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Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Fragbait - 05-20-2003

Hail fellow lurkers,

Searched the old forum (not the very old :P ), and found nothing about my experience, so here we go:

When I was going down to the frozen river to free Anya with my Frost Nova Izual Sorc (lvl 29 by now), I met these witches that cast this peculiar mana=life curse and I drain life from casting spells instead of mana. Nothing unusual til now.
But as I went on, I happened to meet a four-pack of witches again, but manage to kill them with frostnova before they can cast anything, while they are approaching to me.
At least that's what I thought, given the fact that there wasn't any curse displayed over my head. So I innocently walk on when meeting a pack of these frozen gargantuas (don't recall the exact name). What I do is, starting to cast Frostnova like hell, and expecting my 404 mana orb to go down. Unexpectedly, my 220 life orb is going down VERY quickly - I manage to stay alive, though, by going to town at once and healing at Mala's, but I really was on the verge of death. Obviously the curse was activated but not shown...

Has anyone else experienced similar events? Have I failed to find this issue in my search and it is already solved?

Very dangerous thing for a Sorc. Very dangerous.

Greetings, Fragbait

EDIT: fixed some grammar.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Occhidiangela - 05-20-2003

That curse can be overcome by ensuring that your Life is always greater than your mana.

That way, a different curse is applied to you.

If mana > life, you get the blood mana curse. And in Hardcore, screwing that up once is fatal. :)

Of course, in Hardcore, I pump life like crazy due to one hit kill problems, but YMMV.

Not a bug. That is an explicit curse designed to take you down. You life/mana relationship will influence this curse, as I recall, not just your total.

Solution? Keep red ball always full.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - gekko - 05-20-2003

I think what he was refering to wasn't the curse, but the fact that the curse animation wasn't displayed, even though he obviously was cursed.

I've experienced this myself. It's annoying for a necromancer; as you say, quite possibly deadly for an unwary sorceress. It's just some kind of animation bug, however, and I haven't seen it enough to pin down what circumstances causes it to not be displayed.


Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Occhidiangela - 05-20-2003

That can cause any number of weird visual tricks.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Taem - 05-21-2003

Yes, quite often actually!

When I get spell-cursed by baal or the witches, it takes about 1-4 seconds to show up, much like a paladins auras, however, I'm still spell-cursed for 1-4 seconds before the curse effect sign show up above my head and I'm taking a LOT of damage to myself from my own spells. I've learned to play more cautiously in act 5 because of this.

Also, this is NOT suppose to happen I've heard, but if you have the effects of a shrine - ANY SHRINE - you cannot be spell-cursed. You can be any other cursed, but NOT spell-cursed. If you don't believe me, try it... Get a shrine that gives you a symbol over youre head, like the Stamina one, and walk up to the witches in normal or nightmare where they cast spell-curse the most (in hell, its mostly amp) and you will see them casting, but you won't get cursed. I use this tactic to clear out Frozen River and free anya without any problems.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Fragbait - 05-21-2003

Sorry for expressing myself unclearly:

I know what the Blood Mana curse is and that you better had more life than mana when facing these witches. Unfortunately my lvl 32 sorc has 245 Life and 415 Mana, so... <_<

I was actually reffering to the bug that the curse doesn't display. It repeatedly happened to me now, and it gets no better after 1, 2, 5 or 10 seconds, until the point when it's wearing out...

I'm playing single player, and I have never heared of sth like 'desync'. What is that? Is this indeed the reason for my problem?
I'm a fast cast frost nova sorc, spell lvl 23 burnung 31 mana each cast. Imagine myself with 100 life left, not seeing that I'm cursed and starting the battle... Doh. I have to be quick and my reaction time must be short... :(

Any solutions, or do I have to just search a shrine everytime I will encounter witches? What is the difference between 'normal curses' and 'spell curses' ?? I have no clue.

Feel free to enlighten me...

Greetings, Fragbait

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Taem - 05-21-2003

My bad on the name. I always call the Blood Mana curse Spell Curse.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Jugalator - 05-26-2003

I think this happened to me yesterday, and I also happened to be in the Frozen River. lol

The problem in my case was that I had cast Frozen Armor and a Succubi cast a curse on me, and immediately after the Frozen Armor ended. The result was that neither the curse, nor any frost armor animation showed.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Kartoffelsalat - 05-30-2003

I haven't noticed that the curse will not affect you when you have a shrine above your head but I have noticed this: If i'm in the frozen river or somewhere else where the succubi are, and I activate a shrine with a logo above my head, I will get cursed, and when the curse wears off, my shrine logo is gone. I don't know if the shrine's affects have been removed or if its purely in display. I don't know if it happens with curses other than blood mana, but so far as i've noticed blood mana's the only one.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - WarBlade - 05-30-2003

OT: :lol: "Potato Salad". I love it! :lol:

Nice to see another one from that part of the world show up here. ;)

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Obi2Kenobi - 05-30-2003

That is because curses override shrines, and vice-versa.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Kartoffelsalat - 05-31-2003

Quote:That is because curses override shrines, and vice-versa.

Thanks, I never noticed that. I figured it was something unique to blood mana.

Quote:Nice to see another one from that part of the world show up here.&nbsp; ;)

Actually, I'm from Ohio, I just speak a little bit of German (and love their potato salad) :P

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - WarBlade - 05-31-2003

Kartoffelsalat,Jun 1 2003, 02:48 AM Wrote:Actually, I'm from Ohio, I just speak a little bit of German (and love their potato salad)&nbsp; :P
Ah I see. It is tasty though isn't it. :lol:

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - D-Dave - 05-31-2003

And I thought us "krauts" are only known for Suerkraut, Beer, cars and the Autobahn...... :D

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Kartoffelsalat - 06-01-2003

hmm... I wonder if Fraigbait cares that we hijacked his post and turned it into a discussion on potato salad. :P

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - WarBlade - 06-01-2003

Quote:And I thought us "krauts" are only known for Suerkraut, Beer, cars and the Autobahn......

No, Germans are also well known for heading across the Danish border for porn while the Danes head back the other way for groceries and petrol. Plus there was that messy little incident in the 40's, but we won't dwell on that. There are also quite a few German tourist cliches, the incomrehensible sense of humour thing and a tendancy to turn out bloody good metal acts.

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Fragbait - 06-02-2003


ist des gar nicht so schlimm für mich, dass ihr mir meinen Thread geraubt habts.
Ich glaub dass sowieso keiner Abhilfe wegen dieses Bugs weiß.

So I'm not the only Beer-Drinking Sauerkraut-Eating Kartoffelsalat-Lover in here... :D

Seriously, it seems as I just have to be careful when it comes to the Blood Mana curse with my sorceress.

I have just encountered another major Bug.
Will post a new thread.

Greetings, Fragbait

Curse Animation Bug Nr. X - Taem - 06-03-2003

Sorry but your wrong about shrines over-writing curses in regards to Mana Blood Curse. If you get ANY shrine and go into the Frozen River in normal or nightmare, the ONLY curse they succubi will cast is Mana Blood Curse, but if you have on a shrine already, you WILL NOT be affected. The curse will NOT overwrite the shrine, as it should, like it does in CS. Your basically invincible to Mana Blood Curse so long as you have a shrine over your head!