheron’s Call 2 is very polished, very accessible, and very fun. You gain more experience points doing quests and dungeons than grinding away the same monsters over and over. Which to me is good; quests can certainly drive you more then fighting the same enemy over and over. The only problem with this game is the skill system (balance) and not being in a fun group.

... So I'm guessing that they totally revamped the game after the beta? Because in the beta the only thing to do was to camp and exp-grind. That and the skill system imbalances really turned me off of AC2.

Elite Force II doesn't really interest me too much (aren't there enough FPSes already?), but Shadows of Undrentide and Knights of the Old Republic certainly do. Bloodmoon would, but I have to play through Morrowind and Tribunal first. B)

- WL

The Game Bandwagon - MonTy - 05-09-2003

DAoC is one MMORPG I have yet to dive into. Not for any specific reason, but more because I was busy playing other games.

Do you think it is worth getting into the game now? It would have to be picked over morrowind though (Playing two RPGs at once is quite dangerous). If you or Jonathon would like to group up, I'd most certainly buy it.

I would be playing the Planetside beta, but Fileplanet goes from waiting 200 minutes to 1800 =/ ( I almost hate fileplanet so much I want to join it). Also what I find quite funny is that they were advertising that they would get pay subscribers a slot in the closed beta. A few days later they announce the free public beta. Good to hear Planetside is doing fairly well though, as I haven't heard much about it.

Also, if you'd like, I'll give you the SWG login information. They have a link where you can DL the beta (Few gigs). I'm done with the game. I've visited every theme park location, done too many quests, and killed too many of the same monsters. I'd be glad to let someone else give it a try (They also just patched up the game bigtime).

The Game Bandwagon - MonTy - 05-09-2003

Hail WarLocke,

I was also in the AC2 beta, and it seems I was turned off as much as you. It was hard, but a friend persuaded me to try it again (Unforunately he reached level 50 and quit when I joined). AC2 has come a long way in creatures/experience/ and questing from beta; but I guess they don't friggin care about the skill system. It's beyond bad right now, so many, many useless and unbalanced/untested skills. The community is definitely speaking out about the skills, but they don't seem to care. Even if they revamp each skill I won't go back now, too disgusted. (BTW, Microsoft seems fairly desperate now; giving a free 15 day trial account. No CC needed either)

Elite Force II didn't seem to interest me either (especially a minor jumping puzzle and lame creatures in start of demo) but after I advanced some; the game really started to pick up. Sure, nothing is totally new, but they execute the game fairly well. Is it absolutely worth buying? I'd say no. Is it worth playing the free demo? I definitely think so. I guess Planetside/Half-Life 2/Doom 3 will serve as the major FPSers.

Knights of the Old Republic also interest me a great deal. Really one of the games I'm looking forward to playing this year (Mainly because it's from Bioware).

The Game Bandwagon - Mithrandir - 05-09-2003

Quote:I too have recently gotten back into DAoC, sheerly because I must have a morg in my life. I've discovered two things about it:

1.It's not as boring as I remember.
2.If you stay far, far away from sites like the Camelot Vault that are totally 100% full of whining, bitching people complaining about how awful their class/Mythic/etc. is, it makes the game much better.

I quit DAoC about 9 months ago in a huff, pissed at a couple problems with the game. I still kept in touch with DAoC though, reading the Herald, reading my server board, etc. I realized a couple weeks ago though that I couldn't even remember the reasons why I quit that many months ago.

I just renewed a week or two ago and have not regretted it. In fact, my only complaint is that my main is in pre-SC, pre-SI gear and a full MP suit of scale + weapon + shield, fully OC'd and with procs pushes 30 plat :P But I can't really blame Mythic for my gear woes :)

Quote:I'm quite guilty of ripping Camelot for its failings, but I think that's because the damned game is so close to greatness.

It truly is the best MMO on the market right now.

Quote:What server do you play on, Mith? Tristan/Midgard and Guinevere/Hibernia here. Albion? Ummm... well, I'm not a fan.

Hib/Palo is the location of my main (a Warden) and I used to have a bunch of alts spread across a bunch of servers, but recently did some "spring cleaning" and only a few survived the mass deletes :P

I do have a baby Cleric on Alb/Guin though and have been thinking of dusting him off and taking a couple jaunts through Abermenai.

Quote:Do you think it is worth getting into the game now? It would have to be picked over morrowind though (Playing two RPGs at once is quite dangerous).

I've never played Morrowind before (though it does look like an incredible game) so I can't really comment insofar as that is concerned, but IMHO DAoC is the best MMO on the market right now.

Quote:If you or Jonathon would like to group up, I'd most certainly buy it.

We can roll chars of Tristan/Mid and Jonathon can PL us! Dibs on the Spiritmaster! :lol: :ph34r:

The Game Bandwagon - Feryar - 05-09-2003

Quote:Quake 3 was more of an addiction then a game to me. I was hoping to go to some Lan tournaments and attempt to win some cash. Unfortunately college and a full time job cut out that dream

I'm not there yet :)
It's just a hobby to me and something I do for fun. Back in UT (the first one) things where a bit
more serious with my clan going to the european 1/16th finals in the ClanBase cup.
Now we're just fooling around in Div3 over at WirePlay trying to get active again.

