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Once the patch comes out.... - Printable Version

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Once the patch comes out.... - Premezilla - 05-15-2003

Word up to the masses,

I'm sorry people, but be forewarned: a rant is approaching...

I'm getting kinda fed up with the state of and all of it's players. (Although not ALL of them....just the few that I can stand) Anyway, I was getting sick and tired of playing with people who use those hex's, 100 pdsc, etc. That just made the game NOT fun. But I had to draw the line when I got my account hacked. Losing alll the items you've spent countless months on isn't a very good feeling. This feeling might pass, but in the meantime, I'm gonna wait out the anticipation wave and wait till the patch comes out. So, my question is, would anybody be interested in playing with me? I've been hearing about a new "Ladder" type character that would be availble for play. So...who's in?

Once the patch comes out.... - SwiftSlayer2 - 05-22-2003

Count me in. Account: Swiftslayer2@USEast. Planning on starting a Ladder Character Pally when the time comes. Swftslayer2

Once the patch comes out.... - NERDmanWhippy - 05-22-2003

Count me in also.....Im Thinkin my 1st char will be a necro or a Pally....IM doin nothin but ladder ...Forget all the 1.09 items...they will have no real use for ladder play :)........... My accts are *NERDmanWhippy and *NERDmule


Once the patch comes out.... - Mikedok - 05-22-2003

I won't be playing until the patch comes out. When it does I'll probably make a new account (mikedok5) to play on USWest hardcore ladder. Feel free to message me then.

Good Luck.

Once the patch comes out.... - TwIsTeDiRoN - 05-22-2003

I'm also not playing till the patch somes out. When it does im making a new accoutn (I dont know wut it will be yet) ill be looking out for u guys.

Once the patch comes out.... - Sheep - 05-22-2003

USEast, softcore *LurkerSheep. Nothing but ladder!

Once the patch comes out.... - ghost70 - 05-22-2003

USeast/USeast hardcore *ghost-70, also playing exclusively ladder.

Once the ladder comes out hopefully people will start joining channel lurkerlounge in Useast, the channel is always empty as it is.

Once the patch comes out.... - Mr. Crazy Swords - 05-23-2003

Count me in, I'll be playing a barb first though I might not play exclusively ladder charecters. I'm on USEast and my account is MrCrazySwords.

Once the patch comes out.... - Premezilla - 05-24-2003

Word up fefo,

Okay guys, I think we need to have some sort of structure to this whole bandwagon...I'm good for playing on saturdys in the evning, but can't during the weke due to school (bleh)...and we have to decide whether to go East or West...I personally play on west, but if the majority goes for east, I'm good...also, we should make a checklist or something of characters, so that we an determine if there's going to be too many of one character class (although I'm all for a team of necro/pally/sorc/zon/barb/assasin/druid) I p like playing as a barb, but I'm willing to try out another char (perferably the COOL!) so any way, just shout out the stats such as when you an play, what realm, what character...and finish this list!

1. Barb-Premezilla
3. Necro-
4. Assasin-
5. Sorceress-
6. Zon-
7. Druid-

Once the patch comes out.... - Ultimate_Power - 05-24-2003

Hail Premazilla,

I would love to join this so called "band wagon" of a party. Thing is, i am like in the exact position as you; i have school (but will be out by June 6), can change to either realm, and can mainly play on saturdays. If possible, I would like to be either the sorc of the group or the zon, preferably the sorc (just addicted to them :D ) But, i wouldnt really mind not being the sorc. My account is gfreak on west, and if possible, the same on east as well.

So far...

1. Barb-Premazilla
2. Pally-
3. Necro-
4. Assassin-
5. Sorceress-Ultimate_Power
6. Amazon-
7. Druid-

Once the patch comes out.... - Obi2Kenobi - 05-24-2003

Necro-Me (*Ali_Llama) (Made just for the patch...)

Forgot to say, USwest... :)

Once the patch comes out.... - TwIsTeDiRoN - 05-24-2003

Ill take the Assasin.


My Ladder account will be *DemonicTwIsT. It's on USEast but when the moment come i can make a new one on USWest if need be.

Edit: Corrected some typos and my name O_o. sry its hard to type in the dark.

Once the patch comes out.... - SwiftSlayer2 - 05-26-2003

Hey all, I guess I will be starting the pally after all... offensive hopefully, with a little defense if need be. Hopefully with a party such as this we will not need TOO many defensive aspects. Haven't thought of a name though... if anyone cares to help, I would consider your input. (I'm not a good name-picker) :P

Hmmm... my parents currently have taken Diablo II priviledges from the family computer as I have 5 <_< younger siblings... that like to constantly fight over the game. Pretty much I can be on my mom's laptop after 10:00, until June 6. (My last day of high school. Ever.) After that I will be on more often. Are we planning on playing only when we are all present? That works for me, or otherwise, I'm not picky.

Can I ask a favor, can we all add our account names next to our player so that it will be easier to see who is what account when we start? Thanks. Swiftslayer2

Pally- Swiftslayer2 (Swiftslayer4 will be the account that I start this character on)

Once the patch comes out.... - Animation - 05-27-2003


Speaking of Ladders and Accounts and Characters, how does all that work?

What I mean is, isn't a ladder character just one created after the ladder season starts? In other words, aren't all characters ladder characters? Or will ladder characters in 1.10 have to be in a new account? Or can an account have a mix of ladder and normal characters?

Whats the word on that?


Once the patch comes out.... - SwiftSlayer2 - 05-27-2003


Ladder characters are simply a new type of play for those that get bored of all of the "Uber" characters out there that are practically invincible. Ladder characters will play on their own "Realm" and will not have the luxary (sp) of mules upon mules of items to twink their characters. It will be just like the good 'ole days when the game was first released. No one will have the power to rush, PK easily, etc. You will actually have to PLAY the game.

Swiftslayer2 (If I am wrong about any of this, correct me, please.)

Once the patch comes out.... - Animation - 05-28-2003


Can I have some ladder characters and some non-ladder characters on the same account? Obviously I can't have them interact in games but can they be in the same account?


Once the patch comes out.... - Sheep - 05-30-2003


Pally- Swiftslayer2 (Swiftslayer4 will be the account that I start this character on)





Druid- Sheep (*LurkerSheep) USEast, evenings

@ Animation: Yes, you can have a mix of the two types in one account. Consider it like a version of Hardcore, in that it is seperate, but with the rules of Softcore.

Once the patch comes out.... - SwiftSlayer2 - 05-31-2003

Hey all,

Quote:@ Animation: Yes, you can have a mix of the two types in one account. Consider it like a version of Hardcore, in that it is seperate, but with the rules of Softcore.

Are you stating that Ladder will be softcore play only? I don't think that it will be as fun as hardcore. I find it more challenging, especially with out being able to twink our characters...


Once the patch comes out.... - Sheep - 05-31-2003

Sorry for the confusion, you CAN play Hardcore on the ladder. Ladder is just a seperate realm.

Once the patch comes out.... - Ultimate_Power - 06-01-2003

So wait....which spots have not been filled? Where will we play, West or East? Oh, and the times would be good if we are ready.