It's still a fun game.. kinda like Quake meets UT. Or at least a lot of the UT oldtimers complain
that it is too much like Q3A. Personally I think it has improved. It's useless to play it out of
the box though, because the skins are wall-colored :)
Luckily this has been fixed by Epic releasing a brightskin patch and by a mut called TTM, which
works kinda like OSP.

Not sure if I know that fatal1ty guy.. what clan is he in?
If he is strictly 1on1 then I don't know him. I'm mostly into 5on5 CTF and a bit of TDM.
(Normal Weapons of course.. instagib becomes too simple)

The Game Bandwagon - MonTy - 05-09-2003

Hail Feryar,

CTF is indeed very fun- atleast it was in Q3. My clanmates just weren't into it at the time. So I had to mostly play pickups, which aren't the greatest. It probably feels awesome playing 5v5 CTF with a comfortable clan. Last time I've done that is in Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II . How do you play CTF? You normally the one on offense or defense? Just curious =) I love the team strategy in CTF.

The Game Bandwagon - Feryar - 05-09-2003

(are we going OT here now? :))

Yeh, I wouldn't even be playing if it wasn't for the teamplay-factor :)
The clan I'm in is a little more than 3 years old, and I've been a member
for 2 years so we all know each other pretty well by now.

As for tactis:
We usually go with the 1-2-2 or 2-1-2 setup, but we've also been know
to play 1-1-3 on some maps.
I'm usually on the midfield doing PowerUp control and damaging/killing
incoming attackers. (some people would call me an assrunner, but I don't care ;))
Midfielders are also responsible for reporting incoming boogeys on TeamSpeak,
Flaghunting when our flag is gone and FlagCarrier Support when we have their flag.

The midfield is the place to be on most maps, because that is where you
are likely to see the most action IMO.

The world of CTF opens up for a great deal of tactics. Coordinating defence,
synchronizing attacks, backing up team-mates etc. etc.
It's the best form of online gaming I've been around.

edit: having problems with the know/now thing

The Game Bandwagon - Feryar - 05-11-2003

While on the topic of new games, I'd advice everyone who liked Max Payne to run
to the stores May 15th and get Enter the Matrix.

A friend of mine has tried it, and it is really a great game. I'm going to buy
it for sure.

There are cutscenes in DivX, and some of them are taken directly from the Matrix Reloaded
movie. There are also some unique footage that is not in the film. The stories overlap and
according to the gamesite you need to play the game if you want the whole Matrix storyline.

Just a tip ;)

The Game Bandwagon - Guest - 05-11-2003

I played DAOC alot up till the last patch - then canceled my account. I pretty much cant stand playing anything that isnt multiplayer and doesnt involve some lvl of competition.

I tried ShadowBane - its a big mess.

Im looking seriously at Planet Side.

SWG maybe - I think the devs still have to decide just what kind of game they are making.

WoW - I definetly try this when it eventually comes out.

Lately I have just been playing old games, Diablo2 and HW Cataclysm.

The Game Bandwagon - Guest - 05-11-2003

If you are trying to remeber the problems with DAOC.

-buff bots - people willing to pay twice as much a month get to be awsome(solo pvp)

-pvp group combat happens too fast to use any tactics

-very litttle character develpment/building

But in many ways its far better than any other MMORP.

The Game Bandwagon - TaiDaishar - 05-11-2003

Heh, AC2 is now being distributed for free on Fileplanet, you don't even need a credit card to confirm (or at least that's what they say).

AC2 skill imbalances was the major thing that disgusted me in that game, if only they would balance the skills this game could come out to be one of the best (I don't know about DAoC since I didn't play it)

The Game Bandwagon - WarLocke - 05-11-2003

Quote: Heh, AC2 is now being distributed for free on Fileplanet, you don't even need a credit card to confirm (or at least that's what they say).

What? They're letting people download/play AC2 for free?!?

Heh, if that's true it might suck me back in, skill imbalances regardless. Somehow I doubt it, though.

- WL

The Game Bandwagon - MonTy - 05-11-2003


but this time it actually is "free". You just need a passport account (don't need a CC registered either). I told four friends to download it and each time there was no wait on . It's definitely worth playing free for 15 days.

I was definitely hooked, and got my character up to level 21 without grouping. So my trial ran out, and went out and bought it. Few levels later I'm bored =/

The Game Bandwagon - MonTy - 05-11-2003

Hail all,

I don't want this to seem like pure advertising, but I figured I'd let lurkers know first of my ebay auction. I wasn't too happy with DAoC. I'm a relatively poor college student; so I'm going to sell off my unused games.

Is the link to my auction. It has ten games including DAoC+Shrouded Isles+AC2+Shadowbane+BG1&2. It will go up at sunday 9 pm eastern ( I won't be around then, and I've found that's the best time to have auctions end).

The Game Bandwagon - WarLocke - 05-11-2003

Oh. 15 days?

Not free then. Just an "I'll hook you up with a freebie" opening... Blah. <_<

- WL